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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. "weeks" kaka sure knows how to exaggerate. It's been since nasri's been linked to city. Ash is the first usually to direct something at me but funny enough he says f*** all about the nasri situation. How the f*** can u go from bigging a player up so badly to informing us that  he's overrated and his performances were exaggerated lol. What possible excuse is there.






    It's seemed like weeks!


    Nasri is a pretty player to watch, but I must say he annoys me a bit when I watch him. Has to be one of the worst culprits when it comes to overplaying the ball, and looking to walk the ball into the net. When he pulls it off it's amazing (goal against Fulhma was it? For example), but he does overdo things quite a bit.


    Also doesn't seem to perform as well against the top teams.


    If Gervinho is a direct replacement, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. Bit more of a physical specimen that will be a threat with his power and pace and more direct attacking style. Will be a good contrast to all those dainty sorts Arsenal keep picking up.

  2. :lol:


    It's been entertaining watching KD try to engage Gash? over the past few weeks and just be completely ignored.


    Hilarious stuff. With every blanking KDs desperation grows and grows.




  3. He just puts his head down and shoots, doesn't see anything around him, and he's supposed to be a midfielder. I reall dislike these types of so called midfielders.


    In his mind he thinks he's Frank Lampard. In reality, he's a very, very poor man's Lee Bowyer, and that's doing Lee Bowyer some disservice.

  4. The Gardner from Birmingham? Absolutely rubbish player.


    I remember getting quite irritated watching him on a number of occassions last season.


    Takes a lot of inappropriate shots. He'll have people to the side of him in acres of space to get played in, and he'll just take the stupidest shots. He inevitably scores some, but not enough to justify the numerous incredibly foolish shots he takes.


    Bog standard hit and hope, wanna be goal scoring midfielder. Awful.

  5. As someone mentioned already, Pardew made a point last season of saying that he saw Tiote as more of an Essien type, who he would like to drive forward more, as he did it really well in training. He was also used in more of this type of role for Ivory Coast in the world cup.


    Based on this the Matuidi signing could indeed point to more of a 4-3-3.


    Don't forget also that Demba Ba played on the left wing at Hoffenheim and not as a central striker. Pardew made some interesting comments about knowing Ba better than most, and perhaps he might want to ue him as a left sided striker in a front three again.


    Maybe the main central goalscorer is yet to come in.

  6. MsiDouglas Mark Douglas

    2 sides to every story I suppose. Had Nolan REALLY wanted to stay for life, there was a good contract offer there. He chose to leave


    That's weird. God knows what sweetner the gynormously headed one and his crooked son have offered him under the table.


    The rumour is £50k p/w basic salary with add ons that could take it up to around £70k p/w.


    In the Championship?! My God. That's mental.

  7. MsiDouglas Mark Douglas

    2 sides to every story I suppose. Had Nolan REALLY wanted to stay for life, there was a good contract offer there. He chose to leave


    That's weird. God knows what sweetner the gynormously headed one and his crooked son have offered him under the table.

  8. Where is all of this "he won't be able to repeat his goalscoring form next season" coming from? Why wouldn't he? I'm honestly astonished that so many people on here are rejoicing in the fact we've sold our best goal scorer for peanuts. How the f*** are we going to progress as a club when we just seem to be needlessly dismantling the core of our squad? Unbelievable. 


    There's no guarantee that he would score as many goals, but apparently there is a guarantee that Cabaye will be better and without Nolan we're a better side (even though the most recent statistics point to exactly the opposite). :dontknow:


    Hopefully that is the case (and especially now we have no choice) but I think people are being a bit simplistic about it.


    It's worth the risk of replacing him with a French international midfielder who has just come in from the league winners in France. No gurantees for sure, but worth the risk. Especially if playing it safe is giving Nolan a 4/5 year deal, or whatever he was asking for. I can never remember. Very cheeky guy.


    f*** me, not again. Find someone who believes we should give him a new four or five year deal. Anyone. Otherwise GTFO with that straw man.


    What was the alternative. It seems he has requested a move if the contract wasn't given right? Would forcing him to stay have been wise? Him and Barton are at the age where you chase that final deal of your career, and so want that security. Hence all the fuss I presumed. 

  9. Where is all of this "he won't be able to repeat his goalscoring form next season" coming from? Why wouldn't he? I'm honestly astonished that so many people on here are rejoicing in the fact we've sold our best goal scorer for peanuts. How the f*** are we going to progress as a club when we just seem to be needlessly dismantling the core of our squad? Unbelievable. 


    There's no guarantee that he would score as many goals, but apparently there is a guarantee that Cabaye will be better and without Nolan we're a better side (even though the most recent statistics point to exactly the opposite). :dontknow:


    Hopefully that is the case (and especially now we have no choice) but I think people are being a bit simplistic about it.


