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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Brought in to manage the reserves he's probably on about 200 grand a year ideal fit for big Mike Nowhere near that salary . Our MD was on £115k until last year FFS :lol: .
  2. I know where my money is. Me too. Fucking purgatory this.
  3. My interpretation too. I think it might be used to release major news at one go too. For example, major national/international events or incidents etc.
  4. I might be completely wrong here but I thought the Press Association was always completely legit and a means of getting a message out to a wide audience quickly rather than the trickle effect of one paper to the other kind of thing. If I'm not mistaken, the P.A operates at a bit of a higher level than the everyday press/media outlets. It's an official agency rather than a pure media outlet. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=press+association
  5. I mean the Press Association release it across the board at the same time for the wider press (tv, radio, newspapers etc) to use/report on as they see fit. As opposed to say getting in a room with his mates as SSN or the Sun to 'release' a message from a 'source'.
  6. Doesn't a statement from the Press Association effectively means its literally 'cross press' and therefore more credible/have less or no opinion? If this is the case, which I'm fairly sure it is, it means that Ashley's side are opting to put out a message directly and across the board rather than leak it to the news outlet of their choice. It would be a way of getting bi-lateral messages out quickly rather than the drip effect of tipping off SSN or one tabloid.
  7. I'm 100% fine with it. They need to make his ownership of NUFC an absolute misery. Remember this cunt stuck two fingers up last year as he left a pizza restaurant as a message to the fans? Remember the fucking sniggers and twatful grin whenever he's on screen with Charnley? Fuck him. He should feel fear. You'd also be surprised at the impact this would have on his family too btw and in a positive sense from our viewpoint. 'Come on Mike, just get rid of it, it's not worth people on our doorsteps etc'. He might listen to his Mrs or Kids. He won't listen to any other cunt.
  8. If you were seeking clarification on the status of a deal you wouldn't be doing that through the press. You'd be getting your people to speak to their people FFS. Utter bullshit again from the cretin. Playing this out in public again to seemingly enhance his position. Looks like another season of misery incoming.
  9. Kenyon wants to bring his own man in. I think this was also reported just after news of his bid broke by a few of the normal journos. Karanka wasn’t it? That’s who he had lined up earlier in the year yes. That didn’t get reported in the press though. Well, not to my knowledge.
  10. Kenyon wants to bring his own man in. I think this was also reported just after news of his bid broke by a few of the normal journos.
  11. Wonder if he takes Ben Dawson with him when he gets sorted at his next club?
  12. He's never far wrong from memory. Certainly has the best interests of NUFC at heart as he's a fan iirc. What’s he got right? My memory (maybe failing) is his name cropped up a few times but never right Well he hasn't really said much to get wrong there has he? 'It's not looking good' Well no it's not is it? Didn't he say Rafa has cleared his desk about ten days or so before it was actually announced? Not sure. Anyway, as Journo's go, I think his intentions ref: NUFC are broadly decent.
  13. He's never far wrong from memory. Certainly has the best interests of NUFC at heart as he's a fan iirc.
  14. Yep. Don't give a shite who it is tbh.
  15. Been my feeling all along. Kenyon will cede loads more than a cash rich/wealthy buyer. Which would surely suit Ashley. And nothing to back that up whatsoever Other than an intricate knowledge of the M&A process having been involved in buying and selling my own companies. In every single transaction there are concessions on both sides. Some big, some small. It therefore follows that the guy with the worst hand going into the deal needs to cede the most during the transaction which would suit the guy with the stronger hand. If Kenyon had that strong a hand he'd be running the club by now.
  16. Perfect for Allardyce as he's got the ego for it. Would have also been perfect for Pardew but he cries when people sing about him. Probably rules him out.
  17. He needs to feel fear in respect of his ownership of the club. If you recall when he first took us down, he wrote an open letter in the press (the S*n I think from memory) where he cried about his mistakes and about how his family had recieved threats etc and for us not to worry as he was getting rid of it and we'd be shot of him soon etc). This clearly pacified the masses as he held on to us and consequently made a shitload of cash in the meantime. My feeling is that he's not felt fear since. If boycott's won't bother him then other, more aggressive approaches, might.
  18. Back to the grateful dead. Kinnear, Carver, Pardew, McLaren etc all previous graduates. Can't wait to see what fucking deadend we get next. From a Ferrari to a Fiesta with three tyres and no steering wheel. When will this end?
  19. 1) He's clearly struggling to raise the cash. 2) If he does get enough to take it off Ashley's hands it'll be entirely on Ashley's terms due to this lack of funding. 3) He's clearly on preferential terms/matey terms as demonstrated by that statement sucking on Ashley's hoop earlier this year. 4) From the little I did know before it broke (as mentioned on here) I had major concerns from the company he kept during the bid process. 5) From the above, I know he wanted Aitor Karanka to have a role at the club, I assume as manager. So, all in all, I think he'd be a fucking disaster and my money would be that he'd be the worst of all options and that's without me even knowing all of the options.
  20. Yep. That's where my money is. He fits perfectly given the state of this club under Ashley. He needs work, damaged goods, happy to be unpopular, will work for performance related bonuses and he won't give a fuck about the fans/press reaction.
  21. Exactly. And what he's hinted at in the past with his 'I could retain a shareholding' bollocks. It's the perfect scenario, he's in the background pulling the strings, some other cunt gets all of the stick and he's still massively benefitting from a profit making business and some diversification when all of his other eggs are the failing retail sector. It's FAR more likely than the Arabs buying him out in one fell swoop and ridding us of the cretin.
  22. Been my feeling all along. Kenyon will cede loads more than a cash rich/wealthy buyer. Which would surely suit Ashley.
  23. Just fucking get it over with man. One way or the other FFS.
  24. One of the things I'll miss most about Rafa if his ability to develop players. The sheer number of the squad who have hugely improved during his tenure is frankly phenomenal. He's a brilliant coach and the development we've seen in some limited players is incredible. It's fucking nuts that Ashley waves as he walks out of the door. Absolutely fucking cretinous. Shameful.
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