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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Can we have a 'don't look if you're not interested' thread please? Cock.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/b/birmingham_city/6264562.stm Looked a decent enough player in the past. Gotta be a decent acquisition for nothing?
  3. At the bottom of that article, the "In's & Out's" bring a smile to my face. Have to say, I'm liking his craic and if his performance thus far on the transfer front is anything to go by, he'll do for me. He seems to have a way with the press and, dare I say it, his charisma is Keegan like. For a net spend of £1.7m we're looking a far stronger side already. Lots of time for comings and goings yet though.
  4. Minhosa

    Habib Beye

    Well we failed to score a single goal over two legs and barely even created a half-chance in the Stade Velodrome. Didn't we maul them at home but fail to convert our chances? OR am I getting totally confused with my Uefa games?
  5. Is Jansen a left back Isegrim?
  6. Minhosa

    Habib Beye

    Is it just me or weren't Marseille a bit fragile at the back when we played them in the UEFA? I don't remember anyone (other than Drogba) standing out for them, especially at the back? Is my mind playing tricks?
  7. They've just signed Ribery too - you know that right?
  8. Thought to be 12m Euro up front, raising to 15m Euro depending on future success. Not exactly cheap for someone whose contract runs out next year. It also means that Makaay is going to be put up for sale now... More than I thought Isegrim. That said, he is quality and proven in their domestic league. What do you make of Makaay? Do you rate him?
  9. I like the look of their buys so far. Luca Toni will fit in well over there.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/6241770.stm Shame. If money was no object, I'd have liked to see him join us. The fee is undisclosed, so I'd guess it's not huge. I'm surprised he didn't want to chance his arm outside of Germany.
  11. He's just been interviewed on SSN confirming both us and Bolton were in for him but he wants to spend another year in the SPL. He'll be off next year he reckons.
  12. Given that they need the cover (with the Saha injury and the ageing Solksjaer) I would have thought they would take the hit on the £3.5m and let him go on a free in a couple of years? Especially after they've been blowing their dollars all over Portgual and Germany this summer.
  13. last year of contract,next year he leaves for nowt....................................i think Cheers, hadn't realised that. I might have imagined this........but didn't he get quoted in the national press a few weeks ago saying he wanted to stay at Man Utd for the rest of his career, sign a new contract etc etc?
  14. Why would Man Utd want sell him though? Especially given that Saha is out for a while, Solksjaer isn't exactly reliable (or a spring chicken)? Granted, they're bound to have a new Striker coming in but I still don't understand why they'd want rid of Smith? Perhaps its a sweetener in preparation for a deal involving Owen?
  15. September, December and April all look decent months to me.
  16. I'd be just as happy with Geremi to be honest.
  17. Think you are right Ian. Shame as he has all the attributes of a Sam type signing. I can't think of anyone (that we can realistically get) that I'd rather have at right back TBH.
  18. Why's that? Just wondering. Would be interesting to find out where you'd play him... presumably you'd have the idea of selling someone first? He'd be my attacking midfielder in a 4-3-3 formation with 2 of Butt, Barton and Emre just behind him, if he stayed fit he'd easily get into double figures in a season and has the potential to create just as many IMO. Viduka, Tevez and Martins up front. But what about Shola?
  19. My thoughts too. I'd like one of Baines/Shorey/Boko (Think he's the Ivory Coast LB?) here along with Geremi as a cert at right back. Geremi is such a good player and has wasted his talent a bit at Chelsea IMO. Great strength, skill and versatility. Waste if he goes back to the Boro. Regardless of who we do actually pursue I reckon Sam will realise he's desperately short at full back and I hope he sorts this next.
  20. Minhosa

    Mark Viduka

    Me too, didn't expect but I was just reading this thread when they said he was on the phone so I thought I summarise what he said for those who don't have Sky.
  21. Minhosa

    Mark Viduka

    God knows mate but that's what he said. I typed as he was talking so it probably makes no sense at all. If you need anything clarifying let me know!
  22. Minhosa

    Mark Viduka

    In summary, here is what he said:- - good week - Viduka gives everyone a lift - he's a great talent, can get goals and lots of experience. - More than just a goalscorer - Liked him since his Celtic days - Great business for the club - NUFC had a disapointing season, part of his remit to change that and sort injury record - Hopes the Viduka signing plays a part in helping Freddie recover - Barton nearly there, hoping to complete in 2 days - Wishes Scott Parker well in his move to WHU - Confident he can handle Barton and his baggage - Ashley and him met briefly at ground/facilities. Not sure what's happening financially yet as they only met for a few minutes - Hopes more signings to follow. Hopes that there'll be another few signings starting with Defenders being the key area. - Wouldn't mention the Ben Haim link - Owen etc will be a strong forward line.
  23. Minhosa

    Mark Viduka

    Sam live on SSN talking about Viduka buy!
  24. Minhosa

    Luke Young

    I'd take him if only to bin Carr. He'd be a useful addition to squad and has a good fitness record and limited disciplinary problems. For £2m we could do A LOT worse!
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