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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Sportsmail understands West Ham only agreed to sign Ba after structuring a deal that will see the Hammers pay Hoffenheim based on the number of games he plays. The very mention of a problematic knee was the trigger for Ba, just for a moment, to depart from his cool exterior.


    He insisted: 'I don't know why we are still talking about it. The knee is fine. I had surgery and the rehab didn't go as well as it should. So it's completely normal the knee isn't 100 per cent. But I can play football, I know how to manage it.'


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1360401/West-Hams-Demba-Ba-doesnt-feel-pressure-stay-up.html#ixzz1OzWivyt0

  2. NRC has been very good in the past when deployed as a purely defensive player, under Pardew at West Ham for instance. for some reason it never worked out at Villa and he actually regressed. perhaps he fell foul of O'Neill's eccentricity like a few others. for his age and probably high wages it's not worth it. however with only Tiote as a defensive midfielder we could do with backup.


    I think it's similar to how Souness made Scott Parker look worse than he was by putting together mis-matched midfield pairings. Parker/Emre for example or the infamous Butt/Amdy Faye abomination. Sidwell and Coker would look s**** but if you had NRC with Cabaye and HBA in front of him it wouldn't look so bad.


    Precisely. I would want no part of an NRC and Nolan pairing for example, as the passing through midfield wouldn't be good enough. NRC and Tiote though would be a completely different story, as it would even allow Tiote a bit more freedom to drive forward once in a while, which is something he hasn't really been able to show too much off alongside Nolan.

  3. NRC has been very good in the past when deployed as a purely defensive player, under Pardew at West Ham for instance. for some reason it never worked out at Villa and he actually regressed. perhaps he fell foul of O'Neill's eccentricity like a few others. for his age and probably high wages it's not worth it. however with only Tiote as a defensive midfielder we could do with backup.


    Agreed NRC was great for Pardew at West Ham, and was a stand out for the under 21s too. He was linked with a lot of deecent clubs after that stint.


    Give him too much responsibility in midfield though and you won't see him at his best. He is not very good at using the ball. Alongside a Tiote and/or Cabaye who both use the ball better NRC would be a really good player to have. I like him. Very strong and committed player. Playing for Pardew who had a lot of confidence in him at West Ham would give him confidence too. 


    NRC would be a good free transfer. He certainly isn't rubbish. Comparing him to Smith and Guthrie is just disgusting.

  4. being a ball playing centre mid coming to the hurly burly of the prem i hope he's given time to settle if need be.


    He's got every chance to hit the ground running, because for once we've got the player in very early. He'll be involved from the very start of pre-season, and his living arrangements and all those other bits and bobs will be taken care of beforehand. It's very refreshing to see signings come in early. It's so important particularly when they are coming in from abroad.

  5. Explosive player. Versatile, as he can lead the line or play out wide. Great move on a free, which makes up for the risk of his bad knees.


    From the outset was outstanding for West Ham. Power, pace and ability on the ball. If not for his knees would probably be worth about £10 million at least.

  6. Really struggling to see how anyone can justify giving Nolan another 2-3 years on his contract. No way. The guy is on his way down, he's getting up there in age and his body is not in good condition.


    He scored important goals last season, yes. So thanks for that Nolan, and all the best at West Ham where Allardyce's magic vibrating contraptions will make you younger and fitter allegedly.


    With Ben Arfa coming back, and the potential signing of an N'Zogbia or Gervinho, not to mention at least one new quality striker, there will be more goals in the team. Lets get Tiote some real help in ther, whcih will allow him to even flourish more.


    A risk worth taking imo. Bye Nolan.

  7. I'd keep Nolan, he gets a lot of goals despite his lack of an overall contribution. After all, games aren't won by overall contributions, they're won by goals.


    Not suggesting he's a great player, but I'd definitely keep him. And there's no way on Earth I'd sell him for £3m. He's had a couple of good seasons, especially goals-wise, and would expect at least twice that.


    "Games aren't won by overall contributions, they're won by goals"


    Really? Well Tiote doesn't score goals. Get him out of the team then. Lets see what happens. Let's see what Nolan achieves without him in there too.


