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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. He'll be a starter in the months before Bruce get's the bullet as SB will revert to type and the '11 Jack Colbacks attitude' when it's proven he can't manage talented players from overseas. Shelvey, Colback, Dummett etc will be the cornerstone of his starting 11 at the end.
  2. He's certainly the gaffer when it comes to transfers. Make no mistake. He's stamped his very own mark on this summer it can't be denied.
  3. Preferred the 11th choice title. Can we have some reference to him being a cunt in the title please? Ta.
  4. Talks a lot when people don’t renew.........
  5. He's certainly looking to go that way. 100%. But the heinous creature clearly wants his cake and to eat it to. Get's Sports Shite and keep NUFC. That's the best of both. Then the profitable one can subsidise some of the loss making one.
  6. The local journos are loving this bent nosed cunt for all of the soundbites. Rafa seemed completely in control of the message whereas this blabber mouthed bellend is just spraying his shit everywhere like a verbalised Ron Jeremy. They're all over him as he's filling the back pages with utter garbage. Can't wait til he fails and they're forced to turn on him as they run out of idea's to protect his ass.
  7. Minhosa


    It's really not much to do with the manager. It's about keeping the club just in the PL and selling assets for more than you bought them. It's more like poor/spineless managers are more likely to do what they want. Exactly. Benitez was a nightmare for Ashley. We’ve gone back a decade now. Few big signings will keep the sheep bleating though .
  8. Funny that all of those players whose value Rafa has hugely increased with his coaching methodologies and tactics during his time with NUFC (Perez, Lascelles, Schar, Dummett, Dubravka, Longstaff etc etc) may like him a little more when they get their cut of the transfer fee's they'll generate when we flog them. Conversely when fucking square heed gets hold of them and their values plummet then the opposite. That's the value of a top top coach.
  9. All gearing up for this lad to be sold on the last day of the window to 'balance the books'.
  10. Minhosa


    Aye. Local rags going on like this is all Steve Pissing Bruce's work and he's 'authorising' these buys. GET TO FUCK. it won't go down like mclaren, bruce is inheriting a good group of players with a system that doesn't need any work...the only thing bruce has in his locker is an organised team, if joelinton and whoever else can come in and hit the ground running with almiron we'll be fine next season but that's the gameble isn't it, almiron has never scored in england and any offensive reinforcements will also likely never have and will be gambles of some type i find it hard to believe it'll be as bad as mcclaren though Might not go down but the model is the same even though it's been completely proven not to work.
  11. Minhosa


    Aye. Local rags going on like this is all Steve Pissing Bruce's work and he's 'authorising' these buys. GET TO FUCK.
  12. Minhosa


