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Everything posted by jong24

  1. Never heard of the phrase 'jack of all trades, master of none'. Smith is no where near as versatile as Dyer (who can play DM, LM, RM, AM, RWB also CF and RB at a push. Gives 110% < ability. Being honest answer these questions: 1) Is Smith better than playing one of Milner, Solano or Zoggy in AM (IF Emre, Barton and Geremi are all injured) And is he worth spending £6m to cover this position! 2) Would you rather see Smith play ahead of Carroll (IF Owen, Martins, Viduka and Ameobi are all injured)? I could understand the argument he's a good squad player if he was on a free or under £1m, but you don't spend £6m on a player to sit on the bench when you appear to be skint and absolutely desperate for practically a whole new defence in an overpriced market! We can do a LOT better for the sort of money being mentioned is the main point. Answers (not on a postcard) 1a Dyer could never fucking play anywhere cause he was constantly fucked! 1 He might not be better but (and heres the key fact) he's different. He's not Zoggy, Emre or Barton. 2 Err...... yes at the minute I would. Two years time maybe not. Give the lad a chance and have a bit more faith in Sam ffs.
  2. Steady mate. Keep on talking sense like that and you'll find yourself totally out of place on here.
  3. Anybody up for getting a group of us together to go pelt Anal's hoose with eggs!
  4. Join the sodding club! Don't worry about it though, just keep posting shite like me, we'll soon get there! (tick another one off)
  5. Even if he's fit, (which I doubt) he'll not play at Bolton imho.
  6. Prediction....... Owen won't play at Bolton.
  7. Surely "Ashers" (to his mates) knew all about the debt before he bought the place. Bit of a knob-end thing to do if he didn't.
  8. Well football is all about opinions and I'd have Smithy here. He may not be a world beater but look at where we are at the minute and the lad will always give you 100%. (until he breaks his leg...... 'ouch' .... did you see that, bet you that was sore next morning)
  9. Valid point. However I think you'll find that the loyal members of “The Order of The Anal” are decreasing quite rapidly. Not many of the crowd I drink with give him any credence at all. I love it when he get's interviewed live on the radio or TV, he normally shows himself up to be the completely ignorant twat that he is.
  10. I honesty don’t know why, 1 you read the guy & 2 you let the bloke get to you. He’s an arse and should be ignored, like all male arses should!
  11. It's June ffs. It's August Now ffs! (been waiting two months to say that!) and we still haven't signed a left back. Actually my point was (although not very well made) we'd already had 4 (this is the 5th) Transfer Windows to sort this issue out! If we go into the season with a right footed, nineteen year old centrehalf as our left back, I for one will probably shout "I don't believe it" in the style of Victor Meldew. (Saying all that...... I don't think we will, I trust Sam to do something!) It was June when I made that post though in fairness. I reckon a left-back will arrive before the window closes though. You can quote this if it doesn't happen Count on it.
  12. The back four could be interesting tonight.......... Carr Ram Eddy Hunty and some kids on the bench! This is getting a little embarrassing. :-[
  13. It's June ffs. It's August Now ffs! (been waiting two months to say that!) and we still haven't signed a left back. Actually my point was (although not very well made) we'd already had 4 (this is the 5th) Transfer Windows to sort this issue out! If we go into the season with a right footed, nineteen year old centrehalf as our left back, I for one will probably shout "I don't believe it" in the style of Victor Meldew. (Saying all that...... I don't think we will, I trust Sam to do something!)
  14. Err........ yes, 13-12, Zogg gives away a controversial last minute pen, trying to get back after spending the last four minutes pitching his tent in Sheffield's box!
  15. jong24

    Idiots booing Dyer

    Tommy Cassidy was a canny player, he could see a pass and probably earned less in his career with us than Dyer earns in a month! Don't diss the past, different world, different rules.
  16. I'll have two pints of what you're on Lloydie!.................... (but then again, deep down inside I find myself agreeing with you...... however not the defence, we need at least two defenders and one of them better have a left foot that he uses for more than just standing on.)
  17. Excellent, you'll be able to start again when you get banned for spamming, I like your style, you'll have the pleasure of getting to 100 posts for a second time. Sod Smith! Let's sign "Melissa Theuriau"! My avatar has been changed in honour.......... very nice!
  18. jong24

    "Fatty" Carr

    Carr, he does look a lot fitter but he has always took too much stick on here anyway, twice the fullback Baba is IMHO.
  19. jong24


    FFS! I for one am fed up of having a right footed Centrehalf as Left-Back, ............. so none, let's get it sorted!
  20. Tbh, watched him a couple of times last year, he has got something. I noticed him early on in the season and expected him to come through and shine but it just didn't seem to happen for him. He does have one or two tricks tho. Good luck to the lad.
  21. Thanks for that, I'm off searching for it now! What about that classic bit of Cricket Commentary, when Botham knocks the bails off with his "knob end" and Jonathon Agnew and Brian Johnson just crack up. I defy anyone to listen to that piece and not at least smile! "just couldn't quite get his leg over".
  22. At the risk of sounding a bit like Alan Davies on QI, when he says something bleed'n obvious which he's then pilloried for.......... It has to be Barry Davies (much better than Motson imho) and his comments on a Francis Lee special........ "Lee. Interesting... VERY interesting! Look at his face, Just Look at his face!" Live with me forever that.
  23. jong24

    Sunday Gossip

    Sunderland are hoping to sign former Newcastle defender Andy O'Brien. (News of the World) Ooooh, I do hope so. mackems.gif
  24. Need a left back more than a right back tbh. What is it with this club and their inability to sign a decent f****** left back! It's starting to piss me off now!
  25. Brilliant news! Haven't felt this optimistic in bloody years. "COME ON!"
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