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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. The majority of the shots would go over or wide though. My thoughts exactly. Couldn't stand the bloke shooting on site myself. He wasted so many 'play building' opportunities it was unreal. He was to build up play what Scott Parker is to the Attacking Centre Midfield role. I was delighted we got rid of him. Comparing him to Parker is bollocks, at his peak he was immense for us. Yes a lot of his long ranges efforts wouldn't go in but he would score a fair amount of goals and get a very good amount of assists. The fact that he could shoot from 40 yards with a decent chance of it going in made him and exciting player and someone you would let off for having a go. Would I? Fuck off Gejon - you just don't like people disagreeing with you. Not a patch on Ginola for skill, flair and excitment.
  2. The majority of the shots would go over or wide though. My thoughts exactly. Couldn't stand the bloke shooting on site myself. He wasted so many 'play building' opportunities it was unreal. He was to build up play what Scott Parker is to the Attacking Centre Midfield role. I was delighted we got rid of him.
  3. Nice that it appears he leaving on good terms. He was hardly welcomed with open arms but he gave his all and chipped in with some important goals. Best of luck Sibbers.
  4. Minhosa


    Its not - is it?
  5. Surely the daft wonky faced git is on a wind up? You can just imagine Lampards Agent now............ Agent: "Oh yes Frank, we'd better pass on the word to journalisms very own "Mr Big" up North about the interest from Spain" Lampard: "Who's that? One of the tabloid boys? Sun? Mirror? or how about the Times, they're normally bang on with rumours" Agent: "Errrr No, they're based down south Frankie, this guy has got sources all over the shop and has some readership figures. People ringing him from all over, never off the phone apparently" Lampard: "Ok then, have a word but make sure it get plenty of coverage, I'm sick of being called a fat bastard by all the English fans" Fucks Sakes! If he was off to Real Madrid don't you think it'd be ALL over every national and some piddly regional paper? As for Dyer as Lampards replacement? Obviously, as Frank has averaged about 20 goals a season for the last three years Kieron will be the perfect replacement, what with this thunderous shots from distance and his clinical eye for goal. Jesus :'(.
  6. He's got some pedigree for £4m when you think how much Nugent and the likes will cost this pre-season. I'm not sure about him though mainly because of his disruptive attitude. Do we really need another moody frenchman?
  7. A lad in my office is a Charlton season ticket holder and they have promised to give their fans the following season (2008/09) free if they get promoted back to the Premiership as long (as they renewed by end of April 07) next year. Charlton chief executive Peter Varney said: "As we said at the time, the response we received from supporters before the deadline on April 30th was extraordinary, and we are extremely grateful for such backing. "By keeping season-ticket prices at the same price for Championship football we obviously want to encourage as many fans as possible to become season-ticket holders. "But we are also very keen that the loyalty shown by those 17,000 fans is rewarded which is why, apart from the U11 category, only those who acted before the deadline will qualify for our special potentially free season-ticket offer should we return to the Premiership at the first attempt - as we intend to do so.” http://www.cafc.co.uk/newsview.ink?nid=30861
  8. Its difficult to say whether I would've kept any of them on when we don't know who the replacements are going to be (or indeed if Big Sam gets the faces he wants through the door). If he doesn't we might be criticising him for letting 3 centre backs go. That said, I'm sure he will. I think its a shame Gooch went without a good run in the side nor a regular partner when he did play. Whilst he didn't look a world beater he didn't look dreadful and with the time to acclimatise to the Premier League he could have established himself as a decent partner to an experienced centre back along side. As for Bramble, I would've been interested to see what Allardyce could've done with him at Bolton and that still stands now that he's at the Toon. There's no question he's had plenty of time to sort out his toddler-like concentration though, so fair do's.
  9. Minhosa


    No ta. All the Arsenal fans down here haven't had a good word to say about him for 18 months.
  10. How does everyone feel about this? Kevin Bond getting sacked and Allardyce (who was the star of the show, arguably) getting appointed seems a bit off the wall to me. Has he actually sued them or not? Anyway, does this put anyone off the appointment of Sam or not?
