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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. Anyway, for anyone local, do the Orange festival by the Tyne, Joe Jackson, Echo & The Bunnymen, Maximo Park.......other people, google it. You know it makes sense, and if it rains there's loads of pubs everywhere.
  2. Aye thats a good reason to dismiss one of the best centre backs in the country hehe, I'm not in a sensible mood, drinking in the morning will cause that.
  3. Aww, but we can dream. I like Jose mind, his insanity pleases me.
  4. Not Terry, I think he's a twunt.
  5. My sister and brother in law met him, nice bloke apparently, good with kids. Yeah I know he's done bad things, but he's a drunk, it goes with the teritory.
  6. Apart from his footballing career, he's just like plenty of blokes I and likely you know, I also have stupid mates who never encourage being responsible, I'm one of those people as well.
  7. Yeah, it was an unfortunate comparison in hindsight, he doesn't do well on any scale.
  8. He's the North East's own George Best, only less talented and intelligent.
  9. Don't go dissing drinking yourself to death, that's my intended exit from this world.
  10. I knew he'd get bored with his toy in the end, happy days.
  11. Apart from anything, the current squad are a bit short-arsed, Shola aside, which often puts us at a disadvantage in the box, especially for corners.
  12. After today there's no English football, so sports writers just pull rumours and figures out of their arse, none of it is to be taken seriously.
  13. Cynical. Still, were previously owned by millionaires, that's capitalism for you.
  14. Caaalm down caaalm down. I quite rate Crouch, decent for us anyway, I too just want the Own question resolved either way.
  15. TBH, pneumonia isn't always that serious, you can have a bit of it and not even be hospitalised, my mam did a few years ago and was quite a bit older than Shep. Really though, none of it's personal for me, and I don't wish harm to anyone, I just hope he does the sensible thing sooner rather than later.
  16. I think not even getting in touch with Shepherd was the worst thing about it. The Hall family and Shepherd (no matter what you think of them) have worked together at the Toon for years. Although, it is canny funny in a way as well. John Hall's wanted out for years though, and Fred's put the kibosh on it at least twice, they had a fairly public falling out.
  17. Maybe a 1950s Roller, in need of some repair, several careless owners.
  18. and in the last 10 minutes thought "oh my God, this is all I need"
  19. The results of the poll bear that out, more positive I'd say than when he was just a rumoured manager.
  20. Long story short, there were not a significant number of ticketless supporters.
  21. SACK THE NEXT BOARD! I was the first to tell you I told you so.
  22. Oh, if that's the end of it I'll stop wasting your valuable time, you should have headed the enquiry, that would have saved loads of money "dem were drunkkk liiiike......" etc.
  23. Obviously tens of thousands of us are sure we could do it better, but I'm certain most of us are mistaken.
  24. Yeah, still nobody else competent would do it.
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