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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Bendtner has been dissapointing at Arsenal. Haven't liked him during his time there.


    Have a feeling he would be awesome at Newcastle though.


    Just needs to play every week, and would benefit hugely from playing in a team that crosses the ball more often also.


    Was tremendous on loan at Birmingham in the championship that one season.

  2. missing a month isn't a disaster considering how his lucks gone since he's been here. What's four matches after he's been out for a year?


    Agree. Actually thought this was really good news.

  3. Bloody hell, there's some quality over reactions on here like  :lol:


    Like I've already said, I haven't seen him play (or knowingly seen him play), but I've done a bit of Dennis Wise scouting and he certainly looks like he's got the raw attributes to succeed (i.e. Pace, nice touch, ability to get past his man).


    It could really be a case of confidence with him. He was obviously very highly rated, so maybe just maybe the move to Man Utd was too much for him.



    He needs a run of games, he has all the tricks in his locker and he will get better as he develops some composure which comes with experience and games. He's been through the Clairfontaine academy in France so definitely isn't s***.


    Someone on here actually compared his dribbling and touch to Shola's and claimed he always runs the ball out of play when he gets it.


    Makes one sick really.



  4. Can't believe literally 95% think he's s*** :lol:


    I sense a few are saying that because you had your hopes set on N'Zogbia, and Obertan doesn't appear to be as good as him.


    He's another body in and for all anyone knows, he could flourish a bit more if he's given more of a chance than he was at Man Utd, which he surely would be. People are free to air their opinions about him as a player but you'd think you were buying an inanimate object if you look at some of the comments on here.


    Come off it man Neil - it's the fact that we seemed to have money to spend this summer which we could have used to progress, and we've signed cheapies and non-entities.


    Even Everton shelled out on a few fees after getting the Rooney money.


    It's not what I was getting at, though.


    My opinion is that negatives have been overblown and positives swept under the carpet. I can see that this will have been an incredibly frustrating summer. Would I be raging about where this Carroll money has gone? Yes, of course I would. Would I be p*ssed off about what's going on with Barton, Enrique, Nolan etc? Of course. Has it been a Summer From Hell? Well, I'm not fully qualified to say but from what I've seen, no. I really think people have swept the signings of Marveaux, Ba, Ben Arfa and Cabaye under the carpet somewhat. You have Gosling coming back who barely played last year (if at all?) and it looks like he's beefed the f*** up, so he could really develop this year.


    Now you look like signing someone who yes, hasn't hit it off at Man Utd, but also hasn't been given that much of a chance. After a troublesome few days, news comes that you're signing someone who could bolster your midfield and offer some pace on the wing and who knows, with some faith placed in him, could start to really establish himself in this league. Instead, it's "he's s***". That is what I find bamboozling.


    Before someone says this, no, I'm not sticking up for Ashley. I am however sticking up for some of the very good business you've done so far this summer which has escaped the limelight due to the Enrique/Barton etc shenanigans. Potentially disruptive? I would certainly imagine so. f***ing s***? I don't agree.


    Some fucking reason, so refreshing.


    Not dancing on the rooftops. Not overly emotionally charged negatice bollocks.


    Just some fucking reason. Awesome.



  5. This just reminds me of Leon Best tbh.


    Got absolutely slaughtered prior to last season, and before he got a run of games.


    I had seen him a handful of times, and it was blatantly obvious he wasn't as bad as people were making out, and I said so. I even stated that he was better than Shola a number of times.


    I was then asked to produce a dossier on the number of times I had seen him play by our resident oracle the Dave.


    Then the West Ham game came and he went on to prove he was actually pretty decent. It was very satisfying.


    Now, is Obertan a world beater? No. But suggestions he is utter shit, and a pointless purchase ahead of Ferguson and Vuckic, are quite frankly unbelievable to me.


    Again, only seen him a few times, but it was enough to know that this is clearly untrue. If he does sign I am really looking forward to him playing for the team, and showing a bit of what he can do.


    We shall see. It's inly a matter of time afterall.

  6. My God, we're signing this c*** are we?  Ferguson appears to have regretted signing him from day 1.  This is progress.  This is what you can do when you accept £35m for one of your best players and have this kind of money to play with.  I'm sorry but I don't want this guy, I've seen him play a few times and he doesn't appear to possess a brain.  I'd actually rather sign no-one and give players like Ferguson and Vuckic more time on the pitch.  Waste of time, just desperate.




