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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. i despise that droopy faced cu'nt

    better be over 10mil just cos its f***ing spurs






    So the bid's been lowered?


    Maybe but the previous bid may have been 4 million now 2 million if they got in Europe, 1 million spread over 1 million payments stuff like that lol My guess is any offer now will be the full amount upfront.


    I think you're on the right lines, Levy doesn't do deals without add-ons and clauses.  I was told the offer was £5m plus add-ons that still left it short of £10m.  Whether it's been increased or changed I have no idea.


    If and when it gets completed, details will be reported to the Stock Exchange.  If it's not reported, we'll at least know that it was less than £10m.


    Upfront or in total? I don't know how this works. If there fee were £6m with the potential (but not guaranteed) to rise to £10.5m would that have to be reported?


    If it has the potential to rise to £10.5m it has to be reported to the Stock Exchange.  I was told it was £5m rising to a maximum of £8m depending on a) Number of appearances and b) Qualifying for Europe. 


    As I said before, I don't know if it has changed but from what Sky as saying, it looks as though it won't get reported to the Stock Exchange for us to find out.


    Nothing reported to the Stock Exchange so any talk of £12m seems like wishful thinking.  I was told it was £5m maybe rising to £8m, heard nothing to say that it changed.


    The only wishful thinking going on here is you coming to agreement with the strange voices in your head making up the £5 million fee.


    Get over yourself you nitwit.

  2. Sébastien Bassong has signed a five-year deal with Tottenham Hotspur after they agreed a fee of up to £12 million with Newcastle United for the defender.


    The 23-year-old passed the final part of a medical last night and is likely to gain a place in the first team given that three other central defenders are injured. Bassong, who will cost an initial £8 million and was being considered by Manchester City, still has to serve a two-match suspension.

  3. Hmmm ...


    I think it is very likely this is quite close to happening and Moat has offered the closest to the price MA wants.


    I think MA has actually put Kinnear up to his recent silly comments along with MA claiming he would stay on, in order to push Moat into sealing the deal.


    In conclusion I believe Moat will be and indeed is the new owner so rejoice and be glad!

  4. Looks like he's set to go then:


    And the future of Habib Beye looks closer to being settled' date=' with Aston Villa strongly tipped to take the defender in exchange for a £2.5m fee.  [/quote']


    Nice one Villa! A good solid club for Beye to go to. Should make up a bit for the lumbering them with James Milner. :razz: Thank God he isn't going to Hull.


    You say lumbering, but that is unfair.


    He was very good indeed for most of the season, after settling slowly. Overpriced, yes, that's fair, but lumbering implies he's not up to much, which conflicts with what we've seen this year.


    I know, I know ...


    Just not a fan of the guy. I know he was productive for you last season, doesn't mean I have to admit it though.

  5. Looks like he's set to go then:


    And the future of Habib Beye looks closer to being settled' date=' with Aston Villa strongly tipped to take the defender in exchange for a £2.5m fee.  [/quote']


    Nice one Villa! A good solid club for Beye to go to. Should make up a bit for the lumbering them with James Milner. :razz: Thank God he isn't going to Hull.

  6. 8 million is hardly, "on the cheap". It is a very correct fee for the player in an objectivee sense. Obviously I would have preferred us to rape some poor team for 15 million, but that was always very unlikely given our state.


    If he had two years left on his contract then there was no need to sell him for less than £10m. Lots of players agitate for moves, like Gareth Barry at Villa, it doesn't mean you have to give in to the blackmail. if another team wants a player they will pay a good fee.


    Jokes aside, I actually believe he was doing his mate a bit of a favour, which is pretty despicable.

  7. Mind he was more of a lucky defender, he got away with a lot, should have seen a few more red cards and we got away with a good few decent pen shouts against him.


    I know it lessens the pain when you have a go at players that have left, so do what you have to. However, Bassong is a big talent and he will go on to great things.


    Not his fault the club is in a complete state at the moment. If Shearer had been installed and all was relatively calm he would have stayed.

  8. Thanks for absolutely nothing Seb.


    What about bringing in 16 times the fee we paid and being our best player for the whole season?

    Or did you expect us to keep him? ..Nothing like being bitter though.


    Good luck to the lad, i don't mind that it's Spurs either, he will get a lot of first team appearances in a team that was performing very well indeed at the close of the season.

    Gurantee there's a sell on clause with Metz, or are you only bothered about making profits? Why couldn't we keep him sorry he's on like 5k a week. One of the few I thought we would, but hey nothing like being optimistic.


    The lad was the first one wanting out, when he'd been far from perfect. Showed all the loyalty and class I'd expect.


    Loyalty?! he was here a year, he had 4 managers, his team mates were on 10 times as much as him and they gave up half-way through the year.  When he was negotiating a new contract talks halted or ground to a close IIRC and he should be playing in the Premier League.  He has ambitions, and didn't want to be at a club which is frankly a joke at the minute.


    Completely understandable.

    I also do care about the fee, anything that helps keep the club running in these times can only be a good thing.

    What about loyalty to the fans that have shown him nothing but support? He's hardly been the perfect defender, or are we ignoring the 2-3 red cards he picked up? The irony being it was his poor positioning that cost us the goal away to Tottenham.


    I'm sorry but you can't ask a player to be loyal to a club with an owner who wants out and no manager, not to mention the fact that no steps have been taken to improve on the team over the summer and no one has a clue what is going on at the club.


    If Shearer was installed right at the end of the season and everything was relatively normal, I bet Bassong would have been more than happy to stay actually.

  9. Breaks my heart to see him go to Spurs as I just don't like them. The guy's potential is out of this universe. I know it's become a bit of a thing to claim he wasn't all that good but I don't agree at all. The kid is 20 years old and was in his first season in the premiership and playing in the worst side in the league and yet he still managed to stand out and have some colossal performances.


    £8 million is a bargain for Spurs really. He will be with them for the next 10 - 15 years unless he is sold on in which case they will likely get double what they are paying. I can't stand Spurs fans. I remember them discussing the Newcastle team when we went down and claiming none of our players were any good, and Bassong was all hype and just another Bramble. They'll no doubt be claiming he is a top player now they've bought him though. Absolutely sick about this news.

  10. He may have been sounded out about his willingness to take on the job if Ashley isn't able to sell.


    Seems this has all been another stalling tactic to avoid appointing Shearer because they didn't like his demands when they met with him after the season.


    It appears they want to try and get back up with largely the same squad of players and a manager who is as of yet to be revealed.


    Considering Harris' claims that Martins was sold because he didn't fit the Championship style and two are expected in, I would say the manager is already at work.


    With our rotten luck it will be O'Leary.



    Absolutely sick of all this now.


    I don't know who had the supposedly crazy theory that MA was trying to run the club into the ground, but I think I'm buying it 100% now.

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