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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. FFS its his first premiership game.People on here were slating Colocini in the whole of his first season.


    Otter sounds like one of those people who is hoping all the new players do rubbish, so he can let us all know how clueless Mike Ashley is to have got rid of the superman that was Kevin Nolan. This Mike Ashley thing won't even allow people to just watch and enjoy the games, and be honest and realistic in their appraisals of what is going on on the pitch.


    There is a reason we were 4-0 down after 26 minutes, with the lumbering oaf that is Nolan, in there alongside Tiote in the exact same midfield last season. Nolan couldn't keep up with any kind of movement from Arsenal and made us far worse defensively. Not a spectacular game yesterday, but at least we didn't need a 4 goal miracle comeback just to earn a point.





  2. Offered little and the game passed him by, much like many of Nolan's performances in the latter of last season.


    What a silly thing to say  :lol:


    Let me educate you. First of all we couldn't get the ball most of the game, and so he wasn't able to have any real influence. On the rare occassions we did get the ball to Cabaye, he looked to make forward incisive passes. Nolan is totally incapable of this kind of game or approach.


    Secondly, Cabaye tired so badly because he was working his bollocks off with Tiote, chasing Arsenal players around when they were overun in midfield through the first half of the game. Again, Nolan is totally incapable of this too, and had Nolan been in there instead of Cabaye yesterday, we would have never held them to no goals. Cabay's defensive efforts have gone completely unmentioned so far so thought I'd let you know.


    Please don't compare someone who is clearly a fine athlete and a committed one to that lumbering fat person, Nolan. Embarrassing effort. You will only make yourself look very silly.

  3. Rodallega, OH GOD please no. Someone watch the game he had against West Ham at the JJB last season.


    Overrated as f***, wastes a crapload of opportunities.

    Rodallega, please no!


    What?! You guys are joking surely. Rodallega is a quality player.


    Weird that he came off the bench yesterday. Wigan also bid for Odemwingie the day before.

  4. It's all about getting him to go for it more. He is undoubtedly talented.


    He should be told to demand the ball when he is in good positions. Looks a naturally quiet sort, and just waited for things to come his way.


    He'll get there though. No doubt.

  5. Was surprised Bruce didn't go for him rather than Wickham. Did very well for Bruce at Birmingham in the Championship when he was on loan. Unless I have that wrong and it wasn't Bruce managing them at the time. Pretty sure it was though.


    Arsenal won't ask for £14 million. They're usually pretty fair with prices, once they decide to move someone on.

  6. New style of play: pick two big men up front and whack it long to them for the first 45mins. Mint. :lol:


    To be fair to Pardew, as I said in the other thread, Arsenal aren't the best team to implement a new passing football style, the result was the important thing today.


    Glad you said it. People were apparently expecting the team to match Arsenal's style of play in the first game of the season, against the masters themselves.

  7. In Joey's special universe he had decided that everyone saw Song's stamp and decided to ignore it because the stamp was on him, Joey Barton. This is completely illogical and completely mental. It happened in a flash and I didn't even notice until the replay.


    He therefore uses this as an excuse to yank Gervinho up aggresively and continue pulling him by the collar. In my opinion Gervinho showed unbelievable restraint. I know had it been me being dragged like that I would have struck him with my fist instantly, he's a f***ing idiot. Yes Gervinho dived, it's one thing to get in his face and let him know it was a disgusting dive, like most other footballers do, and another thing completely to yank him up like that.


    If what Joey had done was so normel, and "not a big deal", then all of the Newcastle players wouldn't have rushed over in such a panic to try and break it up, which they struggled to do because Joey was manhandling the guy in a completely unnacceptable fashion.


    Things will not end well for Joey Barton. It seems he will never change, and this sort of continuous behaviour will always lead to big trouble.

  8. Not really a fan, but was really good today. Seemed to relish stopping Gervinho one on one. Did it a couple of times, without backing off. Good man.


    Still had his special moment, and really just needs to cut those out, completely. It's frightening stuff.

