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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I hope Pardew's notepad reads. Don't play Shola ever again a million times over. The difference Rangers urgency has made is telling. Shola just always sets the tone for poor performances with is constant offsides and lacklustre effort. It just slowly sucks the life out of everyone else. Ranger's effort has just caused Skrtel to miss that ball, which has led to the goal.



  2. - I like Tiote and Barton over Lucas and Meireles.


    - Jonas will give Johnson problems because he isn't that great a defender.


    - Routledge should hopefully start because he should be able to get at Konchesky with some success.


    - Carroll should be able to get some opportunities against Kyrigakosand Skrtel.


    Should be a good matchup. Think we have a good chance as long as the players are ready to go and not still in mourning. The major problem for us will be Torres running at Campbell and Taylor. It won't be a pretty sight if it happens too often. Hopefully his new born has been keeping him up and he's totally out of it.

  3. Leeds manager bans gloves and snoods?  :lol:


    Seriously what the hell is the point of that move. Is that rally what is costing you games? Bet they lose today.


    Maybe not but it stops your players looking like a bunch of fags.


    Sorry, but that is absolute rubbish. Typical neanderthal, overly old school, wanna be hard man manager mentality. I guess they aren't "proper" players if they wear snoods and gloves right? Get real man! Completely focusing on the wrong things as usual. How about making sure he has his team setup right and focusing on his tactics. It's pathetic. So if you have a South American or African player on the team who isn't used to the climate you would be happy enforcing that? I saw Tevez wearing both a pair of gloves and a snood last week, and he is still outworked and played better than everyone else on the pitch.

  4. If James Milner is worth 24 mill then I'd want at least 10 mill for Barton,knock half off for past misdemeanours and length of contract-take 5-6 mill.


    James Milner isn't and has never been worth £24 million, unfortunately.

  5. I suspect there will be a turnover of players in Jan, so some will come in if we sell. I won't be surprised if this is part of the reason they've brought Pardew in at this stage of the season, as they are hoping some new players will help to calm things down after what has been an unpopular appointment.

  6. Newcastle willing to sell Barton

    December 10, 2010


    By Harry Harris, Football Correspondent


    ESPNsoccernet understands Newcastle United would be willing to let Joey Barton go in the transfer window because of his high wages.


    West Ham are keen to sign the player and Newcastle have asked for £5 million, but the Hammers would offer only £1.25 million. The offer could increase to £2 million, but only on condition that Barton, 28, takes a massive drop in his £67,000-a-week salary.


    A source close to the negotiations said: "It is clear that Newcastle need to balance their books and offload some players on big wages.


    "Asking £5 million is fine, but West Ham won't pay anywhere near that amount, and would want the player to take a big drop in wages before anything can happen in the January transfer window."


    It has been suggested that Barton, who has just 18 months left on his contact, would like a five-and-a-half-year deal at Upton Park. West Ham would prefer a three-and-a-half-year deal.


    A Hammers insider told ESPNsoccernet: "It's Joey Barton's salary that kills any deal."


    The impasse suggests that, if he does move on, East London is unlikely to be his destination and several other Premier League clubs are said to be interested.


    Even if a move to West Ham were to be completed, the Hammers remain keen to retain Scott Parker.


    Parker, 30, has attracted interest from both Tottenham and Liverpool but his £20 million valuation is almost certain to prove prohibitive. Tottenham, who offered £7 million in the summer, are as yet only willing to up that bid by £1 million.


    Manager Avram Grant certainly expects to keep the key midfielder. He said: "I am confident Scott will stay. He is a good player for us. West Ham is a good club for him too. He has developed this season. Before everyone was saying 'it's not good that he's at West Ham', but this season has been his best so far so it's good for him to stay and he is good for the club."

  7. Benítez won't make it to February.


    That's bad for us. If he goes they'll probably go for Capello which means it's bye bye Arry.


    Will be interesting to see who you go for shoud that happen. Hughton's available!  :frantic:


    If Hughton rejects you though, as you're obviously a huge step down for him, Klinsmann would be a good shout I think. No prem experience but just have a feeling he will be a great manager in the prem.

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