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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Hows Fabregas playing?
  2. Bloody typical............the only week Phil Thompson isn't on Soccer Saturday and we've got a Sunday match. Still at least I'll not have to listen to the whinging scouse twat criticising some other club. Can't stand him.
  3. Bramble was free last year.........turned out to be a rip off
  4. Afraid not Dinho lad. Torres will get the assist.
  5. Agree - should have been finished before half time this game.
  6. What, the little laddie murdered by brain-dead hoodie scum ? I'd hang each and every member of their verminous gang of rodents. Thats how I feel on the subject, but look forward to the footie. Don't let such an atrocity do otherwise to you. Erm No. I think he means the QPR centre forward killed in a car crash earlier today.
  7. Carragher was telling Babel not to go off as he wasn't right. Babel stays on and Carragher will now be replaced by Riise.
  8. Eh? Which match are you watching? He's done fuck all.
  9. Agree. He's looked nothing out of the ordinary in the first few games of the season IMO.
  10. Exactly the same as me! Damn that Craig Gordon.
  11. That, and over 12 million for Babel too I believe.. Ajax plan to use him as a Babel replacement on the left of a front three btw.. Thats seriously good business when you think about it. If Luque can do a job for them they've done well with that business.
  12. Voronin will get the assist but it came from a good pass from Alonso.
  13. Pennant & Sissoko both looking lively for the 'Pool.
  14. Made me chuckle too. Hope he signs. I'd just love to see him when they play Chelsea with SWP in full flow.
  15. Ian Harte in the crowd at SOS, been on trial for a few days with the Mackems.
  16. Mackems should be one down after 26 secs. Funny.
  17. Surely we would have been better off loaning him to them in order for him to either impress Ajax or another club in the hope of generating a fee for him next summer? Really can't understand letting him go for free.
  18. Just over an hour to go until the first kick off. C'mon Liverpool, spank the Mackems!!
  19. Depends on price for me. Anything less than £3m and I'd take him. He'd be a good addition to the squad at that price. If he turns out not to be the answer to our RB problems then he's a good option from the bench for CB cover and we can buy a new RB next window. Young, British, point to prove...............we could do worse imo.
  20. Absolutely, not only that but they are extremely hard workers and leaders too. Hopefully, when Barton returns the midfield will keep that bite but will also have a little extra going forward. smith, barton, geremi, butt - now thats a physical midfield line-up. Remember also that we have duff, milner, emre, zoggy if we want to play more attack-minded game Sensible post. Exactly my thoughts.
  21. Then you should be happy with our performance yesterday. Baggio, I'm not worried put it that way. These players care and I like to see that. I've got no desire to see Bramble's, Dyers, Babayaro's or Jenas' stroll around the pitch not giving a shit and then getting arseholed in Newcastle every Saturday night. I'm happy with 4 points out of 6 and I'm really happy with Big Sam's craic in the press. Why name shite players? I'd rather see Robert walking around the like he did in his first few seasons here than all of those grafters put together. Having a midfield full of battlers doesn't interest me one bit, especially when there's no pace or movement in the team, I'm not having a go at Allardyce here and I'm happy with what he's done with the club but that performance yesterday was shite, it's what you get from a team full of grafters. Lets hope he realises his mistakes and we never have to see a trio of Butt, Geremi and Smith playing in midfield together again. Bollocks. Robert? You've got to be having a laugh. He'd turn up for one game in nine...........in the meantime he'd blaze free kicks over the bar from 40+ yards. Anyway - lets not waste time discussing this. You are clearly knee-jerking. Get a grip lad. We've never been this well off for years. PS: I wasn't intentionally naming shite players, but, if I was Robert would have been in the list. Good lord, one of the biggest influinces in turning us into a Champions League team was shite?! And you're telling me to get a grip?! Jesus Wept. You do need to Baggio. You're talking shite I'm afraid. In fact, most of your points about yesterdays performance are baseless and you're coming across as a bit of a whining twat. Oh, and as already stated, I'd have a Smith, Butt or Milner over that lazy bastard Robert EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.
  22. Then you should be happy with our performance yesterday. Baggio, I'm not worried put it that way. These players care and I like to see that. I've got no desire to see Bramble's, Dyers, Babayaro's or Jenas' stroll around the pitch not giving a shit and then getting arseholed in Newcastle every Saturday night. I'm happy with 4 points out of 6 and I'm really happy with Big Sam's craic in the press. Why name shite players? I'd rather see Robert walking around the like he did in his first few seasons here than all of those grafters put together. Having a midfield full of battlers doesn't interest me one bit, especially when there's no pace or movement in the team, I'm not having a go at Allardyce here and I'm happy with what he's done with the club but that performance yesterday was shite, it's what you get from a team full of grafters. Lets hope he realises his mistakes and we never have to see a trio of Butt, Geremi and Smith playing in midfield together again. Bollocks. Robert? You've got to be having a laugh. He'd turn up for one game in nine...........in the meantime he'd blaze free kicks over the bar from 40+ yards. Anyway - lets not waste time discussing this. You are clearly knee-jerking. Get a grip lad. We've never been this well off for years. PS: I wasn't intentionally naming shite players, but, if I was Robert would have been in the list.
  23. Then you should be happy with our performance yesterday. Baggio, I'm not worried put it that way. These players care and I like to see that. I've got no desire to see Bramble's, Dyers, Babayaro's or Jenas' stroll around the pitch not giving a shit and then getting arseholed in Newcastle every Saturday night. I'm happy with 4 points out of 6 and I'm really happy with Big Sam's craic in the press.
  24. Some people forget very quickly. Anyone remember the quality of football under Dogleash, Gullit, SBR's first season, Glenda? We were shite, we signed shite and the tactics were shit. We will play better football under Sam than all of those Managers. We'll play with more awareness and greater understanding of systems than we did under any of those AND we'll have a side of players that actually give a shite. I love seeing Smith, Butt, Milner, Geremi etc getting stuck in rather than a team of Dyers or Jena's that fanny around and never give a shit. We may not be pretty to watch right now but don't forget we've got Enrique to come in, we've got Owen to get fit, we've got Emre, Barton and Duff as well. This thread is unbelievable. Actually, it's not, but it is fucking embarrassing.
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