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Everything posted by localshop

  1. This needs to go in the Unrealistic Transfer Targets Summer 2010 thread.
  2. localshop


    He's got a De Niro "You lookin' at me?" face on.
  3. localshop


    Based on his performances in the Prem, the perfect foil for Coloccini would be playing another five centre halves behind him to try and cover all his mistakes. Butt and Smith provided no cover for the defence last season as they were slow as shit. Get off his back.
  4. localshop

    Sky 3D Pub Finder

    Doesn't work for me. The closest is Scarborough, 129.4 miles, apparently.
  5. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/3798/010278643712400.jpg There's only one big apple in Shola's life.
  6. Hopefully Butt will be only on the bench. Enrique coming back more than makes up for the Butt news anyway.
  7. http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af124/nolsolano/cupcakeshearer.jpg
  8. Century reckons Lovenkrands plays upfront with Carroll.
  9. localshop


    http://www.dlcache.indiatimes.com/imageserve/0dwL8NX5Wp1il/x250.jpg Glenn Roeder http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00112/roeder_112929t.jpg Marco Monti
  10. I bet his face was extra twitchy in court.
  11. It gets worse for Portsmouth every day. They are like us on steroids.
  12. La Marca say Gago > Man City for 16m euros
  13. http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/7587/burtonwk6.jpg Phew that's better.
  14. I am sad that noone has posted that picture of the transfer gimp yet. Someone sort it out please.
  15. Is he still alive? Plus I imagine he's on a hefty wage.
  16. http://www.nufc.co.uk/javaImages/ab/e5/0,,10278~8316331,00.jpg Boom.
  17. Can't imagine he'll be on much wages so even if he's just backup it's worth it.
  18. Really? I thought he was in the closet.
  19. Looking forward to seeing Enrique/Jonas on the left and Simpson/Routledge on the right once everyone's fit.
  20. localshop


    I know. He's had a hard life our Gary.
  21. http://mundobesteirol.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/fuuuuuu.jpg x1293448
  22. localshop

    Players in public

    The sides are too small for what you pay but the food is tasty. Bloody spicy though, only had the second hottest coating and that was enough!
  23. He sniffs his hand like a mentalist at 1:57, check it out.
  24. Not as bad as... http://m.gmgrd.co.uk/res/140.$plit/C_71_article_1132137_image_list_image_list_item_0_image.jpg?17%2F08%2F2009%2011%3A47%3A27%3A861
  25. Bizarre from a bunch who loved Fat Sam so much What's not to love? Oh hang on, yeah remember now.
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