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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. He's been quite heavily linked with Brighton in their local press. Surprised none of the nationals have picked up on it.
  2. Minhosa

    Bob Concur

    Dignity well and truly lost.
  3. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    He's been a marked man by Ashley since he took the Wonga stance. I've got no doubt he'll be off.
  4. He'd fit in at Spurs. Move makes sense.
  5. Can you ask them whether they feel they owe the many tens of thousands who have paid to watch cup matches, completely in vain of the spirit of the competition (as clearly indicated by MA's tacit admission in his one and only interview), an apology or indeed a refund? Can you also ask them to clarify what Mr Ashley's 'now' meant in respect of his recent decision to 'try' as he indicated in the same interview? If we're 'now' going to try, what have season ticket holders paid for over the last 8 years? Finally, can you ask them what prompted Ashley's end of season interview and if he's planned to give any more?
  6. Minhosa

    John Carver

    No. He's been loaned out by the Chronicle to Pennine Windows to assist with their intensive showroom cleaning programme.
  7. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Look at the state of that.
  8. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Where? The only real Pardism I detected from the Sky interview was "... at Derby, we was on course..." ... Oh God. “When he [Mike Ashley] did the interview before the West Ham game,” said McClaren. “When he came out with drive and determination and focus and talked about the objectives he wanted to achieve, he said it with such verve and vigour I think everybody was convinced, everybody was rejuvenated by that." Christ. That is fucking awful.
  9. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    What's with that fucking tuft of hair marooned at the front of his heed? Like a fucking ginger island in a slightly red, freckly sea .
  10. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Bobby Robson rejected the job twice. After Keegan left, and before we came back with an improved offer when he was actually appointed. Bobby Robson was at Barcelona. Steve McClaren was at Derby County. Just let that sink in.
  11. He will do if they play him in central midfield. I would do this as well, always though he's a CM. For some reason no actual professional managers agree though. He was brilliant there for Villa, under O'Neill I think it was, and was set to become a staple there for them. He then joined Man City, and that was the end of that. Indeed. MON hardly ever played him anywhere but through the middle. I also remember him playing there for you every now and then, too. If you asked 100 Villa fans "which player of the MON era do you miss most?", 90 of them would say Milner. He was great for us. Really good in that role, brilliant attitude, never went missing. Absolutely great. I wish he still played for us. I think he's a good signing for Liverpool. That's interesting..........I'd have thought you'd have said Ashley Young.
  12. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    That would obviously contingent on anyone being offered the job. There's no way we'd pay the feckless ballsacks off.
  13. Explains the sudden burst of arse-kissing. Yep - quite amazing how many of these c***s will sell their soles for a few pennies. Any hard earned credibility is lost forever. Tbf I don't think you can get much more than a few pennies for a shoe sole.
  14. Minhosa

    John Carver

    but the guy sacked by his last two clubs, clubs in the league below I might add. Is up to the task? Great stuff. It does seem like the local journos just make shit up or try to piece it all together to make a story. So I really hope that’s the case here. Absolutely ridiculous if true. Oh and Carver staying on as coach? Can't say I'm surprised, but it is still an utterly appalling decision. Stop employing mongs and rewarding mediocrity and failure. I'm convinced the reason Garde was written off was because of his unwillingness to take on the incumbent backroom staff.
  15. Explains the sudden burst of arse-kissing. Yep - quite amazing how many of these cunts will sell their soles for a few pennies. Any hard earned credibility is lost forever.
  16. You've missed out Wise and Kinnear.
  17. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Depends how you define the end of the world. He'll probably ensure Premier League safety by playing an incredibly dour brand of football. To me, that's worst case scenario and means more years in the wilderness for me as a Newcastle fan. That's what we had. Ashley has found his new Pardew to do the same job. Totally agree. Dour bloke, dour football, dour ideas, dour NUFC. Awful appointment for this reason.
  18. Have any of Mike Ashley's appointments earned the right to their roles? Llambias - Used to dish cards out for a living. Charnley - Used to write minutes for a living. Pardew - League one manager. Carver - Was previously Vice President of Bibs n Cone Operations. McClaren - Sacked Championship manager and damaged goods having been a national laughing stock. There's a distinct theme with every single one of his appointments and it's not only that they're all cunts. They're all useless cunts promoted/appointed way beyond their abilities in the expectation that they will be grateful and subservient to him.
  19. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    He was criticised in the local Derby press for picking unrecognisable systems and putting square pegs in round holes towards the end of the season. He's in now way going to entertain a fanbase who want to see sustained attractive football. If we 'can't compete' with the 'big boys' then the very least we should demand is an entertaining side.
  20. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Yep, said it all along, he's Ashley's wet dream, damaged goods from a lower league so will be grateful for chance. He's exactly what Pardew was in terms of an appointment. Everyone Ashley appoints is out of their depth. Look at Charnley, Llambias, Carver, Pardew etc etc etc. He appoints yes men who are always going to be in his debt so will do whatever he wants. It's no coincidence that a guy with bollocks (PV) had a conversation that lasted less than two seconds. He probably dared to question our fucked up approach/model. This is the fundamental issue with Ashley. Yes he might throw a few quid at this summer on some signings, but deep down he's always appoint nobodies. If he had any sort of vision, he'd make a 'Keegan-esque' appoint as a game-changer.
  21. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Incidentally, cannot wait to hear his fucking borrrrrring tone when describing another 1-2 defeat in the middle of a dreary winter relegation battle. For any normal club this would be a massive missed opportunity. For us, it's business as usual. Taking on a bloke who was sacked by Derby County and who has spurned our advances twice in sixth months. 3rd time lucky, eh?
  22. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Probably the only cunt willing to work with such a shite coaching set up. Joke of an appointment imho.
  23. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Where has this good football myth come from? From watching them. They have played some decent football tbf. My next door neighbour is a Derby fan so I've watched them a fair bit. They were top scorers in the league last season for example. I've never seen them play good football in the times I've watched them on TV. I've also never seen a SMc side play attacking, good quality football over any sustained period. He'd be such a fucking sapping appointment imho.
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