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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    Massadio Haïdara

    Eh? In what respect?
  2. Yep - Martinez on Sky. 'He's just enthusiastic on his full debut' we're his words. Fucking arsehole.
  3. A good summary. Agree and very much echoes my sentiments. A point here would have been huge. As it is, we'll be in amongst it to the death now I fear.
  4. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    I'm resigned to the fact that we're stuck with the fella. He's here for the long term. I pray to god he actually realises how shite we are going forward and puts that right over pre-season with some time to build an effective system around players who will be around for the year next season. I think he's genuinely unlucky with injuries at points but my main (actually, massive....) concern is that we have no recognisable style of play nor do we have any form of game plan other than 'stay solid, keep the shape and try not to get beat'. He plays a formation, week after week, that sees a front man in Cisse up top on his own with nobody for company for 90% of the game. Meaning the ball comes winging back towards us, everytime we lose possession or resort to hoofing it up (which is always the case towards the end of every match). I think that's where his interest in Carroll stems. He can win headers, hold the ball up pretty well and is a traditional target man. The fear is that AC would compound this god-awful game plan of his rather than see out attacking play revolutionised into some recognisable system/plan.
  5. I don't have time right now but I will reset the poll and add Sunderland later. Edit - now done. Vote away.
  6. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    I think the criticism of our attacking play (especially our fluidity and movement) is very valid. Worryingly he thinks we are playing well. I'm no fan obviously with my previous comments on him, but i've held off lately, but the overall attacking play is woeful and he seems oblivious to it. I've had a pop at him on occasion but, because we're stuck with the guy, have tried to be constructive, HOWEVER, there's no question he sets him teams up not to concede rather than to score.
  7. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    He's woefully short of service though. Our attacking game plan seems to stop when we pass the half way line. It's shite frankly. It really wouldn't matter who we had up front if we're leaving 30 yards between them and the nearest NUFC midfielder. The service is pitiful on the whole, I agree. He still should have scored one and probably caused another today. Both times he lashed over greedily and wastefully. Fair but a contributory factor in that has to be the fact he's only actually involved in the course of the game sporadically. He gets 'snap' opportunities on occasions in games but he's not actually involved in the play. I think there's an argument to say he does well given the quality and quantity of service he gets. We play one up top and don't build our play around him at all. He's an after thought because he's outperformed imho. Oh, and his constant offsides, piss me right off.
  8. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    He's woefully short of service though. Our attacking game plan seems to stop when we pass the half way line. It's shite frankly. It really wouldn't matter who we had up front if we're leaving 30 yards between them and the nearest NUFC midfielder.
  9. Debuchy's ability to go fwd was always going to cause their left side problems, as was proven in the first ten mins. His departure had a huge effect on the game. You have to give AP some allowance for the fact we've had to change the fullback arrangements three times and the back four. Why? He could have just brought on Perch or Anita for Debuchy instead of changing two positions for one substitution. Neither bring what Debuchy does. I didn't have a problem with the Haidara sub at all. BUT, when he has to go off, it's asking a lot of Pardew to communicate a new (and effective) gameplan to a whole new back four, especially against a side with their movement. A point would have been massive here. It isn't just Pardew that does it, other managers are guilty of it too, but why replace a right back with a left back forcing your original left back to swap sides, when you have players perfectly capable of playing right back on the bench? Never understood it. I think it's probably in recognition of Haidara's performances to date and the fact that he's a specialist fullback.
  10. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    I think the criticism of our attacking play (especially our fluidity and movement) is very valid.
  11. Debuchy's ability to go fwd was always going to cause their left side problems, as was proven in the first ten mins. His departure had a huge effect on the game. You have to give AP some allowance for the fact we've had to change the fullback arrangements three times and the back four. Why? He could have just brought on Perch or Anita for Debuchy instead of changing two positions for one substitution. Neither bring what Debuchy does. I didn't have a problem with the Haidara sub at all. BUT, when he has to go off, it's asking a lot of Pardew to communicate a new (and effective) gameplan to a whole new back four, especially against a side with their movement. A point would have been massive here.
  12. Any change in predictions after this weekend?
  13. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Yeah, but he gets banned for it if he goes off on one. We are all fucking fuming about it, but he conducted it the right way. Yeah, he gets a ban and next time it happens, the referee thinks twice about making such a bent decision. Ferguson's been doing it for years. Take a ban and get inside the referee's head. Bent cunts like Halsey know they can fuck us over and get an easy ride. True story. Ban would be collateral damage.
  14. Debuchy's ability to go fwd was always going to cause their left side problems, as was proven in the first ten mins. His departure had a huge effect on the game. You have to give AP some allowance for the fact we've had to change the fullback arrangements three times and the back four.
  15. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Have to say, I'd like to have seen him have a fucking good go at the officials.
  16. Thought the lad interviewed quite well tbf. Honest. I don't dispute that, but if he, and all the others saw it, why didn't the officials ffs!!!! Agree, just saying, thought he interviewed well.
  17. Pardew on SS. - I'm disappointed for team - Awful tackle - Lost in last minute to handball - Haidara - not gonna be good news, cos tackle was so bad - Halsey - said sorry, he missed it - I didn't see fracas at ht, i was in changing room - defeat difficult to take - team put in honest performance, very unlucky to come away with nothing - Linesman should have got the handball - Referee should have spotted handball by players reaction - Wigan committed, outside of foul, played an honest and good game - Should have had a corner, decisions all against us today.
  18. I said we were in trouble as soon as I saw Halsey was in charge today. You can fucking spit to Wigan from Bolton. I was thinking this all game, even before he dropped his fucking ricks. How can he ref a game less than 20 miles from his hometown?
  19. That performance by Halsey has absolutely huge implications. Literally millions and millions of pounds at stake, jobs at stake AND he gets it so wrong. Honestly, that was shameful. Debuchy stays on, we get something.
  20. At least kick the fucking ref in the nuts. Get something from the trip. I'm with you Miko.
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