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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. This clickbait whopper calling out people for clickbaiting
  2. Numbers


    Haven't watched any of the game but this is potentially one of the worst takes I've read for a bit.
  3. Worst part for me is that his bullshit is being amplified because some of our owners are following him.
  4. Numbers


    He's suffering in silence
  5. Numbers


    Imagine being that invested in the ownership of a rival club man, bet hes sitting in a pool of piss and shit in a basement somewhere. With any luck he gets Trench Arse.
  6. 100% agree, I'm not saying he's gonna be bad but all the youtube clips arent exactly
  7. I know hes young and stuff but I'm a bit underwhelmed by his youtube clips, especially with how easy it is to make even a shite player look good on youtube. Obviously top teams scouting depts know alot more than me but just giving my opinion
  8. So how did they get into Debt in the first place, surely it was from player purchases?
  9. So how does that written off debt affect FFP?
  10. Fucking dipsticks, thats terrible.
  11. No way I'm reading his fucking drivel like, fucking tosser.
  12. Pleased they're gone, horrific style of football.
  13. Numbers


    Fucking hell reading through that thread, are they all 13-16 year olds?
  14. He looks like hes loving life here.
  15. Numbers


  16. Was a joke, he fucking brilliant, eveything he does is brilliant
  17. Whats this shit he does when he rolls the ball forward with his studs, needs to stop that posing shit.
  18. You gonna throw your clothes on the floor like?
  19. Was that the bloke in Dances with Wolves?
  20. Lets have an analysis of what went wrong for Arsenal before we finish the show, who were they playing again?
  21. That was disgusting by the way, Howe has us playing out of our skins, can't wait to see what he can do with a team of players of the calibre of Bruno.
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