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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Steve Heighway. Dunno why you'd think him a welcome addition. I'm delighted he finally got the boot out of Liverpool. Years to late like. Purely on the basis your boys have been producing, coaching, mentoring or whatever you want to call it some good quality players over the years Rafa, thats all it was based on mate.
  2. Fair play to him. Bloke has gone up in my estimations this season and that interview has increased my view of him even further.
  3. Apart from Steve Sidwell signing for us.................oh wait, hang on
  4. 'That said, he won't be a loss as footballs worst kept secret, Steve Sidwell, can also play up front alongside the ever-reliable Brett Emerton'
  5. If true, Oliver will be loving this. Fodder for years no matter what happens next. I can see the back page in May 2009................ "and Martins who has converted 35 goals this season, mainly thanks to the sublime passes and creative genius of selfless stars such as Dyer and Ameobi, will never be considered a true number 9 on Tyneside due to his disagreement with some big nosed fella United used to have as part of their effective backroom staff, alongside the charismatic and much missed McDermott. My sources tell me he'll be off in the summer and after a pitiful return of 72 goals in two seasons, frankly, it's about time."
  6. I'm neither pro or anti Barton. I think he's a good player, good engine, got drive and can grab a game by the scruff of its neck - perhaps something our CM's have been lacking in this season. That said, his attitude is questionnable. No doubt. My problem with this (should we show an interest or indeed sign him) is that, in some respects, it's another Damien Duff style signing i.e: We're buying him because he's unexpectedly available, slightly cheaper than perhaps he's worth and maybe we don't want say an Everton, Villa or Portsmouth to sign him. There's no planning. It's not like we've wanted him for years and now our chance has suddenly arrived nor it is that he's good enough to build a team around (Lets face it, he's no Zidane). Does Sam already know what he wants to do with Emre, Butt and Parker? Does he know for sure that he won't play Milner, Dyer or the Zog through the middle? Surely not, at least not already? If we get (or even try to buy him) it's almost like its for the wrong reasons.
  7. Not sure Midds - I thought he was the Reserve Team Coach at Bolton?
  8. The guy thats just left Liverpools youth Academy (can't recall his name - is it heighway?) would be a welcome addition now that we now know Glenn won't be coming back/being demoted. Not sure who Boltons equivalent is? Thoughts?
  9. The thing is Skirge, things are going to change dramatically at the club when Sam gets his hands on it. Some of those that want away now might love it and stay and some of those who are settled might hate it and go. Regardless, there's not that many that are good enough to dictate to the club tbh. I wouldn't be that arsed who left at the minute.
  10. Apparently Wally Downes is yet to sign a new contract with Reading. Anyone fancy him marshalling our back four next season? I'd like to see us nick other coaches from other clubs that are proven..........................any suggestions?
  11. Sorry for another Sam thread but I think this warrants its own.................................... Been thinking about our midfield and came to the the conclusion that, for different reasons, most of them are probably 'big sam' type players but for very different reasons. By that, I mean players you wouldn't have been surprised to see turn up at Bolton or in another Big Sam managed team. Led me to thinking about our main squad players and came to the following conclusions:- Keepers Given - Sam likes a reliable keeper and has a high opinion of Jaskaleinan (sp) but, at our level, you can't do any better than Shay. He's a top professional too. Harper - Sam may see Harper as expendable if he needs to generate funds. If not, a steady No.2 who isn't gonna be banging his door down. Krul - Potential. Ideal to be loaned out. Defenders Carr - In some respects I see him as a Bolton type signing (i.e: wrong side of 30, his stock has fallen over the years etc) but then when Sam see's his fitness level in pre-season coupled with his supposed attitude problem I think he'll be away. Babayaro - Again, could be seen as a Bolton type buy when we got him. Relatively cheap (£1m signing for us iirc) not too old and with some pedigree. Obviously he's died on his arse with us and needs more reviving than a cardiac arrest victim. I think Sam might fancy his chances of doing that if funds are tight. His man-management skills will be needed here as much as anywhere. Bramble - Again! A Bolton type buy (in fact I think a few of us had him down to go there as a Sam type player). I reckon he might just keep him you know. We've said it a million times, he's got all the physical attributes to be a great defender but his head lets him down so much, so regularly and he's had so many chances, under so many Managers. Who knows? Taylor - He has lots of potential and he won't be unknown to Allardyce. I think he'll end up starting next season on the bench as Sam will look for two experienced centre halves. It wouldn't surprise me if he's a shock sale next year actually. Gooch - Has Sam seen enough of him to judge? He's still young for a centre half but Sam will probably feel like he could be developed/coached into a good player. Moore - He's off to Aus in the summer iirc so won't be an issue Midfielders Solano - Right back or Right Mid? I'm not sure how Sam will see him. His experience will be in his favour I would think given that we have quite a young side. Again, it wouldn't surprise me if he is a casualty of the Allardyce reign given that he'll probably be after a RB and see Milner as his right winger. Milner - I think Sam will like his workrate, attitude etc. Can't see why he would get rid perhaps only if he didn't fit into Sams chosen system but he's a versatile enough player. Duff - Again, a player in need of rejuvenation. I reckon Sam will love him personally. I get the impression he's the kind of lad that needs an arm around the shoulder and Sam will have that in his locker as well as shouting and balling at players. N'Zogbia - See Milner minus the good attitude. Perhaps a floggable asset if Sam needs to generate funds. Emre - I think Sam could see him as a Djorkaeff/Okocha type player in that (in the correct system) he could be a play maker. He's never had the right system in my opinion and he's been let down by Parkers inability to know whether he's there to attack or defend. Parker - I think Sam will use him. How I don't know. Butt - Funny one is Nicky cos he's got a Sam Allardyce signing written all over him. I think he'll keep him on for another year for his experience until he moulds the playing squad his way. A top trainer apparently and Sam will appreciate his fitness levels/professionalism. Dyer - I'm not sure Sam will appreciate the amount of money he's on compared to his contribution to the side over the years and his god awful injury history. I'd see him either loving Dyer and flogging him straight away. He might not like his apparent aversion to playing out of position because the obvious position for Dyer in Sams 4-3-3 or 4-5-1 would be as a wide forward. Forwards Sib - I reckon Allardyce will get rid. Too old, too slow and not really needed after a summer of strengthening. Luque - Will Sam appreciate his qualities or see him as unworthy of the effort given the fact he's off to the Dutch league? He's not got the heart or workrate needed for the EPL and I think that will precipitate his definite departure this summer. Owen - One of the country's finest forwards, which Manager wouldn't play him in a side like ours? Given his injury record, his contractual situation and his questionable long term commitment it would be a risk to build a side around him. I think he'll look to keep him though. Martins - The big question on Martins is what system suits him best and how does that relate to the way Sam wants us to play. Thats the big question for me. I think his unfortunate inconsistency might see him depart. Shame. Amoebi - I reckon Sam will love old Shola. Good attitude, willing worker and prepared to take a hit for the cause. I reckon he'll further bulk him up and look to make him a young Kevin Davies. I've purposely not mentioned the likes of Edgar, Huntingdon, Ramage and Co who are likely to be loaned out and I've based my opinions on Allardyces previous approach at Bolton (this could be entirely wrong but I assumed what he likes in a player won't significantly change). Anyway, thoughts?.....................
  12. Thats a pretty big 'barr' though - isn't it? It finally looks like he's taken on board criticism for previous appointments etc, and looks to be appointing someone who might actually by the right man for a change and then he goes and publicly has a pop at our best player, then re-affirms it to some no-marks in a van. Fucks sake.............................
  13. Minhosa

