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Everything posted by localshop

  1. localshop

    Players in public

    similar to sharing a lift with J-Lo in Miami tbh
  2. localshop

    Players in public

    seen solano last night in his car a couple of months time he blared his horn at me when I was taking too long to get out of a car parking space walked past martins on a night out in the winter, ameobi in bar recently, emre driving emre and nol both had personalised plates with N0L 2239 (or something) and EMR3, bit flashy if you ask me.
  3. Emre's about to blaim the "negros" for the defeat, Roeder senses this...... http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/73601161.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF1935B3684F2B7A07BEB0C65EAF51F3883DA And swiftly applies the Vulcan death grip rendering his racist rants useless http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/73600978.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF1935B3684F2B7A07BEBC9929989AFABE598
  4. ok only one of the players i mentioned played last night but the point still stands.
  5. exactly don't fucking blame the defenders when everyone knew they were shite last summer and he had 2 transfer windows and did next to nothing defensively. Why doesnt he come out and say why he didnt buy cover last summer? drives me mad! relying on ramage, babayaro, bramble, carr etc is HIS FAULT!
  6. To be fair he has had to put up with a lot of s*** and he is right, they sold their best players but still expect results without putting the money back in! If they took your pc at work (or whatever you do) and still expected you to get the same amount of work done would you be happy? Quite like Newell, he is an honest bloke who expects people to be honest with him. If they took my pc away I'd probably get more work done but i see your point. I honestly think it's the scouse accent which made the moans more annoying than they really were.
  7. seemed like a bit of a moaning buck-passer
  8. Should stick him out wide - seems good at that
  9. i didnt know the FA pay us £50,000 a week for Owen's wages
  10. sounds legendary would go and see for definate
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