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Everything posted by Joe_F

  1. Joe_F

    Transfer rumours

    Aye huge blow but we'll get over it.
  2. No one knows least of all our charlatan of a manager.
  3. No surprise like but he's been left out of Bournemouth's squad for their game against West Ham.
  4. Joe_F

    Transfer rumours

    "Major breakthrough" .. we're getting a CB on loan from Arsenal lol
  5. Joe_F

    Ryan Fraser

    Wouldn't have minded this if he hadn't shit on Bournemouh so badly last season. As it is a cunt of s bloke for a cunt of a club.
  6. Joe_F

    Transfer rumours

    Brighton cast-offs. Excellent.
  7. Joe_F

    Transfer rumours

    What a load of bollocks
  8. Aye, Sheff Wed fans really liked him. Seems a decent enough lad. Would be good if he can push on this year.
  9. He refused didn’t he? Bruce blocked it was the report I saw.
  10. Should have been West Brom's problem . Absolute morons for not biting their hands off.
  11. "Do you know who I am" Yeah Harry they know lol
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