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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Chopra did pretty well overall but missed the fairly massive point when he said 'he'll have to back Brucey and spend £100m'. WTF? How about just keep Rafa and give him the fucking cash instead? I genuinely think, he could've given Rafa £60m and £20m to spend on the training ground and seen a hugely more beneficial return from it.
  2. To the tune of 'Sex Bomb'...... Yes Man Yes Man You're a Yes Man Couldn't Say No, you pretended you're a Fan Yes Man Yes Man You're a Yes Man We all pray you've got a fucking short lifespan Yes Man Yes Man You're a Yes Man Ashley's got you shopping in the fucking rubbish can
  3. Only allowed one coach. Somebody better tell the pair of doyles that have resigned with him then.....
  4. I have a suspicion he's doing this on purpose to take it back private. A number of 'poor' decisions, sink the share price, he get's it back for fuck all and can then pick and choose how he puts right those decisions.
  5. Notice how cocky that ginger cunt Colback looked. Smug little prick probably can't believe his luck.
  6. No morals, integrity, decency or class. He should fit right in with his new employer. Hope him and has fucking hapless assistants crash on the way up the road. From Rafa and his team to these bunch of fucking mongs. Only at Mike Ashley's Newcastle.....
  7. Nothing official but it must be absolute miles away if we are trying so hard to get Bruce and his back room staff and bringing Carr back Aye it's clearly completely fucked, if it ever actually had any genuine potential in the first place.
  8. And rightly so. Regardless of Ashley's complete shithouse behaviour, they've not exactly covered themselves in glory either. Of the three latest, confirmed, bids (BZG, Staveley, Kenyon) Staveley is the only one I'd have wanted.
  9. Perhaps the failed Liverpool medical?
  10. Gibson with the best local coverage on the state of NUFC yet. Good to see.
  11. I’ve seen the headlines, all they’ve done is say there’s boycotts planned, sticking to facts. Seems enough to have appeased those wanting them to stick their oar in, without actually doing anything wrong to piss the club off. I’d be more impressed if they came out in support of these actions but they fall short (unless I’ve missed something). Their coverage has been as weak as piss for years but this summer stands out as being completely spineless. They appear scared to lose access to a club that treats them with complete disdain. It’s a joke. They’re a joke. One thing I know for sure is that when the day comes that we have a new owner (and that day will come) they deserve none of the benefits that upturn in fortune/positivity would bring because they’ve done fuck all to get Ashley out.
  12. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    This cunt needs chinning.
  13. Sun. For what that shitrag is worth.
  14. Because this gives him the ‘fackin’ Geordies they even turn on their own’ rhetoric. Never happy Etc Etc.
  15. Absolutely tragic this. Two chopper crashes last year in football and neither were the fat cunts. When is our luck gonna change?
  16. It’ll hardly be a lot. £1m out of the £30m from Perez for an average yes man who’d be delighted to accept a job like Newcastle. Job done for Ashley And a ready made rhetoric in ‘Geordies are never happy. Don’t like cockneys, don’t like their own’ blah blah blah. This is a fucking disgrace. From Benitez to this Blob. Fuck this shower.
  17. How are you not already Was Waiting in vain for a takeover.
  18. If this happens I’m out. Completely.
  19. From a Sheikh + Mourinho + Mbappe to the Parasite Staying + Bruce + Colback. Only at Ashley's NUFC. This is hell.
  20. He'd surely have been briefed by his friends and family at the outcry his odd's shortening has created? If so, he'd be a raving nutcase to take it. Carver levels of insanity this shit.
  21. He's probably personally handling transfer negotiations for some french bloke who views us as a stepping stone since there's no other cunt to be doing it.
  22. Fuck me. Steve Bruce He'd be very well warned by his local mates that's for sure so the thick cunt would be going in with his eyes wide open. From Benitez to Bruce. Like going from Biel to Boyle.
  23. The spin from those cunts at the chron has been absolutely shameful this summer. Fucking disgusting.
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