  11. Aye because kids, with nowt to do on their summer holidays, going down to SJP, to make a £17,000,000 signing feel welcome, is embarassing. Righto. No one complained when it was Shearer. Not bothered whether you agree or not NSG. Most people that are interviewed at these things look like a bunch of bamps and don't really reflect that, in my opinion, we have one of the most knowledgeable crowds going.
  12. There are in that you don't see best part of 20,000 of them turning up when a player is signed.
  13. Agree Jol. Carvalho ahead of either Ferdinand or Vidic for me.
  14. Not trying to be an internet hardman at all. Just find it embarrasing and a sad reflection for people who don't know what Newcastle is really like.
  15. 1. Meite 2. Campbell 3. Onyewu 4. Jagielka 5. Geremi 6. Bridge 7. Brown 8. Barton 9. Viduka 10. Christophe Metzelder 11. Hunt (Nicky) 12. Unsworth 13. Distin 14. Hyppia 15. Ben Haim Presuming the aim of the game is to get as many out of the 15 correct as possible, I've lumped on defenders mainly as thats where we need to strengthen before elsewhere.
  16. Not a bad call. I think he might have scored against actually.
  17. What is it people don't understand about the words "press conference"? It's a conference for the press................................not for every half-arsed, unemployed, scruffy fucking family of charvers north of bampsville. Jesus.
  18. We did Chez and he said Mr Motson was only staying for a few more days and it would be better not to upset him. My mate did us no favours when he responded "Upset him? Upset him? I'll upset the bastard. Does he drink anything other than whiskey?" The General Manager of the hotel said "I''m not sure Sir, I don't think so, why?" Cue the next evening, after 11pm and Motty whaltzing in and asking for a treble with ice. "Sorry sir, we've got no whiskey this evening" "Oh, you must have, got to another bar - one of them upstairs, or the restaurant please" says Motty in an agitated, whiney tone. "No sir, we're sold out - theres none left in the entire hotel" Cue us three smiling and waving to Johnny boy as he stomps our of the bar from behind a table full of Malt. My mate (whose worth a few quid) got the GM to show him all of his whiskey earlier that night, saying he wanted to check which was most suited to his tastes. He then told the GM he wanted to buy it all, every bottle. There was about 16 in total. He reckons its the best 1300euros he's ever spent.
  19. Met him at the World Cup last year. An absolute, grade A cunt and there isn't many people I'd say that about. What happened? I was out at the world cup last year for the Semi's and the final and we stayed at the same hotel as lots of the pundits, ex-players etc in the middle of Berlin. So, after the coverage had finished most of them ended up back at the hotel bar for a drink if they'd been filming or if not, they stayed in the hotel bar/gym and what not. Shearer, Hanson, Ian Wright, Vialli, Leonardo, Lee Dixon and the rest. Motson, pissed most nights swigging back his trebles like they were going out of fashion, was the most obnoxious twat I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. He sauntered around like he owned the place and when my mate and I were at the bar I said to him (he was standing there on his own) 'alright john? have you enjoyed the cup?', 'been alright I suppose Geordie' he says. Who do you fancy to win it? I respond I'm not bothered - its work for me, listen I'm too busy for this and waiting for my producer to call as I'm filming football focus in the morning. So he fucks off to the reception and asks the receptionist to confirm if we actually stay there and to ask 'any english fans' not to bother him. Total arrogant arsehole in my opinion. He's made a living on the back of his shit chat. It wasn't like we'd walked in off the street and pestered him. He'd seen us around the bar for a few nights and we were better dressed than him the twat.
  20. Met him at the World Cup last year. An absolute, grade A cunt and there isn't many people I'd say that about.
  21. Jamie Redknapp. Liked him at first, hate the Lampard defending, daddy sucking prick now though.
  22. Like who? Last one to come through into the first team was Gerrard. Heighway was there for about 20 years wasnt he? I doubt more than 10 players went into the Liverpool team. Off the top of my head................. Owen Gerrard Carragher Warnock Ostemobor (sp?) McManaman Fowler I'm sure there's loads more that I can't think of. The point is, I'm sure over the years they've either had more kids through to play at a good level or sold them for a decent fee.
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