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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. None of my articles on the app say it either
  2. No idea where it says that in the athletic btw, I’ve read all Newcastle related articles and none of them say that, the latest one just says fee still isn’t agreed.
  3. Hope also linking us to Cabral, anyone know much about him ?
  4. His leadership and experience will be massive. He’s also a world class set piece taker and I think he will be a brilliant signing.
  5. Supposedly us and Chelsea in for Digne, Chelsea only want a loan and Everton only want to sell. Hopefully that leaves us in pole position.
  6. You would think the bid is a formality and we have spent the last few weeks getting the price agreed.
  7. Click the symbol with the arrow pointing up and say copy link to tweet, once you have done that just paste it as you would anything else.
  8. Wouldn’t be possible, what would the rule be if anyone failed it ?
  9. Agreed, i also think Ranieri gets sacked if they lose so ahead of our game I would say a point for them today to keep him in a job for our game would be decent.
  10. We can’t afford the loan fee.
  11. I don’t really care when we play Watford, it’s a game we should win regardless.
  12. It can’t really because we would have almost certainly lost if it was on.
  13. We’ve clearly decided to get the hard games out the way first before getting the last 2 games off and I love it ?
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