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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. Yeah, as Jamie says, I always pronounce it howhere. Shame it looks silly when typed.
  2. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    People going on about whining Newcastle supporters....I hope other supporters do the same, let them know you're sick of watching shit, you don't have to be world class footballers to give it a decent game. I'm shit at playing football as well, but when I do kick a ball about I mean business. Quite drunk so I've lost what I was trying to say...
  3. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    Don't worry about it. It will a be a while before you're in either competition again. No worries. I prefer staying at home watching The Bill. I enjoy that as well, but only because I do genuinely love The Bill. You're nicked mate, etc.
  4. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    I much prefer Wigan to bolton, I've no idea why.
  5. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    Yup, even the mackems want to win, if you don't want to win then take up non-competitive sports.
  6. I hate the term. No we're not, we're some people from Tyneside and other close areas, some of whom couldn't care less about football, some even support those others.
  7. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    trotter58 is quite right of course, the future of football is deathly dull football, we're obviously insane for rejecting this.
  8. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    meh, Bolton are an irrelevance, make way for, let's say Wolves as I have mates down there.
  9. Probably makes me a weirdo, but I've got time for Spurs supporters, well I've known quite a few, and had decent craic with ones up here, obviously I mean in the post-violence footy era. Still love to beat them by loads for the amusing text possibilities.
  10. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    That's mean Wullie. Just relegate 4 teams this year for a laugh.
  11. abcdefg

    The atmosphere

    Plenty people around me prepared to have a go at everything, just like at every game. Along the lines of 'Carr, you fucking useless fat cunt!'. I do sometimes find such abuse amusing to hear, not sure what sort of a message it sends to the proper kids there. Not young at all bloke who sits in front of me had his grandson there, howere, if you can see him you should probably moderate your language, even if they will hear it in school.
  12. abcdefg

    Bolton - a warning

    Agreed. Re: their supporters, walked past their buses afterwards and two of them seemed to be mainly teenagers, like young ones. I approve of that generally if there was an effort made to get some kids to travel, but it was unusual.
  13. It's like a magic carpet. No, that's not right.
  14. bad craic. I'm all for mindless hatred so long as it's just verbal and for a laugh.
  15. I didn't go, can we have some reportage here?
  16. Don't hold back, say what you mean.
  17. Fucking hell. If you've just got the radio on, stick The Bill on TV, on mute. Loads of grim wounds.
  18. abcdefg

    Kevin Keegan

    The BBC must be kicking themselves in the nuts about the match they chose. I'm just wondering if The Bill with Radio Newcastle on will work.
  19. I hate to sound like a hippy, but I reckon he needs support without unrealistic expectations. He's passionate, and not hard as nails. Like a stereotypical geordie who is 'that hard', then cries about his dog.
  20. abcdefg

    Kevin Keegan

    "I know people...." Joke disclaimer.
  21. abcdefg

    Kevin Keegan

    Good call. Thirded. If we have as much influence as the papers think, we'll get those collars back man.
  22. abcdefg

    Kevin Keegan

    That's beautiful man.
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