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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    John Carver

    "Carver, having been let down badly by players, fans and NUFC's hierarchy will soldier on and achieve greatness following his superb game management against Leicester. The Magpies are now 1 full point ahead of Leicester and will feel confident in their late European push". Chemical ahleeryder.
  2. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Damaged goods. Just what MA likes.
  3. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    So good he's failed in his last 3 jobs. So in demand, he's in a nothing job in the Championship.
  4. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Fucking shameful how badly he has been there, yet we are desperate to have him? It's a joke. We're a joke. 80 applicants and it's between Johnny Tenlicks and Boring Steve who has just failed. Again.
  5. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Desperate for a bloke whose a Championship failure What have we come to?
  6. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Warning: do not read that latest piece from easy Ryder if you've just had your lunch. Fucking sickening. That fella has to be verging on special needs.
  7. Whole thing is a half baked idea imho.
  8. Aye. Mackems will still pick up a minimum of 6 points yet.
  9. Sunderland will deffo find a win or two. They always do.
  10. Minhosa

    John Carver

    "Seven strikes and you're still not out, Seven striiikkkkes and you're still not, oh Seven strikes and you're still not out" followed by "Fuck off Carver, Fuck off Carver".
  11. Agree - their biggest pitch seemed to be the fact they advertise standard prices as sales / huge price cuts to get more people through doors - something I'm sure a lot of shops do. Also, the zero hours and crap working regime at the warehouse, they wont be alone in pushing staff as far as possible. However, the SD/NUFC thing clearly has hit a nerve, and the fact that club shop merchandise revenue now appears to go straight to SD is something that deserved more investigation. As well as Wonga sponsorship and the SD stadium advertising - but they brushed that one off as an owner 'using one to advertise the other'. Anyway, see what the 'full statement' has to say on the SD/NUFC revenue link. But its at least good that its prompted the club to respond. A strategy of targetting SD is clearly the way to get to Ashley. Yeah - I remember the 'Officers Club' etc doing the same trick 20 odd years ago. It's not new or even really that misleading imho. If you are happy to pay £6.99 for a pay of shorts, do you really give a shit if you're told they were 'originally' £25? Ultimately it's an offer to trade at the final marked price and, if you're happy with it then you will and if not you won't regardless of the closing down signs in the window. They're clearly playing a bit of a game and bending the rules in terms of advertising etc but none of that is overly sinister imho.
  12. Watched the dispatches programme last night and was a bit deflated by the whole thing. Rolling out some craggy old lawyer to babble on about 'possible' breaches of consumer law doesn't really amount to much. I guess I was hoping for some sort of financial wrongdoing or offshore sheltering or something to make things a bit more spicy for them. As it is, I don't think MA will be that arsed about what they uncovered really. He'll take it personally, of course, but when it's looked at in the cold light of day, I think they'll view it as a bit of a lucky escape. Also, would love to know who owns those two x labour agencies they use. Nailed on to be a mate of his/a link to Ashley somewhere.
  13. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Kind of ironic that the 'big man' that marched over to the away end at St Mary's is now calling for protection from the same people he abused. Deserves everything he gets tbh.
  14. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Ashley Out should create a letter template to be emailed individually to the club requesting a one to one explanation session with Bobby-Light.
  15. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Didn't he or the club come out with similar bollocks when he offered out fans previously? Honestly, this is just such a classless regime. From top to bottom. Heinous.
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