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Everything posted by Joe_F

  1. Jimenez makes taking pens look as easy as fuck.
  2. Aye Downie said yesterday they'll be covering the petition in the next 48 hours but he's currently on a few days leave. Like noone else can report it He's back from a couple days off and said they'd be covering it today. Nothing as yet though ? They're doing something tomorrow morning, on the quayside apparently, interviewing supporters.
  3. Aye Downie said yesterday they'll be covering the petition in the next 48 hours but he's currently on a few days leave. Like noone else can report it
  4. Damn right. Decent enough article which actually bothers to mention the petition.
  5. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse Kelvin fucking MacKenzie shows up.
  6. Aye fucking unfathomable who some people turn their venom on.
  7. Good letter Chi with pertinent questions. Await Masters stock reply in two weeks time.
  8. Eh, I thought the whole problem was the PL didn't want state involvement which this seems to contradict. That would make sense, that way they could ask them to do something about the piracy issues in KSA. Oh right, aye.
  9. Eh, I thought the whole problem was the PL didn't want state involvement which this seems to contradict.
  10. I'm down in London for the foreseeable so aye, same.
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