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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. barcelona are simply the most disgusting team on earth :lol: what a bunch of c***s


    Once they don't have it all their own way, this is what they resort too. Utterly, utterly pathetic stuff. Hard to believe that they are grown men, the munchkins.

  2. I'll be surprised and disappointed if Elmander goes to Newcastle to be honest, especially if we get into Europe.


    Might not go to Newcastle, but he's definitely gone. He's been on the right wing since Sturridge came in as well. I imagine you'll try to get Sturridge again next season, as he himself has stated he would like that.

  3. Wow, well I guess I was wrong then. Just remembered him always being solid when he arrived, and then taking it up another notch. Fair enough, probably didn't pay close enough attention to Fulham. Absolutely fantastic defender now though. Fulham have done well to keep him around. I'm a fan.

  4. In his first half season Brede Hangeland was massively s*** too which is seemingly overlooked. In terms of a LB, regardless of who we buy I reckon if Jonas is playing LW still next season he'll be less effective with someone who isn't Enrique alongside.


    Don't remember Hangeland being massively shit at all. Remember quite the opposite actually. Was pretty good from the very outset.

  5. Avoidance. Probably your best option tbf.


    Where were you after the match Wullie? and the day after that?and the next?


    You seem to find your way on here after attending matches that don't go well. You should try it after the ones that go well too.


    How long will you mourn for Carroll and Hughton? How long? Do you even enjoy victories anymore, knowing they have come about with Pardew in charge and Ashley at the helm? Why go to the games at all superfan? Why?


    What point are you trying to make, you halfwit?


    That you are extremely boring, annoying and repetitive. And you exist to moan about Carroll, Pardew and Ashley. You can't wait for a bad result to pull your cry baby act, but are nowhere to be seen when theteam does well under Pardew. But hey you attend the games right? Superfan extraordinaire you are. Shame your seemingly hoping the team doesn't do well.


    Clear enough for you? Don't start getting abusive because your frustrated and you can't deal with being called out either. It's what halfwits tend to do, so don't go throwing that term about too loosely.

  6. Avoidance. Probably your best option tbf.


    Where were you after the match Wullie? and the day after that?and the next?


    You seem to find your way on here after attending matches that don't go well. You should try it after the ones that go well too.


    How long will you mourn for Carroll and Hughton? How long? Do you even enjoy victories anymore, knowing they have come about with Pardew in charge and Ashley at the helm? Why go to the games at all superfan? Why?

  7. Not sure why people feel the need to be so defensive. He was s*** today, fact.


    Spot on.


    Would Tiote get this reaction if he played this badly?


    No cause he would have actually been focused on playing the game. Barton was trying to prove he wasn't a 'shit Gareth Barry'. The crowd got to him, as did the ref. He was throwing silly tantrums all game and it threw off his performance.

  8. Played very poorly, but more annoyingly seemed to completely psych himself out of the game by getting caught up in petty little tiffs with the ref and crowd. Foolishness.

  9. He's never been that good. He's a huge liability everytime he plays. Terrible decision to give him a new contract, when he isn't good enough to get in the first team ahead of Williamson or Colo. However, most on here were dmenaidng he got a new contract, which was crazy tbh.

  10. Missed our core because he's playing for Liverpool presumably. Don't insult my intelligence you f***ing snake.


    Weren't you ready to run Pardew out of town a few months back, because he wouldn't start Ranger? But then Best smashed in a hat trick and you went into hiding. Think he is well within his rights insulting your 'intelligence'. Farcical the way you come on here ranting once the result is bad, but are completely absent when the team does well. Where were you and your 'intelligence' last week? Pathetic stuff.

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