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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. The difference with playing with an actual mobile striker was night and day.
  2. Sky, Arsenal blah blah, fucking blah blah. They will be sucking our hoops in a couple of years, bandwagon wankers.
  3. Newcastle smash Arsenal, pundits talk exclusively about Arsenal, fuck Sky.
  4. Played them off the park to be honest.
  5. Bruno is so fucking good man, hes on another level, the game looks so simple for him.
  6. Bore off, spending money doesn't equal success.
  7. They haven't donated the money to Charity yet? I hope the total includes any interest accrued. What's taking so long? Maybe worth asking the 'Guardians' or the Ultimate NUFC god Alex?
  8. Shouldn't be anywhere near managing any football team, I'd be offended if he was coaching the local under 9's. Needs to hang up his oversized trackies and go off to pasture.
  9. ASM deserves all the abuse he is getting at the moment, needs to get out of his huff, stop rolling around and whining when he gets tacked and play for the team, which includes an element of working in defense.
  10. Wondering where the extra time comes from tbh.
  11. Wood wouldn't have even got onto the return pass tbh.
  12. Comes to something when the Manager has to stoke the fans up to make a noise, will we turn out like this if we start winning stuff?
  13. Please stop calling him Joe Ellington, sounds like a fucking corronation street character.
  14. Watch him for the goal and see why people are having a go.
  15. ASM showing his defensive prowess there.
  16. Wowzers just caught up with the scores, what a way to go up. You could never have dreamed you'd win 7-0...Glorious.
  17. Numbers


    That Prichard has the head of a 6 foot 7 man and the body of a small child.
  18. Numbers


    They're pretty shite like, first time I've watched them this season, besides from a fuck up from Sheff Wed they've offered nowt.
  19. He's been in a huff since Bruno came and stole his limelight.
  20. This fat pig leading by example yet again I see.
  21. Hes a fucking ring piece, not hostile my arse. Him and his mates trying to fight with people for a bit of trex banter.
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