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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. abcdefg

    Idiots booing Dyer

    changing the topic, did anyone see people getting arrested/kicked out in the leazes end? My eyesight isn't great so I couldn't make too much out at the other end.
  2. abcdefg

    Idiots booing Dyer

    A bit sad really, but fuck it, was there with as lass who's never been to a match in her life, and was clearly terrified. Winding her up was fun, plus we all got in with kids' tickets, bought off some Oliver Twist-esque lads. Not the greatest game ever, but Newcastle were on the verge of looking like a professional football team.
  3. erm, I meant to quote womble. I'm not together today.
  4. If it was a flying bottle that caused that who is to say it was a Newcastle fan who threw it? Can you copy and paste it please? I seem to have exceeded the maximum number of posts you can view, and I can't be arsed to register.
  5. Och aye you are. Jobbies, etc.
  6. As for the wall, I live in Heaton, Wallsend is a couple of miles down the road, like towards the Tyne. No, it was not called Scotland at the time, neither was there a place called Newcastle.
  7. Carry on making a fool of yourself by all means though.
  8. You clearly have no soddin' idea of either history OR geography. Britain and Ireland were here BEFORE the Romans came, and it wasn't "Britain" for quite a while after. Northumbria went from the Humber to Edinburgh - (hence North-Humbria) thats possibly where your getting muxed ip. The Romans NAMED Hibernia (which was inhabited by a certain tribe called "scots" - yes THOSE scots) they didn't bother too much with it. Not worth the effort, they thought. Same with Caledonia I suppose - another Roman name, based I think, on one of the tribes there - like Belgae and Helvetia, Franks, Germans et al in europe which all became names of their countries. Picts were north of the border. Basically Celts or Kelts (who were not ring kissing wankers dressed in green and white by the way) and Wales is from an insulting Saxon term for the original english they displaced to Wales Cumbria and Cornwall (hence the similarity between "Cumbria" and Cymbran") which meant "lesser people" - the Wellese - Welsh in other words. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Newcastle WAS at one time part of Scotland for a brief time, yes - thats why St Nicks cathedral has a Scottish type belltower or whatever they call it. And St Andrews church in Gallowgate was built while Newcastle was in the running for capital of Scotland ! Tynemouth Priory also had graves of Scottish kings (and a few Norwegian and Danish kings I gather - though what happened to them, I havent a clue) So - Xenophobic my arse. ahem. We were called 'the Britons' when Jesus was kicking about. By the Romans. You will find you are mistaken
  9. Haway, lay off the Xenophobia, Britain and Ireland were defined by the Romans, and most of what we now know as Newcastle was north of the wall.
  10. Good tip for saving £££ recycle I refer you to this review of the Jet album 'Shine On' http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/38853-shine-on
  11. I saw him selling the Morning Star at the Gala the other week etc.
  12. Piss is sterile, though safety depends on any diseases the pisser may have, also much alcohol comes straight back out, and many other drugs.
  13. I still agree. Nobody tells anyone to shut up where i sit, however phrases like "you fucking useless cunt" are commonplace.
  14. That's what I meant, silly but harmless. Other things.....I don't know, I almost never go to away games and don't sit near either of the Ultras places for home games, just a few insinuations about chants which should have been left in the 70s/80s. As I say, it's just hearsay, 'they' say all sorts of things, but like it or not, with a name, things can stick.
  15. I love the young'uns enthusiasm (sp) , they are the future of newcastle united. I will seriously stop posting on here about Toon Ultras and anything to do with our quiet fans , if someone can honestly give me a some real reasons why we are embarrasing , an doing the club no good , or if you were mature enough to , maybe give us some feedback on what we should change , or do? Not including a name change , as our name is pretty well known amongst toon fans now. We have a banner with our name on , an also a massive banner showing what our aim is!!!!! You're all alright by me, sadly and inevitably you may attract a few nobends, and stories of such will stick to you, I don't mean shoes off, which is just silly but nothing to get worked-up about.
  16. hehe, I thought nothing could beat my brother-in-law's home-made ones for awfulness.
  17. One of my nephews has a decent crest above his arse, not sure where he had it done.
  18. Ignore me, I can't even read a short post clearly.
  19. Too soft to get a background done?
  20. I'm confused now, I'm fairly middle-class and a miserable bastard, but I like to make a noise. I also may be an alcoholic. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but the Ultras seem like a decent idea.
  21. Very childish to have a go at the mackems, but some of you are registered there. Even fun after Celtic get a goal back. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=252803
  22. I should have gone, but my nephew and my dad are away, going to a friendly on your own seems wrong (everyone else I know couldn't care less)
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