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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. abcdefg

    Kevin Keegan

    Anyone watching NE Tonight? Jesus pissed his pants laughing.
  2. abcdefg

    Kevin Keegan

    Anyone else expecting to wake up thinking "that was a peculiar dream"?
  3. abcdefg

    Nailed on Mourinho?

    There was a helicopter lurking for ages here last night, with a spotlight. He was clearly thinking of buying a flat in Heaton, and wanted a good view of the property.
  4. abcdefg

    Rallying call

    But we do it so well.
  5. Doesn't bother me, my non football friends just take the piss when I talk about it, but that's what we all do about anything and everything. This is how it should be.
  6. If he has been sacked, you have to wonder why, and if RA has anyone better in line. Like who?
  7. I hope he stays in English football, he makes me laugh. Most managers are dull as wange.
  8. Is it possible those chants finally got through to him. Shame on us all.
  9. Had a paper ticket which wouldn't scan at all, though I was at the wrong turnstile, the bloke just let me through anyway after a good dozen scan attempts. Not so my dad who was made to go to a right entrance where there were huge queues...his wouldn't scan either. Hope they sort this out soon.
  10. Totally, banter with your mates is one thing, you understand the limits in a close social group, if you're told you're out of order you can apologise and carry on. A few here are defending these chants with the banter excuse, we live in a world with real ethnic and religious hatred, a bit of chanting is the thin end of some serious problems, repeat it enough and our kids grow up thinking this is fine behaviour.
  11. yes, the kind of football we payed, and the performances of some of the team deserve PRIASE. We should be thanking them for being f****** rubbish, i don't know how we have the nerve to expect any kind of competence or ability. Loyalest football supporters eh? Most fickle doesn't quite scan sadly.
  12. All on-pitch disputes should be settled by arm wrestling, or perhaps tug-of-war. In fact tug-of-war should replace the coin toss, which is no sort of crowd spectacle.
  13. Probably not many people, but I certainly heard it (near the Gallowgate). I'd be happier with some empty seats than idiots like that.
  14. I thought it was alright, though there does seem to be the potential for chaos if the system isn't fool-proof. Got there about 4:30 and there was no queue where I go in. Now beer tokens, for one I didn't get one, for another it was impossible to get a pint without standing in a huge queue. I just didn't bother.
  15. Several times a goal could have been tapped in, just by luck, if that had happened the booing people would have been ecstatic. So would I have been. On the whole it wasn't that terrible, not a classic but really, we've all seen so much worse.
  16. Just got back, and you are clearly an idiot.
  17. I was about to say I couldn't believe people booing, but I can really, there's some knee-jerking idiots go to SJP.
  18. bah, my dad can't be bothered, and my nephew told me to get fucked. I suppose I could go on my own.
  19. Totally fair from the honest gov, even demotivation aside it pisses me off.
  20. I saw no handball, admittedly my TV view was, blurred and that. I dare say they'll slow it down on MOTD.
  21. Yes, but only just. I will of course laugh if they're relegated again, but on the whole I like that we get to play them.
  22. Perfectly decent question, and considering three of those players 'enjoy' bitter hatred from a section of St James's I wouldn't be amazed.
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