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Everything posted by jong24

  1. You know, I bet Keegan, Wise and co. had never thought of that. Of course they would have wanted their signings in early, but transfers are sorted just because NUFC want them to be sorted. There are other clubs, agents, and players involved. The only way you get good players early in the window is if you make an offer that is too good to refuse. All the more reason to be concerned then! .....Thanks for that. Blue Pints all round please
  2. Err.... concerned. Just incase all those cautious guys hadn't noticed, the start of the season is less than one month away, we have already started pre-season training, we have our first pre-season game this weekend ffs. Willing and hoping to be proved wrong but concerned, if everything was going according to plan surely, surely it would be a good idea to have most new players in before pre-season training started, picking up a couple more before the window closes. As we all know, it'll take a few weeks to bed new players in, isn't that what the pre-season is for? Anyway, nowt wrong with a bit of concern!
  3. I've never seen the lad play but in the Academy and Resevre game reports I read he always seems to make an impact. Has any one seen him play?, do you rate him? and has he got a chance to make it?
  4. "We're gonna score one more than you"
  5. You have to admit, the guy has something special. Had a few doubts about the decision but after watching that......... fantastic.
  6. Pretty sure Shearer won’t be shit as a manager. A lot of football management is man management (not all of it, but a fair bit). I reckon Shearer will be able to motivate players, in a similar way to Keegan did. Also players have respect for the guy. Put that in the mix with he’s one of us, he bleeds black and white, and I think he’ll be okay. I’m not saying he’ll win anything, just expect him to be a decent manager when he eventually turns his hand to it. In my eyes Shearer is a bit like Roy Keane, similar type of character, passionate, you’d really want to play for the guy.
  7. On the plus side, it's good news because imho Harry was never the right man for the job but if we have offered the job to him and a "won-nowt", sixty year old, average manager like Redknapp has rejected us....... well, how good do we look? I can't believe they (Ash and Mort) would have sacked Sam without having a new guy lined up but........ it looks that way now. Annoyed and embarrassed! Well done guys! (bunch of tossers)
  8. No Time will prove me correct.... Or even ......... tick, tick, tick.
  9. Tick, tick, tick. No Time will prove me correct....
  10. jong24


    Seriously fucking doubt it!
  11. The Guy is 60 years old. What the fuck has he won in those 60 years? ....... fuck all, bit like us, hey, maybe it is a good fit!
  12. If........if Harry's the man, it's another mistake, in a long, long list of mistakes! :-[
  13. Blonde moment guys........... removed the quote :-[
  14. FFS it's nothing new is it? It's been that way for as long as I remember. Honestly, it's probably better now than it was in the past. Also we seem to manage to sign the odd "Top Player" and in my book if a bloke doesn't want to play for you cause his wife says "NO!", you're probably better off without him anyway. Saying all that......... I wouldn't move to Sunderland, it's a dump!
  15. Don't know what games you've been watching mate but Carr has looked good in pre-season. Maybe Big Sam has "sorted" him out. He's not too s*** to start! He's too s*** to start the season as our no1 RB. Wanna bet? Yes. Just leave me you bank account number and sort code in a PM and i'll transfer the funds direct to you. What straight away? You mean like now? Are you not going to wait until he starts as RB on Saturday and proves you to be wrong? ...... okay! Nope, you are totally right, i was wrong! Just send me your account details in a PM and i'll get right on to sending you your monies! You know what? I'm going to let you off with the monies! Just seeing you say that I was right and you were wrong is payment enough!
  16. Don't know what games you've been watching mate but Carr has looked good in pre-season. Maybe Big Sam has "sorted" him out. He's not too s*** to start! He's too s*** to start the season as our no1 RB. Wanna bet? Yes. Just leave me you bank account number and sort code in a PM and i'll transfer the funds direct to you. What straight away? You mean like now? Are you not going to wait until he starts as RB on Saturday and proves you to be wrong? ...... okay!
  17. Don't know what games you've been watching mate but Carr has looked good in pre-season. Maybe Big Sam has "sorted" him out. He's not too s*** to start! He's too s*** to start the season as our no1 RB. Wanna bet?
  18. More and more impressed with the guy…….. and I’m talking about Sam not Zog! So far, I’d give him 9 out of 10. I reckon we could be in for a canny year lads!
  19. Don't know what games you've been watching mate but Carr has looked good in pre-season. Maybe Big Sam has "sorted" him out. He's not too shit to start!
  20. We're signing Luke Chadwick? Nah....... Jim Brennan, how Dot can face that in the morning I'll never know. Mind she's also fell out of the ugly tree too I suppose!
  21. we already have "target men" in ameobi and viduka, so we don't need another, especially with Carroll waiting in the wings. we do need an extra body to cover for the wide forward positions in a 4-3-3, but i think smith would be crap in that position. bolton under sam used stelios, anelka and diouf in these positions and all three are fast, skilful and agile. smith is none of these things. as for smith playing in midfield, he's worse than all the current first-team options we have there - emre, barton, butt, geremi. so the only thing he adds is another number to the squad and if we wanted to do that we could've spent a pittance and still probably got a better player in, someone who naturally plays there. we could do with another specialist DM to support Butt, but smith's not a specialist DM as he can't read the game and distribute well enough. despite this he is feted for his guts, aggression and bizzarely his god-awful tackling. he's not an attacking midfielder cos he has no vision, no pace, little skill and doesn't even offer end product when played there. sounds like a poor man's scott parker and scott parker is crap. as for what we have lost with Dyer's departure, it's his ability to inject pace into the the number of attacking positions he can play in and signing smith does not replace this. we're worse off without this and west ham with bellamy and dyer in their side will be a better team for it. I agree but he wanted to fuck off! and as he only played a handfull of games every season........... bye, bye. Sam knows, he wants players who actually want to play for this club and if Smithy comes here, he must want to play for us. Glad to see the back of the blingmiester.
  22. FFS guys! We are selling a total tosser and replacing him with a fucking current England international and making a cool Mill! (aledgedly) GET A FUCKING GRIP
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