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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. It's amazing to see how many people complain about Taylor's backing off now. I remember when I was one of very few who didn't like his defensive ability and it was a lonely place to be. The guy has always defended this way and still doesn't get it, even four or five years on. Liability.

  2. If Balotelli is one of the worst players in the league then so is David Silva.



    People are conned by journalists and comentators, man. It's sad, but prevalent.


    Are you saying that the media are on Balotellis back and therefore dictating my opinion of him?


    I thought this thread was about worst players in the premso far this season?


    If so then surely general ability should not over compensate for poor performances?


    Baloteli has looked a threat every game he has stayed on the pitch! What are you on about? One of the worst players in the league? Get out of here with that nonsense please. Was unlucky not to score a great goal just the other night against Everton.

  3. Out of interest which key player has Mike Ashley ever sold in his time here? As part of these so called cost cutting measures. Even in relegation when evryone thought the team should be blown up, he decided to keep the majority of high earners in the hope they would bring us straight back up, which is ultimately what happened.

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