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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Can't argue with any of that. No idea why Howe started Krafth over Manq.
  2. Was prepared to give him a chance but hes been bad in the air, can't pass, cant hold the ball up, can't honestly think of anything good about him. Aimless.
  3. Not impressed with his attitude lately, looks disinterested.
  4. Understand that but fuck me he can't even hold the ball up, make a simple pass, hes terrible.
  5. As good as Howe has been, that was tragic, some terrible decisions. Wood is fucking horrendous, was prepared to give him a chance but fuck me George Reilly could do a better job and hes probably 104 now.
  6. Sorry have to say it, playing with 10 men with Wood like, was prepared to give him a chance but other than making a little bit of space for others hes fucking trash.
  7. Someone get a screenshot there of his face when he was carried off? It was comical.
  8. Fucking hell, I can't... In tears, so bad.
  9. What the fuck did he even achieve No one has a clue whats hes even protesting about, comical.
  10. Blokes first time out of his mams basement.
  11. the fucks wrong with people, is this a new trend?
  12. I'll take a few steak bakes, good lad.
  13. They've just actually proven College Dropout is Radge.
  14. Fucking hell....am I watching a different game or are you just radge?
  15. I get the fact Wood's presence frees up room for others but hes fucking terrible like, imagine how much better we would be by replacing him with someone who has the same presence but can actually play football and score goals.
  16. Bruno is a different class like, some of his plays are proper top drawer. Worry is alot of our players arent even remotely on the same wavelength
  17. The fuck is wrong with this kid at the minute, didnt even go over to applaud the fans at full time.
  18. These cunts need to come out and Jusify this bullshit.
  19. Wait, VAR didnt even look at the Murphy penalty?
  20. Oh there are Chelsea fans in the ground. Cunts. Robbed by officials again.
  21. Fair enough if the Ref missed it but VAR, fuck me
  22. Not his fault, you can't change the way a team plays overnight, judge him after 10 games after hes gone back to basics, rolled their sleeves up and managed unreasonable expectations. Pretty sure his mates in the media will back him up on the above.
  23. Numbers

    Dan Burn

    Blokes already a legend, prepare the statue.
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