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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Half the comments are akin to someone rolling their face across their keyboard then clicking submit.
  2. Numbers

    João Pedro

    Just asked my mate from Watfords opinion "one of those players who when someone finally gets him to know when to pass, when to shoot and when to dribble will be amazing very young, easily holds up the ball, isn't afraid to take people on"
  3. He did then go on to apologise about the poor comms around it.
  4. Was told on twatter when I asked them : It will be sorted soon, members will have their vote. This will happen in the next couple of weeks, They've been talking to charities to put plans in place (this seems a bit weird, which charitys are they talking to if members havent yet cast their votes?) This came from Thomas_C22 (sorry no idea who he is)
  5. Probably wishing he was back
  6. Bastards have knocked us off our 3rd place perch.
  7. Is it just me or has there been a noticeable lack of pressing?
  8. Our decision making in the final 3rd has been dogshit.
  9. WTF is Maxi doing with that cut back cross, thats 3 times hes passed to their defenders.
  10. Numbers


    Unsurprising but these look fucking trash.
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