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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Not important if you give it straight back.
  2. That's it for me. Just say for arguments sake we get £20m for him. I would expect Rafa to go out and sign a better replacement for half that. You wouldn't even need £10m to replace him. So many players who are, in theory, worse deliver far more for their teams statiscally. If you looked at Sissoko's contribution, without knowing the players name/nationality etc, you'd never see an international footballer. I genuinely hope he leaves and feel the club will be far better off without him and his 'better than NUFC' attitude. You can tell by the players Rafa has recruited that we're no longer selling NUFC as a stepping stone club. In some respects we shouldn't expect anything more from this shithouse because him, and the likes of Cisse, Cabaye, Tiote etc were all sold the long term dream of using the club for their own gain. It's no wonder we've been left with a squad full of heartless cunts who care only for themselves. Rafa is very clearly going about introducing a new culture and I can't imagine there's much of a place for twats like Sissoko/Gini etc, whatever Benitez is saying publically. I'm personally delighted to see these career vultures leave. Cisse, Sissoko, Tiote etc are all just Demba Ba's without the same PR Machines behind them. NUFC will be a better place without them, a healthier environment where new players will appreciate the opportunity and, I would hope, view playing for NUFC as an honour. Something most of the shitehawks we will ship out clearly don't. It all sounds so plausible, but not a lot of it really stands up under scrutiny. He's lazy - he's not. He wants to play in the CL - well most would, and he's been here for a few years now. It's not like he bailed out after 13 matches to fuck off to Palace. Rafa is going to introduce a new culture - true, but he's given no indication that Sissoko is a problem player, if anything he seems very keen to keep him. If he wanted shot he'd have bombed him out for £3m and that would be that. Get it through your skulls, if he leaves it will be at our price point and for a 26 yr old who just starred in the Euro final it won't be for peanuts. How old is £100 million rated Payet btw, considering he flopped in the same tournament? Not sure which bit doesn't stand up to scrutiny? His contribution has been minimal since day one. Do any of the new signings strike you as 'stepping stoners'? They don't look it to me. The culture change will be clear after the summer but the departures board are almost all players with questionable application. I've not said he's lazy tbh but his contribution has been largely very very poor. As for the Champions League guff, he's been spouting it since the early days so it's not like it's new. Your opinion that Payet flopped is an interesting one. Check out the respective stats. One player hit three goals and 2 assists over the 7 games. The other got 0 of each in 5 games. He barged passed a few players though, so that was canny. He's all fart and no shit. Barging your way down the wing, knocking people over in your way is one thing. An intelligent player would actually contribute in a meaningful way. A HUGE proportion of his possession comes to nothing. Rafa will have seen this. So then my did Rafa make him captain and is desperately looking to keep hold of him? Probably to try to get a reaction out of him. He probably felt the need to motivate the bloke into some form of effort commitment. Let's see how hard he tries to keep him should a good offer come in.
  3. This is bollocks. Even statistically, he was our most creative player last season in terms of chances created. I'm very comfortable assessing his stats against other players in his position in shite-mid table teams last season to make the comparison. He's basically, the complete opposite of Nobby Solano, in that he's huge, strong and garbage with his final ball. Solano was a proper midfielder imho. He played the game with his head first, everything else followed. This big dopy cunt just barges through people and fucks up his final ball/pass/shot/cross. Last Season, Sissoko (1 goal and 7 assists) across an entire season.
  4. That's it for me. Just say for arguments sake we get £20m for him. I would expect Rafa to go out and sign a better replacement for half that. You wouldn't even need £10m to replace him. So many players who are, in theory, worse deliver far more for their teams statiscally. If you looked at Sissoko's contribution, without knowing the players name/nationality etc, you'd never see an international footballer. I genuinely hope he leaves and feel the club will be far better off without him and his 'better than NUFC' attitude. You can tell by the players Rafa has recruited that we're no longer selling NUFC as a stepping stone club. In some respects we shouldn't expect anything more from this shithouse because him, and the likes of Cisse, Cabaye, Tiote etc were all sold the long term dream of using the club for their own gain. It's no wonder we've been left with a squad full of heartless cunts who care only for themselves. Rafa is very clearly going about introducing a new culture and I can't imagine there's much of a place for twats like Sissoko/Gini etc, whatever Benitez is saying publically. I'm personally delighted to see these career vultures leave. Cisse, Sissoko, Tiote etc are all just Demba Ba's without the same PR Machines behind them. NUFC will be a better place without them, a healthier environment where new players will appreciate the opportunity and, I would hope, view playing for NUFC as an honour. Something most of the shitehawks we will ship out clearly don't. It all sounds so plausible, but not a lot of it really stands up under scrutiny. He's lazy - he's not. He wants to play in the CL - well most would, and he's been here for a few years now. It's not like he bailed out after 13 matches to fuck off to Palace. Rafa is going to introduce a new culture - true, but he's given no indication that Sissoko is a problem player, if anything he seems very keen to keep him. If he wanted shot he'd have bombed him out for £3m and that would be that. Get it through your skulls, if he leaves it will be at our price point and for a 26 yr old who just starred in the Euro final it won't be for peanuts. How old is £100 million rated Payet btw, considering he flopped in the same tournament? Not sure which bit doesn't stand up to scrutiny? His contribution has been minimal since day one. Do any of the new signings strike you as 'stepping stoners'? They don't look it to me. The culture change will be clear after the summer but the departures board are almost all players with questionable application. I've not said he's lazy tbh but his contribution has been largely very very poor. As for the Champions League guff, he's been spouting it since the early days so it's not like it's new. Your opinion that Payet flopped is an interesting one. Check out the respective stats. One player hit three goals and 2 assists over the 7 games. The other got 0 of each in 5 games. He barged passed a few players though, so that was canny. He's all fart and no shit. Barging your way down the wing, knocking people over in your way is one thing. An intelligent player would actually contribute in a meaningful way. A HUGE proportion of his possession comes to nothing. Rafa will have seen this.
  5. Minhosa


