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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. I'm the biggest attention seeker here? Please. Maybe it was a bit harsh, but the average fan accepts the status quo and then has the audacity to complain? Nah. Fucking idiots supporting their team eh? What would you rather they did?
  2. I'm fed up with being served up this shit like but what do I do, it's not like I can support another team. Guess it's time to consider dropping Football altogether until the rot has gone from the club.
  3. The manager is the leader, his fear and cowardice has filtered down and throughout his team, his tactics are dreadful and shows him for what he is. A w*****. Spot on, but it also comes from the very very top.
  4. You will get Haidara for HBA and Dummett for Anita most likely.
  5. Only watching because if I switch it off the wife will have me putting up a shelf of some shit.
  6. On a positive note we can't be as shit in the second half surely?
  7. As is their leader. A man you've defended quite vehemently. Stop trying to deflect blame. They're all f***ing culpable. Comes from the top, Pardew doesn't instill confidence he wrecks it with his negativity.
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