    Nicky Shorey?

    aye - he's quality. As is Baines at Wigan or Bale at Southampton (although he'll be pricey). No excuse for us not improving the left back spot this pre-season. When Sam gets his performance analysts measuring Baba's fitness he'll think the pro-zone machines are broken. His lazy, pick his own games, 45k a week skinny ass will be unemployed quicker than Sam can say "Try and reach the back stick with that throw-in Gooch lad".
  14. I'd be happy if he arrived especially if his arrival was closely followed by the departure of Parker.
  15. I'm not so sure about that, if he's scouted the team (when we played them) as well as he is supposed to then he'll be aware of all the weak links in our side, he's probably had an eye on all of our players in the final year of their conract for the past few months too with a view of signing them for Bolton. I can see big changes though, plenty of players coming in who are out of contract with our lot in the same position going out, he'll also move on some of the players on big wages who he can cash in on who aren't worth what their transfer fee will be(Dyer, Parker) players like Ameobi, Butt, Carr, Babayaro, Milner and Ramage will be safe for this season. I also think he'll relish working with Emre as he likes to convert players with a bad reputation. Baggio, Thats a great point. For me, Emre can be like a Djorkaeff/Okocha in that he could be a tremendous playmaker IF he had someone behind him mopping up/breaking up everything else. Basically, what Parker should do inbetween his "round and round the garden" routine. I think Emre will be a Big Sam type of player and he could be a pivotal player if the team shape suits him. It never has so far. Its no coincidence that our best run of results this season have been when the middle of the park has consisted of him and Butt (when Parker was out for about 10 games or so). I'm not getting too carried away with the impending appointment of Sam for reasons mentioned in another thread BUT one of the big positives for me would be what he could make of Emre and that, at the very least, everyone in the team should know and intimately understand their role in the side. Something they've never had since SBR left imo.
  16. Because he would have been on peanuts at Arsenal. He would've got more money after a year or two at Reading. He was probably only on a couple of grand a week at Arsenal. He was only a young kid, through their youth system iirc.
  17. Don't see too many people ready to throw themselves off the Tyne Bridge at him choosing Chelsea. Most of us are genuinely surprised that he turned down the chance of regular football to sit on the bench while his career passes him by. The team he rejected is fairly irrelevant - could have been Boro, Villa, Bolton etc and i think the reaction would have been the same tbh. He's gone there for the money - good luck to him. Think he'll regret it eventually like... Of course he's gone for the money. Football is a short career, he wouldn't have to move his wife and kids. He's no different to 99% of other players IMO. Why do you think Michael Owen is here? He wouldn't have came if he had to take a pay cut from Madrid would he? He'd have sat his ass on the bench until someone came in for him that would match/increase his dosh or leave on a free.
  18. Don't know why people are that bothered by this? It wasn't like he was joining us for the privilege of wearing a black and white shirt. He wanted big money, we offered it, he got offered more, he went elsewhere. So fuck.
  19. Minhosa


    Request.... Can you fuck off? Seconded
  20. Pistone for me. He arrived as Italy under 21 Captain and for a big fee. Shame he turned out shite.
  21. Minhosa

    Alan Oliver

    He could probably retire now with all the cash he must have been paid by Fred.
  22. "Sven will I see you again.............." as Freddie creates another managerial casualty, this time of the Swedish variety.
  23. "VD is Sam-thing special" as Viduka and Davies ensure we play route one football like never before.
  24. "He's Allar-dycing with death"......as Sam swipes a steak bake from under Freddie's nose in the Boardroom.
  25. Minhosa

    Alan Oliver

    I can see the back page snippet in para 8, line 5 tomorrow night................. "and, with my popularity on Tyneside soaring after a Newcastle-Online website poll, its' clear that, like Glenn Roeder was, I am the fans choice for this position with a whopping 1.9% of the vote".
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