    It's worth the risk of replacing him with a French international midfielder who has just come in from the league winners in France. No gurantees for sure, but worth the risk. Especially if playing it safe is giving Nolan a 4/5 year deal, or whatever he was asking for. I can never remember. Very cheeky guy.

  10. I suspect if I knew Kevin Nolan personally,I'd like him far more as a bloke than I would as a footballer.


    His leadership qualities being talked about stem from the 30 goals he's scored over the past 2 seasons. But there's no guarantee the goals continuing,so what else did he offer the team. In a League where 2 games a week are commonplace, you could guarantee Nolan being s**** for the second one,because of his complete lack of stamina/fitness. The goals he scored showed a certain poacher like ability, a very good finisher, but a footballer who if he really knuckled down and shifted 2 or 3 stone could have been so much better.


    I admit my opinion of him is tainted by witnessing him throwing his ring up in the centre circle after 10 minutes of that game at Villa Park.


    People can't separate their admiration of his character and personality from his ability as a footballer, and what impact he could realistically have over another four/five years if he is given a long term contract. Simple as that really.




  11. He's such a liability that we played eight games without him and didn't win one.


    Where are all the teams falling over themselves to sign him then?


    Who else was missing in those games?


    What teams did we play? Home or Away?


    Did you see him against league one opposition puffing and panting away?


    Not someone you want to invest a longer term contract in at this stage. No way.


    I saw him get 12 goals against Premier League opposition, you f***ing halfwit.


    Hear comes the personal abuse. Standard Wullie. You always go there with me. If I retaliated I would get banned for sure. You just can't carry a discussion any other way. Pathetic guy.


    It's your own fault for talking utter rubbish, all the time.


    You're a very weak individual. All these internet tough guys. The most pathetic species on the planet. Stood in front of me, you wouldn't even be able to draw breath to speak to me I assure you. So utterly pathetic.


    Completely losing your mind over some fat midfielder that can hardly run. Just because he reminds you of yourself, and probably feeds some pathetic fantasy that you're just like him. Grow up.

  12. He's such a liability that we played eight games without him and didn't win one.


    Where are all the teams falling over themselves to sign him then?


    Who else was missing in those games?


    What teams did we play? Home or Away?


    Did you see him against league one opposition puffing and panting away?


    Not someone you want to invest a longer term contract in at this stage. No way.


    I saw him get 12 goals against Premier League opposition, you f***ing halfwit.


    Hear comes the personal abuse. Standard Wullie. You always go there with me. If I retaliated I would get banned for sure. You just can't carry a discussion any other way. Pathetic guy.

  13. Guthrie and Gosling have to have some opportunities to play I agree. As younger players, at some point they have to be given opportunities. No problem whatsoever with them stepping in to replace any injured first team players. They have shown more than enough to be considered decent squad players for this Newcastle team.


    Guthrie's 24. On Mike Ashley's 'ageing' scale he should be at the peak of his career right now.


    He's not one for the future necessarily. Just a solid squad player, who I feel will look much better alongside players with a bit more movement and mobility. I like Guthrie. I feel like he tries to play the right way. He didn't quite get much support in midfield when he was in there. Didn't really see him alongside Tiote last season. Mostly played with Nolan or Barton I think, and had to play more of an all out holding/defensive role.

  14. He's such a liability that we played eight games without him and didn't win one.


    Where are all the teams falling over themselves to sign him then?


    Who else was missing in those games?


    What teams did we play? Home or Away?


    Did you see him against league one opposition puffing and panting away?


    Not someone you want to invest a longer term contract in at this stage. No way.

  15. Guthrie and Gosling have to have some opportunities to play I agree. As younger players, at some point they have to be given opportunities. No problem whatsoever with them stepping in to replace any injured first team players. They have shown more than enough to be considered decent squad players for this Newcastle team.

  16. Well, well not at all dissapointed by this. Nolan does not deserve an extended contract. He is a liability in central midfield. Pardew tried him just off the front man, but his lack of mobility and speed wasn't much of a threat overall.


    From the types of players Pardew is after, he is clearly looking for a more dynamic and athletic team. Nolan would be terribly out of place. Done well last year with the goals, but time to move on.


    Very interesting that no other prem teams seem to be challenging West Ham for him. they can't be paying that much afterall.

  17. I'm not going to doubt this guys talent but this doesn't seem to a big massive name with a big massive like we were lead to believe.


    Not when he's being pushed out by Gameiro.


    PSG reject and a Bloke with a dodgy knee.  What dreams are made of.


    PSG reject?! You are unreal.

  18. Fair enough, I hope it goes through but I am very bitter and twisted about any transfer stuff until they are holding up a shirt in the ground.




    Blimey. People get so wound up over transfer talk. Beats having nothing to talk about during the summer months.


    For once it actually looks like we have stuff in order from early doors too, so good a time as any to just enjoy discussing it all.

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