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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. Niether me but at least it seems something is happening
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/columnists/columnists.html?in_article_id=423032&in_page_id=1951
  3. Newcastle's prospective new owners are being advised by the same City whizzkid who pointed Roman Abramovich in the direction of Chelsea. Polygon, the giant American hedge fund who have made a £227million proposal for Newcastle that is understood to have the approval of the board, have the United Bank of Switzerland as consultants in this latest foreign bid for a Premiership club. And the UBS financial expert plotting the St James’ Park takeover is 33-year-old Jason Katz, who heads the investment bank’s hotel, travel and leisure sector and was the youngest managing director appointed by them when he clinched the job three years ago. The South African briefed Abramovich on the opportunities and risks of a major investment in football plus the clubs available, one of which was Chelsea. Katz then set up an introduction with Trevor Birch, Chelsea’s then chief executive. The written proposal offering Newcastle shareholders 93p per share was made by Polygon on November 20 and the club’s directors had a meeting with the hedge fund on November 27, at which their offer was accepted pending the period of due diligence. The crucial day in the takeover looks like being the annual meeting on Tuesday when directors will come under considerable pressure to reveal the real takeover details following three changes of position yesterday in their varied denials.
  4. Article is online. Am i aloud to copy paste?
  5. Plus he played some decent football without much cash to spend Dont want him however

    Gooners away

    Given Ramage Taylor Moore Bernard Parker Milner Zoggy Dyer Duff Martins 0-1 toon DYER
  7. Supposedly Shep is thinking about putting Roeder in backroom staff
  8. Heard on radio this morning Talksport on rumours round up
  9. Just heard that Roeder will have a meeting with Shepherd next 48 hours Houllier to be bought in as manager
  10. Im sure he also said i wouldnt panic buy So sibierski was in his plans all along Ashton Klose Viduka Defoe Nugent Kuyt were all just smoke screens and the worst thing is we actually paid for him i would rather have had Jason Euell
  11. We will go no were with SHepherd and seemingly Roeder i hope we are taken over. Sibierski is the biggest joke i have ever heard. Cant fit into a relegation side i am not just angry i am seriously worried Roeders record 7th then relegated i think this is a very scary possibilty.

    Mark Viduka

    £70m spent in 2 years and that's what you come up with. Jesus wept! Aye, but the money hasn't been spent wisely. We seem to get sucked into a last minute spending frenzy towards the end of every transfer window. What do we think of the purchases of Luque and Boomsong, to name just two? Shepherd is directly responsible for this shambles! In that case, blame Souness & Roeder. Shepherd can't be blamed for backing his managers. The key word is highlighted in bold. Open your eyes man! Shepherd is the root cause of this mess.

    Mark Viduka

    Souness shouldnt have been given the job abd allthough i back Roeder he shouldnt have

    Mark Viduka

    He gave a manager no one wanted Souness 50 million to spend on players such as Luque Boum Baba Faye Shepherd is to blame and before newcastle can move forward he needs to leave. SHEPHERD OUT

    Mark Viduka

    He hasnt spent his money he has spent ours

    Mark Viduka

    Just so when the window closes and no one has signed i can be the first to say SHEPHERD OUT
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