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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    Gooch Onyewu

    Both Ferdinand & Davies are a bit inexperienced for what we need now. I'd like to see a 'reader' of the game who can organise, lead and inspire the other 3. One or two mistakes from those lads and they would be in the unfortunate position of having to win over a very sceptical crowd following our experience with Bramble et al.
  2. Minhosa

    Gooch Onyewu

    I think he would be a solid player with a good, reliable centre half next to him for a run of games next season. As much as I rate him, thats not going to be Steven Taylor, so we'd still have to buy, meaning Taylor would be on the bench as our first choice replacement. I think Gooch needs a run. To be fair, he's playing at a much higher level than he's ever played before, in a new country and with unfamiliar teammates. He's also not helped by the fact he's probably never played in the same back four since he signed.
  3. I never normally bet on that many teams in an accumulator. There are a lot of factors in any result, let alone six. That said, I do fancy England and might have a double on them to beat both Israel & Andorra. I wouldn't bet on the France match with the injuries they've got (Vieira, Henry, Saha and Ribery).
  4. Minhosa


    I think he would be a solid player with a good, reliable centre half next to him for a run of games next season. As much as a rate him, thats not Steven Taylor, so we'd still have to buy, meaning Taylor would be on the bench as our first choice replacement. I think Gooch needs a run. To be fair, he's playing at a much higher level than he's ever played before, in a new country and with unfamiliar teammates. He's also not helped by the fact he's probably never played in the same back four since he signed.
  5. Minhosa

    fergie's rant

    Shreeves is a legend IMO. Always liked him. Its funny how he always tries to worm answers to potentially controversial questions from unsuspecting (or rather thick?) players after the match. Bet this gets mentioned on Soccer AM this Saturday if they have a live link-up with him. Ha Ha.
  6. Minhosa

    Dyer guilt

    Exactly what I was thinking. The thing is, he really can't win can he? Whatever he says publically will generate stick so he's best off saying nothing. At least for the time being. I'm not his biggest fan, in fact I don't really like him, but its harsh to slate him for that interview imo.
  7. This for me. I concur with the majority of people on here in that I think it'll be his last season as a Newcastle player. My fear is that somebody like a Sam Allardyce will turn him into a cracking defender and we'll rue the day we got rid of him. If we're being honest, and by that I mean taking his personal life out of the picture, he can be quality but it's his shite concentration that lets him down. If his next Manager can fix that, then they've got a bargain buy of great proportions on their hands. If they can't fix that then.............he'll be a Championship player within two years. Nailed on.
  8. He's our best midfielder in my opinion. It's no coincidence that when Parker was out and Butt/Emre got a run together not only did we have our best patch of the season both Butt & Emre produced their best perfomances. Zog hasn't had the chance to fulfill his promise this season, Milner's been steady, Parker doesn't know what the hell he is (attacking midfielder or defensive), Dyer's been more stop than start and the less said about Duff's season the better. I'd be gutted to see him leave.
  9. Whats with the Martins bashing at EVERY single opportunity? Maybe its because our last number 9 gave him interviews all of the time and Oba's got more sense.
  10. Minhosa

    Sami Hyypia

    Would anyone else take Mellberg? He's not got long on his Villa Contract left and will probably be looking for one last big payday, so he's not out of the question. I'd have him here in a shot but not sure if he's A) fast enough and B) Vocal enough to develop Taylor and Co. Thoughts?
  11. This. I'd even buy the necessary fuel.
  12. Should have asked Kelly Dalglish if her dad had bought her owt nice with the compensation he probably got from the club for being booted? Or if the silly fucker knows a decent player when he see's one these days. He certainly didn't when he took over from KK. I hate/hated him more than Souness and thats saying something.
  13. Minhosa

    Sami Hyypia

    Might bring Taylor on a bit and he's very experienced in the Premiership. Thats the upside. On the downside, he'd get raped by anything with half a yard. I'd say no and try to get someone with lots of experience but a bit more pace. That said, as a squad player or a part time player/defensive coach would be a nice, if unrealistic, option.
  14. Minhosa

    Record Smashed

    You're right for a change. Well Done. :thup: who are you? Ask your mum, you cockney slag.
  15. Minhosa

    Record Smashed

    You're right for a change. Well Done. :thup:
  16. This. Babayaro has disapeared again................Are we sure its not him that died? Maybe the Coroner got his Brothers name and the date slightly wrong? AND would we fucking notice if he had carked it? Same goes for the fat paddy as well.
  17. Minhosa


    We did lose by a landslide mate. We lost 2-0. Anything over that was always going to be irrelevant. I would've started with Emre and Milner instead of Parker and Dyer. Fo what its worth, over the course of this season Butt has been HUGELY more effective than Parker. The reason he plays badly when Parker is in the same starting 11 as him is because he never gets the option of the easy ball into feet. That daft twat Parker is always off rampaging into some part of the field where he'll never get the ball or looking for his next 'heroic' tackle. SHITE. Send him back to Chelsea.
  18. Minhosa


    Janitor, Emre looked fit to me. I don't understand how you can say he didn't look fit? What more would you have expected from him?
  19. Minhosa


    Thats Roeders weakness IMO. The inability to drop Butt/Parker. Absolute bollocks. Emre offers more going forward than those two put together. Parker is god damn awful. He offers nothing but crunching tackles. Most of which are in the middle of the park and don't win us possession. He doesn't fit into a system rather we try to make a system fit him. Waste of space.
  20. Minhosa


    I agree. We weren't set up for counter-attacking football at all. I'd have kept Duff on. The reason he was quiet in the second half was we weren't giving him the ball. I'd have put on Emre and Milner for Sibierski and Parker. I don't think Parker played that well at all. It was the usual story. Good at closing down the opposition, poor in possession. Once we went 2-0 down that wasn't what we needed. This. Exactly fucking this. WHEN are people going to wake up and realise that Parker is not the fucking answer? Emre offered us sooo much more tonight. Aye his set pieces were gash, but at least he offered a threat going forward. He was better than the vast majority, mate. I didn't see anyone else putting the ball in the net towards the end of the game. He ran his bollocks off, as well, which is more than a fair few did tonight. Emre was very good when he came on, I thought. Shame he wasn't fit enough to start. How do you know Emre wasn't fit enough to start? I reckon he was. Parker runs around in Circles and offers very little in terms of retaining possesion. I would never sign him again given the chance.
  21. I am fighting the urge to abuse you.. Then again,can't say you didnt deserve to win.. Fuck fighting the urge, just tell the Dutch cutn to fuck off to his own board. Bellend.
  22. Minhosa


    I agree. We weren't set up for counter-attacking football at all. I'd have kept Duff on. The reason he was quiet in the second half was we weren't giving him the ball. I'd have put on Emre and Milner for Sibierski and Parker. I don't think Parker played that well at all. It was the usual story. Good at closing down the opposition, poor in possession. Once we went 2-0 down that wasn't what we needed. This. Exactly fucking this. WHEN are people going to wake up and realise that Parker is not the fucking answer? Emre offered us sooo much more tonight. Aye his set pieces were gash, but at least he offered a threat going forward.
  23. Minhosa


    I have to admit, I thought Huntingdon and Duff were at fault for the first goal. No cover/,marking whatsoever.
  24. I'm fucking livid if it helps. How can a side murder, and I mean literally fucking ,maul their opponents for 60 minutes and then, over the following 120 minutes get beat? Fucking diabolicle. No excuses.
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