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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Seriously?


    Surely we have to be pretty fecking confident this Pieters lad is coming for us to do that. Would have been an ideal replacement imo.


    Maybe not an ideal replacement, but a good backup/alternative to whoever else we bring in. Very dissapointing really.


    Maybe Ferguson has really convinced as a potential backup this season. Bit risky though.

  2. I am guessing it's not an international match then? Isn't that Elano on the deck, looks like it on my netbook?




    You're a very funny guy.


    That is Cheick Tiote in the picture.


    Dave was being cheeky, and insinuating that we shouldn't have signed him because of that tackle on Elano.


    Ignore him. He's a jerk.

  3. FYI:



    That's an international match the first one he did was a league match. Think of that Palacious horizontal challengue going in but snapping the leg from a long run up. Pretty sure it was this kid.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Are you joking? Please tell me you are.

  4. I would prefer Pieters. I am almost 99% certain this is the guy I saw a clip a while ago where he went in horizontally studs showing and broke a players leg. Shocking red-mist challenge in an otherwise bland match from memory. Don't need someone who will get lots of bans.


    Fkn Hell. Think i'm losing the plot here.




    I think the forum has finally broken in mental insanity.


    Can't find the first clip of the horizontal one but this is the second one he did....




    Jesus ...


    Okay, let's not get this guy.



  5. Ba is criminally under rated by quite a few on here imo.


    Agree. People see him as Ba from West Ham, and not Ba from Hoffenheim.


    Watched quite a bit of him at Hoffenheim, because my boy Obasi plays there.


    Ba is a big talent. Just hope he stays fit.


    Actualy played wide in a fron three at Hoffenheim. Ba, Ibisevic and Obasi up front was awesome.


    Ba from West Ham wasn't that bad mind  :lol:




    I know that!


    But I think people just feel he's that guy with the knee hanging off, that was in that relegated West Ham team.


    He's a hell of a player. Just really praying he stays fit all year.

  6. Ba is criminally under rated by quite a few on here imo.


    Agree. People see him as Ba from West Ham, and not Ba from Hoffenheim.


    Watched quite a bit of him at Hoffenheim, because my boy Obasi plays there.


    Ba is a big talent. Just hope he stays fit.


    Actualy played wide in a fron three at Hoffenheim. Ba, Ibisevic and Obasi up front was awesome.


    CaulkinTheTimes George Caulkin

    Told last night that #NUFC were waiting for Pieters go-ahead before sanctioning Enrique to #LFC. Should find out more from Pardew in a bit.

    1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply


    Well, that at least sounds sensible.

  8. Should demand Insua as part of the deal. They never use him, and he would be a good back up for whoever we get in to replace Jose.


    Will never happen but just thought I'd throw that fantasy out there.

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