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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Understand why you'd think that and can completely see why you'd reach that conclusion but all I'd say it that Rafa walking impacts the value of the club imho and would put any deal at risk or certainly open for renegotiation. On that basis, you'd think Ashley would want to keep Rafa broadly informed. A bit like selling a company with a superstar salesman. Him leaving during the process wouldn't necessarily kill the deal but his departure certainly impacts the attractiveness of the company somewhat. You can always get more salesmen but getting great ones is tough and can go wrong. Losing someone who's proven and excellent at their job would be cause for renegotiation dragging out the deal even further.
  2. I think you have to assume worst case with this wanker so I've gone for option 1.
  3. No, they just have no idea what's happening. They’ve been like that since the dawn of time and it never stopped them posting shit before. Agreed. They must’ve had hundreds of requests for comment today and not one of them has made mention of anything. Just seems odd tis all.
  4. Every journo absolutely silent on this today. Seems very very odd. Embargo?
  5. In any normal transaction proof of funds is something that happens right at the very beginning of the process. I can’t imagine this case being any different. It's the whole ambiguity of everything, theres fuck all verifiably true information about this whole thing. So people can assume whatever they want. There's no proof they have actually provided proof of funds, they haven't even stated themselves that they have done this. Yes they have. They’ve gone on the record as stating they’ve provided proof of funds to him. Do you really think Ashley would incur all of these legal and accountancy fees if he didn’t feel they were the real deal?
  6. You’d have to think the source of funds would be. I think the scepticism is more about ‘receipt’ of funds not ‘proof’ personally.
  7. In any normal transaction proof of funds is something that happens right at the very beginning of the process. I can’t imagine this case being any different.
  8. Black cloud back after a major twitter hiatus with a broadly positive update but also stating something about still waiting for proof of funds needing to be more than just a ‘letter from your mum’!?!?
  9. Sounds like the mad cunt ran it through google translate.
  10. Absolutely correct but it just goes to show how desperate they are for story's, surely there must be other ways to get information ? Alan Oliver was never liked in Newcastle but he always got the exclusives and provided information for the club, the latest Chronicle journalists seem so out of touch and to be quite honest lazy. Alan Oliver got them at a completely different time in the clubs history though. Based on the fact he was on the club's payroll and the club back then cared a bit more about engagement. He'd be given fuck all now too tbf.
  11. Imagine being angry that your club is being linked to Rafa My exact reaction too. Spoilt pricks.
  12. This whole set up looks as amateurish as fuck btw. Imagine replying to people on whatsapp FFS. Complete unprofessional muppets. If this falls through these chancers could've completely fucked us.
  13. Poor buggers. Don't mind Coventry as a club other than Keys.
  14. You fucking would Wraith total gobshite.
  15. Terry Mac put out the cones, this dope puts out the loans. Thick as a prison wall.
  16. Why? What requires them to do that?
  17. Jesus Christ. Shola man ffs :lol:
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