    I'm sorry, but that is some pretty astonishing s***!




    Does that concept not engage with your brain like?  That I'd rather not sign a waste of space than give our youngsters a chance instead?




    Sorry, but you're clueless.



  7. Can't believe literally 95% think he's s*** :lol:


    I sense a few are saying that because you had your hopes set on N'Zogbia, and Obertan doesn't appear to be as good as him.


    He's another body in and for all anyone knows, he could flourish a bit more if he's given more of a chance than he was at Man Utd, which he surely would be. People are free to air their opinions about him as a player but you'd think you were buying an inanimate object if you look at some of the comments on here.


    It's absolutely crazy.

  8. My God, we're signing this c*** are we?  Ferguson appears to have regretted signing him from day 1.  This is progress.  This is what you can do when you accept £35m for one of your best players and have this kind of money to play with.  I'm sorry but I don't want this guy, I've seen him play a few times and he doesn't appear to possess a brain.  I'd actually rather sign no-one and give players like Ferguson and Vuckic more time on the pitch.  Waste of time, just desperate.




    I'm sorry, but that is some pretty astonishing shit!



  9. My Man U mates reckon he's a load of s*** too. But like I've said, I'll give him a chance if he does sign for us.


    Oh, I'll give him a chance. I'd love it if he turned out to be the next Pele and I was left looking like a right fuckwit. I wont though.


    Give him a chance?!


    You've already written him off you nutcase!



  10. What's his goals record like? I'm concerned because Barnetta scores goals and as we already have a team that is short on goal scorers we really needed someone who can find the net either up front or from wide positions. Fast and skilful is nice but it doesn't mean much without end product.




    btw anyone who thinks we'll still sign Barnetta needs medical help.


    I don't think we'll still sign Barnetta after this either.


    Anyway, regarding your first question.


    It's like asking what Sturridge, Wellbeck, Cleverley etc goal records were, prior to last season.



  11. How has this lad just turned 18?! He could pass for Drogba's da.


    saw them play at ajax in the europa last season, and he's f***ing ridiculous.


    he looks big in pictures, but seeing in the flesh is mindboggling.



    Fufu, Yam, Plantain, Gari, Jollof Rice, Beans etc ... etc ...


    You guys need to get on that African diet.


    You don't know how to eat!

  12. How judgemental are some of the people on here. ffs it isn't easy to get into the Man United team you know, just ask Rossi, Forlan etc. When i've seen him he has looked like someone with a bit of talent. Not blown away by the signing but more than adequate to replace Routledge.


    Dude, people are generally fucked up, if you didn't know  :lol:


    Just have a look at some old threads on the likes of Coloccini and Enrique, who everyone worships now.


    You'll find some seriously disheartening stuff in them. It took those two a year to settle in. Left to some people they would have been sold as soon as the next window came around.

  13. Lots of rumours going around that Adebayor and Diarra are both close to being done.


    Adebayor, Diarra and Samba would be a good summer i think (altough i'd prefer Parker over Diarra).


    Would be outstandig business imo.


    Harry has a way with African players. I know that sounds weird but, he just gets the best out of them.


    From that viewpoint would be huge.


    Diarra's defensive ability and use of the ball is far better than Parker's. If you want someone who will get forward, then Parker.



  14. Some of the negativity is OTT.


    Not every player is a world beater at 22 especially with two wasted years at a club above his level.


    Not long ago he was a highly rated France u21. Given games he may prove decent.


    Aye he may be the next Bellion or Le Tallec but both have forged half decent careers.  Could do a job for us in a number of positions.


    Don't waste your breath kiddo!


    It's doom city in here.


    I feel you though. Respect!



  15. Whats with all the negativity? He must have shown something for man united to have signed him and not being able to break into their first team does not make him ' bobbins'. He sounds like an upgrade on routledge and his arrival makes it less likely we will see lovenkrands or taylor on the right. Who exactly do some of you expect us to sign? Lennon, walcott, young?


    Like Smith?


    Like Rossi?


    For everyone like Rossi there's a Djemba Djemba, Kleberson and a David Bellion.


    Bellion's career is how I see Obertans turning out.


    For every Djemba Djemba, Kleberson and David Bellion, there is a Rossi.


    Bellion's career is not how I see Obertans turning out.


    This game is fun!

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