    The most important signing this summer was Rafa tbh and they blew it.
  13. Greatest spending spree in the club's history. Basically they've been hoarding the tv money and have just added another £30m on top of that by selling Perez. They should be rolling in cash by now, it would be a disgrace not to spend it. Exactly. My first reaction too. 'Greatest Spending Spree in the History of Spending Spree's........' 33% of which is funded by a bloke we made a £28.5m profit on. Aye cheers. Who should we worship first? Fatty, Cabbage heed or Baldy? Fucking cunts. This PR battle between the owner and the fans is an absolute war of attrition. Just leave you parasitic cunt.
  14. Wrong again. If we keep making a loss, and will keep making a loss in the future, he has to either keep taking the loss or has to sell for cheap and write some of the loss off. Like what Ellis Short did. He'll have no choice. If he asks unreasonable amounts for a club with debt, nobody will buy it off him and so it (and therefore he!) will keep making a loss. No failing business has ever had its owner keep the high business value and just tack the debt on and see a successful sale. History is replete with examples of businesses being sold for nominal sums like £1 because of how they're performing. Nothing you're saying makes sense. He's already asking for an unreasonable amount and the club is in over a 100m in debt... You remind me of the arguments I have with my parents about Brexit or global warming. There is no level of proof which is high enough to convince them that they might be wrong. No matter how much actual evidence I put in front of them, from experts and peer-reviewed sources, they just go "Nah, that's not right" and show me some Daily Mail article about how forrins are ruining the country. It's about as rewarding as trying to kick water up a hill. You're the same. Not saying your a Brexiteer or climate change denier, of course, but you're so deeply entrenched that where this is concerned there's no level of evidence which is satisfactory for you to question your standpoint. You just dismiss everything anyone puts as if none of it carries any weight whatsoever, no matter how backed in facts, figures, or historical evidence. I don't want to be rude to you, because you've not been rude to me or indeed anyone on here and for that at least I respect you. But I come from a scientific background and believe strongly in the scientific method. I like to think I'm very open to new ideas and reassessing my viewpoint in light of new information as that's how we grow as people and how we expand our horizons. But you don't have this in your DNA and when I can see that only one side is putting out a compelling case there's no way of getting around that discussing anything with you is just a complete waste of time. You haven't really shown me evidence though mate, you've basically just said that if you take away ticket revenue that we'd make a loss. I hadn't looked at the accounts and you're right we would make a loss. We made a profit of £18.7 so taking away ticket revenue we would make a loss. But do you really think that makes Ashley sell the club? We've had years in the past where we've made a loss and he hasn't sold the club or lowered his price. Im sorry like but just because you come from a scientific background that doesn't mean you're correct. Why would he hang onto something that makes heavy losses year on year if he wasn't able to stem them (because he wasn't selling shirts or tickets)? Would you hang onto something that's costing you a f***ing fortune that you get no benefit from? Actually yes you would, and you do. The club has made losses in this tenure previously and he hasn't sold the club, in fact the club was making a loss before he bought the fucker Because he felt he could reverse those losses with promotions etc. You can't reverse something with no cunt there. That's not a one-season fix. That's an unsustainable business. Particularly if we go down. He'd almost certainly HAVE to sell it then.
  15. Like you give a f*** about Bruce's previous employers man, just throwing your toys out the pram because he's not Rafa Because he's s**** no? Statistically one of the worst ever Premier League managers. . Finished 13th and 10th with Sunderland, if he can do that here then he's done a very good job. I'm hoping he can replicate that, thats what you do as a supporter you just have to hope that things turn out well. I wouldn't have chosen Bruce but it is what it is Embracing the dream there........Just think guys, one day we'll be able to our grandkids of the day we beat Sheff Utd at home to secure 13th spot under Steve Bruce. What's a football club in any case?
  16. I can't begin to express how much I resent this bloke and this appointment generally. In terms of the message it gives. The devaluation of everything Rafa stood for and was working towards. We've gone from being led by a football genius to this utter clown and yet the absolute donuts who turn up in their masses lap it up. What will it actually take for the penny to drop that he's completely having them over? Laughing in their faces every week, making a mockery of them publically. For all his disgraceful and disastrous decisions/appointments of the past 12 years. For the sheer drop in quality and integrity from Rafa to Bruce, this has to be the worst. By far.
  17. Him back in the squad along with Shelvey playing every week and the inbound Carroll will make us a PFM's dream. From Rafa's likeable professionals to a bunch of British thugs. What is it they say about a team being representative of their manager?
  18. He put the prices up because he knows he can, yes. Because he knows fans will pay it. Having said that the ticket revenue is a drop in the ocean though when it comes to our revenue, do people think that if we just boycott every game he's going to sell the club? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Not sure how people can go that long without going to a game but there you go What are you going for though? What are you supporting? Please don’t say ‘the team’. We are not a competitive sporting institution under Ashley. We aim for no more than survival and are actively prevented by Ashley from having any ambition beyond that. I know what this club can be. I was there during Keegan and Sir Bobby and we are not that club any more. Due to Ashley. Stop enabling him ffs So because we aren't a 'competitve sporting intuition' that means stop going to games? Basically you're saying because we're s*** and haven't got a good team unlike when Keegan and Robson was here you're not going to games anymore? Our aim is survival yes, so is half the league. You're sounding completely duluded and entitled to be honest. You'll only turn up if we've got a good team, that's not what's supporting a club is about Howay Seymour man. Until that last quote i've admired your bravery in defending the minority view (on here anyway) but that last sentence? As i said before there's more to it than just being s***. If we try but fail then fair enough, but there is no trying. I haven't said it to anyone else, but read his post man. It sounds like the reason he went to games was because we had a good team under KK and Robson, and now because we're s**** and fighting relegation who won't go anymore. I understand what you mean, we have the capabilities to be so much more under Ashley. Under Westwood, Mckeag etc we never really had the major, major money that Ashley has You absolute muppet. I’d go and watch us under any regime and in any league we were in as long as we were trying to compete. Don’t ever put words into my mouth again you utter clown. if you say so So in order to watch the club you support, we have to 'compete'? Why can't you just support your football club? Surely you support your football club because that's your football club not because it's 'competing' or not You're not arsed that the team you care so dearly about is actively and overtly trying to avoid being successful? . Ofcourse I am, I want the club to be successful obviously. But me supporting the club isn't dependant on where we finish or not. That is the answer to the question: 'are you not arsed that the club you care so dearly about isn't successful?' I asked you: are you not arsed that the team you care so dearly about is actively and overtly trying to avoid being successful? Or do you think we are trying to be successful? Do you reckon Rafa to Bruce was a decision driven by an effort to be successful? Ofcourse I am, and yeah it does feel like Ashley goes out of his way for us not to be successful. And ofcourse that pisses me off. And no I don't, I've already said I didn't want Bruce and I've already said we should have done a hell of a lot more to keep Rafa So, with that in mind, what's your motivation for going? I'm not trying to be an arse to you here, I genuinely want to know. If you accept that you're funding a falsity, are you prepared for things to always be this way? Are you not interested in trying to force a change? My motivation for going is that I still despite all negativity on here enjoy going to games, the win against Man City last season was fantastic, I wouldn't want to miss that. We had a group of players last season that really give a shit and really gave their all for the club. Not the best group of players but you can't fault their efforts Am I prepared for things to be this way? Well I don't want things to be this way, I want us to be fighting at the top end of the table like we all do, but if this is what the club is at the moment then this is where the club is. Am I interested in trying to force a change? Like I've said if I thought boycotting and not going would get rid off Ashley then I'd cancel my season ticket tomorrow but sadly I don't think it would. Then at this stage, you have the club you now deserve. Enjoy it.
  19. Said it for ages, they inspire zero confidence tbh.
  20. Yeah. Fuck this shit. Not worth the time, effort or hope tbh. I’m writing it off. We’re a basket case tbh.
  21. Minhosa


    Part of me really hopes this guy completely flops and the fat cunt gets burnt for shitloads of money.
  22. Fucking dinosaur is old squashed nose. Ashley has wanted AC back for ages because he loved to take something cheap, increase it's value and flog it again. It turns him on. He'll be sitting there right now with a raging stonk on just thinking about it. Carroll is a slightly more mobile Debenhams.
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