  9. Thought it was pretty shameful tbh- after he had a go at Pedersen for going down too easy (and responded by smacking him) I think he's truly embarrassed himself. Wish he'd cut this s*** out of his game, if it was a player from any other club people would be queueing up to have a go at him.






    As I said, if it was a player from the other team people would have gone off it. Sick of him posturing as a moral benchmark on Twitter when he dives and stubs out cigars in peoples eyes.


    I entirely agree with you, was wonder what afar was sighing about. :thup:


    There's this "Barton gets overly victimised" mentality. He acted like a grade A t*** today and should deservedly be criticised for it.


    Barton has serious problems. In his head he is always the victim. Having a bunch of people jumping on twitter and encouraging his delusion is only going to make the whole thing worse.


    Why on Earth they were reading his twitter ramblings on MOTD is beyond me. Shouldn't be encouraging him or footballers in general to be on there talking rubbish all the time.



  10. Okay, so from just 45 mins, people have now clearly seen that he isn't an awful player right?


    Now why is it when others made this point having seen him in a handful of games, people claim that it wasn't enough?


    So annoying, and I just wanted to bring it up before everyone confesses their love for him.


    Anyways ... it was awesome the way the crowd responded to the positive things he did, as it will encourage him to go for it more and more and not be afraid to do it.


    Very exciting to see what he can do this season. Promising start and extremely happy for the ManU reject!


    He only touched the ball about 3 times.  :lol:


    Didn't fall over, end up offside or tread on the ball.


    He is no Shola Ameobi! That we know for certain.

  11. I have to say I love him and his antics.  Sat with a few arsenal fans today and he didn't half wind them up!


    You should probably support Stoke then. You'd proper enjoy their brand of football.


    People need to make up their minds what they want to see. Godd football, or pantomine cheap wind up tactics.

  12. Genuinely expected Barton to get a red for grabbing Gervinho like that. 


    He didn't drag him up aggressively by the top almost taking his shirt off!


    He merely helped him up lovingly while caressing his braids according to some pillocks on here.


    Idiots keep excusing this idiots behaviour. That's okay. He'll keep coming up with worse shit.


    We shall see where it all ends up. It won't end well for him at all. Just watch.

  13. I'll put my marker down by saying he'll be about as popular as Shola by the end of the season.


    Seems miles off the pace today and an Amoebi clone.


    Good positive stuff, writing off a new signing within the space of 45 minutes.


    People wrote off Obertan before he even arrived at the club!


    Oddly enough people were comparing him to Shola too! Which is so unbelievable you can't even fathom it.


    There is no footballer on Earth like Shola Ameobi. He is a one of a kind. And thank God for that.

  14. Ba was clearly asked to try and get in behind, but looked a bit uncomfortable doing it. Ba is more of a ball to feet and link up guy if anything.


    Frustrating that he didn't get a chance to show it. He will get his opportunity though. Shola is just an embarassment honestly.


    No reason why he should be on ahead of Leon Best never mind Ba.


    He was trying hard, but he was awful.

  15. Genuinely concerned by his work off the ball.. it's non-existent.


    I agree


    Had some great touches and then went missing for a bit. Let a few run past him where he could have stuck a foot in.


    But on a whole he was decent for 3m


    Not at all!  :lol:


    There were a few that were honest about his abilities, and didn't completely rubbish him.


    I just find it frustrating, and moreover confusing when someone can come on here and compare the player you just watched to Shola ...


    Quite disturbing in all honesty.


    It was winding me up, so just venting now.



  16. Okay, so from just 45 mins, people have now clearly seen that he isn't an awful player right?


    Now why is it when others made this point having seen him in a handful of games, people claim that it wasn't enough?


    So annoying, and I just wanted to bring it up before everyone confesses their love for him.


    Anyways ... it was awesome the way the crowd responded to the positive things he did, as it will encourage him to go for it more and more and not be afraid to do it.


    Very exciting to see what he can do this season. Promising start and extremely happy for the ManU reject!

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