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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. Apparently they'll continue with the rugby on am, listen live should be right.
  2. Cheers for the Cumbria heads-up, I've just remembered it was on.
  3. It could be a new trend, refer to players by size alone. Not even names, just height and weight.
  4. Mind you I might just get some chips in, football on the radio is poor even for interesting games.
  5. Depends where you live really, cheers btw Oh, is it on the radio? I should add.
  6. I can't see anyone wanting 'his' arse tbh.
  7. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2128135,00.html No shit.
  8. def not Maybe not, but understandably people go for the obvious relationships between the clubs.
  9. What could we possibly have in common with Rangers?
  10. Do we all know Rangers have now been named?
  11. I'm guessing this will be a no questions press conference.
  12. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2127646,00.html apologies if posted already, scant detail and the clubs not named.
  13. I wish him well, so long as he doesn't score against us.
  14. http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/6489/chopraar2.jpg Someone had to.
  15. Oh it's worth reading it all Luckily my season ticket hasn't arrived yet, I am going down to the ticket office to get my money back if that piece of shit signs.
  16. Many getting their knickers in a twist about this http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=246728
  17. O/T - so who has the Bentley (possibly), numberplate NU 1? Looks like a serious car, spotted earlier.
  18. Only vaguely on-topic but it wasn't quite worth a thread: http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/sport/2007/07/01/put_one_over_on_sven_dont_bank.html
  19. I dont recall Barton f****** Newcastle over. Or taking the piss out of our fans. Bellamy has though. Both are reckless. The difference is that one did it here and one hasnt (yet). None of which is the main point, if he wants to undermine the manager, then he should give up his role as ambassador. Or is this a meaningless position which comes with no responsibility?
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