    Do you remember what Nolan looked like alongside Nicky Butt the season we were relegated? Do you remember how easily our midfield got over run and dominated with him in there without someone as energetic as Tiote?


    Come on now!


    Jeez, what a s**** argument. You've answered your own question. Tiote allows Nolan to play a role in which he is often very effective. Butt was utter pish so it's completely irrelevant. Nolan plays a lot better with Tiote in the side than he did with Butt. Nice observation.


    Nolan's contribution to the club goes beyond what he's done on the pitch (which is enormous as it is). When it comes to the likes of Smith, spending wages on keeping the dressing room tight-nit is difficult to justify. With the likes of Nolan it's different, however. He's a captain and i'd put him in the top three individuals who've secured our comfortable position in the Premier League, arguably number 1.


    I'm not saying he should get a bumper three-year extension to his current contract, as it's just not viable from both an economic perspective or an 'on-the-pitch' one. Especially given the length of time left, too. However, i do feel he's earned some leeway in any negotiations, and i desperately hope there's a compromise somewhere around the corner.


    Personally feel he's an extremely valuable squad member, even if he isn't a world-beater.


    The point was how valuable Tiote is, even though he doesn't score goals, as the previous poster stated that "Games aren't won by overall contributions, they're won by goals". Tiote makes the greatest overall contribution to our team.


    Therefore, I'm not sure what the hell it is your ranting about. Try reading stuff properly first.

  8. I'd keep Nolan, he gets a lot of goals despite his lack of an overall contribution. After all, games aren't won by overall contributions, they're won by goals.


    Not suggesting he's a great player, but I'd definitely keep him. And there's no way on Earth I'd sell him for £3m. He's had a couple of good seasons, especially goals-wise, and would expect at least twice that.


    "Games aren't won by overall contributions, they're won by goals"


    Really? Well Tiote doesn't score goals. Get him out of the team then. Lets see what happens. Let's see what Nolan achieves without him in there too.


    Do you remember what Nolan looked like alongside Nicky Butt the season we were relegated? Do you remember how easily our midfield got over run and dominated with him in there without someone as energetic as Tiote?


    Come on now!

  9. Not going to miss Nolan at all if he gets turfed. Not a fan at all. Won't show the committment to get in better shape, but wants to be guaranteed a long term contract at his age. Absolutely full of it. Get out of here.


  10. I'd say N'Gog is probably better than any of our strikers btw. How s*** is that?


    Plus they already have Gyan, so we're not really in a position to be laughing.


    N'Gog really is no better than Best and Shola imo, and I really don't rate Shola.


    N'Gog is poor. Not a great athlete i.e. not particularly quick or strong, but at the same time is quite clumsy. His touch and technique are nothing special at all. He's a nothing player.



  11. Is Gervinho really a player the likes of Arsenal would be after? Not sure myself. Don't think he's considered that highly yet. Seems his people are trying to get interest from those kinds of clubs, but to no avail so far. Could see us getting him. It's not like he has shone in the champions league or anything. So far only just performed in the French league.

  12. Didn't Bruce end up playing Henderson out wide even? Is he a wide player or a a central player. Someone's compared him to Jenas, which I thought was very accurate. Just doesn't put his imprint on a game from what I've seen. Started getting moved around because he just wasn't getting things done wherever he was played.


    What do liverpool intend to do with him anyway? They have a ton of central midfielders now, none of which are really strong enough physically/defensively. Do they intend to play him out wide? Becaus if so, he isn't the sort of wide man they need, as they have no legit wingers who can take people on, get to the by line and cross the ball.


    Hey, but I guess he's young and English. Farcical.



  13. It's clear Gameiro is our first choice centre forward, I'm interested to see who the backup option is if we miss out.


    Mevlut Erdinc has been mentioned, and considering we were so strongly linked last summer, with a bid even rumoured back then, it could be that he is an option.

  14. Can see him being our manager one day.



    Why would someone say something like this? People really think that highly of Nolan? Wow.


    Anyway ... Can't help but feel we're all set for a huge let down from him next season. He struggles physically, and every year is going to be like five for him compared to the better conditioned premier league athletes around him. Hopefully as some have said already, he will be more of a squad player.

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