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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. RVP will definitely cry off this summer. I think many more will be exploring their options too.


    Rooney will stay, but will take advantage of Man U's desperation to get a crazy contract.

  2. ok I go out for a walk at 2-1 thinking right game over come back to see it finished 2-2 what the f*** happened?!


    Fulham actually decide to go forward, and scored.


    Probably would have won if they just played properly all game.


    Everyone else wins there nowadays anyway.

  3. Man U didn't have a single intricate move the whole game. No variety or subtlety.


    Amazing to watch.


    Thats a good point 80+ crosses ....................all exactly the same


    They crossed the ball every single time they attacked. It was all they did. 81 crosses ... I mean, really?!


    Never played it into RVP's feet early, or even Rooney. They were only worth their heading ability today.


    Moyes needs Fellaini back, and he just needs to be honest with himself, and what he's about, and play him off the front man.Fellaini would have scored a dozen today.

  4. Was that an "Oh dear" from the Neviller as it went in?

    Yes. Yes it was.


    I like Moyes but wow man.... wow.


    Why do you like Moyes?  :lol:


    He's terrible. Van Persie largely invisible. Rooney not that much better. Mata not sure what he should be doing.


    But hey he finished top half with Everton all those years I guess.

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