    Can only be Moyes, shirley?
  6. I'd imagine we'd be signing him to start him given his age, the rumoured fee and the fact he's the Captain of Blackburn. He's not likely to leave all of that without some assurances he'll get plenty of game time. I hope Mbemba is not off. Also, worth remembering that Rafa is pretty heartless, when it comes to team selection and maybe he was using Lascelles at the end of the season due to limited options. Perhaps he wasn't as convinced as many of us fans were?
  7. That's it for me. Just say for arguments sake we get £20m for him. I would expect Rafa to go out and sign a better replacement for half that. You wouldn't even need £10m to replace him. So many players who are, in theory, worse deliver far more for their teams statiscally. If you looked at Sissoko's contribution, without knowing the players name/nationality etc, you'd never see an international footballer. I genuinely hope he leaves and feel the club will be far better off without him and his 'better than NUFC' attitude. You can tell by the players Rafa has recruited that we're no longer selling NUFC as a stepping stone club. In some respects we shouldn't expect anything more from this shithouse because him, and the likes of Cisse, Cabaye, Tiote etc were all sold the long term dream of using the club for their own gain. It's no wonder we've been left with a squad full of heartless cunts who care only for themselves. Rafa is very clearly going about introducing a new culture and I can't imagine there's much of a place for twats like Sissoko/Gini etc, whatever Benitez is saying publically. I'm personally delighted to see these career vultures leave. Cisse, Sissoko, Tiote etc are all just Demba Ba's without the same PR Machines behind them. NUFC will be a better place without them, a healthier environment where new players will appreciate the opportunity and, I would hope, view playing for NUFC as an honour. Something most of the shitehawks we will ship out clearly don't.
  8. He's an athlete with virtually zero footballing intelligence and his stats back that up. We could replace him for a tenth of his cost for someone equally as effective (statistically) imho.
  9. How come? No confirmation of why yet but probably to do with the recent take over by News Corp. I didn't even know it's been taken over tbqh. I don't listen very often but thought, at times, Collymore was fairly cerebral compared to other ex-pro's doing similar gigs.
  10. Weird one. Does he mean next May because he was working for them during the Euros? He had a fairly heated debate with Joey Barton in the run up to the Euros and he didn't come across in the best light but then I thought that was the purpose of Talksport?
  11. Have never booed an NUFC player in my life and never will. This bloke has had outrageous levels of support, let's hope he repays it next season..... Amongst actual fans when it matters, yes. Twitter mongs are a law unto themselves. I'm going to agree with you for a change, at the ground itself the critics are usually just a handful of pissheads, otherwise there's no groundswell of hatred towards Sissoko (probably disappointing for you). The stick he gets on here is probably exaggerated. He got booed off against Bournemouth at home by all four corners of the ground. I'd say there's not too much patience with the bloke at the ground too.
  12. My cynicism comes from having seen him drunk when he's been in the press saying how long he's been dry for. Granted this was many years ago but it's not that uncommon judging by many of the reports over the years. I wonder how his life would've panned out if he never found football.
  13. Well beyond it I would say. Has he ever truly looked like winning this battle? I'm not entirely sure all of the PR around 'clean for x months' was ever close to being accurate tbqh.
  14. Looks to me like Rafa is stripping out those with questionable attitudes and replacing them with solid pro's with hunger. Cisse, Colo etc. I'd be amazed if Tiote, Gini and Sissoko etc stayed after the summer as they're a part of the problem. He's clearly looking for a culture change and it's massively overdue. I don't see anyway someone like Berahino would be part of a Benitez NUFC.
  15. Jesus, the state of him. He looks beyond help. It's a wonder his body carries on.
  16. Those in bold I still think will leave. Quite a few of the kids will leave on loan too imho.
  17. Ah I thought we'd got a fee for him. My mistake. Did we get a fee for Lovenkrands?
  18. There was some talk in the local press over the weekend that we've said informally that we'd like two elevens both capable of winning the league. Seems like Rafa isn't taking any chances. Makes sense. Generally quite easy to flog off players who do well at Championship level but aren't good enough for the PL back to the Championship too. Yeah - many of the important ones under Hughton were sold for decent fee's - Guthrie, Best etc Though, that said, those he's signed so far could all do a job the premiership imho (Possibly Hayden aside as he's not been tested yet).
  19. True - I reckon that two of them will be gone by the time the window shuts though.
  20. Minhosa

    Isaac Hayden

    Yeah - one year left, hardly any experience and never likely to break through to their squad. They'll have been due compensation anyway so it'll skew it somewhat.
  21. Minhosa

    Isaac Hayden

    Yeah - one year left, hardly any experience and never likely to break through to their squad.
  22. Fosu-Mensah looked impressive at times last season. Reminded me of a young Olly Bernard.
  23. There was some talk in the local press over the weekend that we've said informally that we'd like two elevens both capable of winning the league. Seems like Rafa isn't taking any chances.
  24. Minhosa

    Isaac Hayden

    That's actually quite a big fee for him imho. Looks an absolute tank to be fair.
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