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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. crap, cotton wool failure!


    He's had a decent run but it was always going to happen.


    Owen was made from the same mould as the likes of Bellamy, Dyer and Ashton. It's just the nature of them. they will always struggle mightliy with injuries.


    He's only getting older too so it won't get any better.


    What, glass?


    Nah, tissue paper apparently.

  2. crap, cotton wool failure!


    He's had a decent run but it was always going to happen.


    Owen was made from the same mould as the likes of Bellamy, Dyer and Ashton. It's just the nature of them. they will always struggle mightliy with injuries.


    He's only getting older too so it won't get any better.

  3. Well tbh it was only a matter of time really.


    The run of games Owen had going was a bit of an aberation. He's typically more unfit than fit and with how fit he had managed to stay lately it was always just around the corner.


    I still think we'll be alright though. As long as Jonas is back and we do not play Zoggy at left back under any circumstances we should be fine. Zoggy on one wing and Jonas on the other with Duff and another upfront.

  4. So we are stuck with an owner who is no longer willing to invest in the squad. Our head of recruitment has also left anyway.


    If this isn't sorted in time for us to sort out the team in January, we are in serious trouble.


    To think everything could have been so settled right now, with the club in a comfortable and secure position, had we just had the manager still in place.


    We are so screwed.

  5. We have really missed Milner no doubt in my mind about it. We could have really done wit a player like him over the last few games. Never understood his critics at all.


    With Milner Won 2 Drawn 1 without milner lost the f***ing lot. 


    Wise you are a prick for not giving him the 10K a week extra, because if any of our players actually deserved to be on 25-30k a week it was him (and shay given).


    Your analytical skills suck ass.


    Why don't you apply that silly thought process you used to last season's results?


    Why did Keegan prefer to play Geremi instead of him?


    Get real pal.

  6. If Joe pulls this off and we really start performing it would be bloody impressive.


    I almost feel silly for it, but I am feeling more optimistic.


    Duff's second half performance last week is the best thing he has ever done at this club. That made me take notice to what Kinnear might be able to do during his time here. Even under Keegan Duff wasn't coming through.


    I really, really hope this works out and he gets us going over the next few weeks. It would be great for the club and for him also. He deserves a bit of success for coming in and being so positive and excited about the opportunity, and not acting like he was doing us a favour like El Tel was.

  7. Shola infuriates the hell out of me, but everything Kinnear has said about him is true. The problems all have to do with self belief and getting his head right.


    We really don't need him to be that spectacular. All we need is for him to not keep getting caught offside and not foul the defender everytime he goes to win the ball in the air. He just needs to be a nuisance and essentially try to do the same type of job Heskey does for Owen in international games. It really shouldn't be that difficult for him.


    With the mess were in at the moment we could do with Shola having a few half decent games and allowing for Xisco to be brought along slowly and not thrust into such a volatile situation so soon.


    I like what Kinnear has had to say. He has placed the responsibility on the right players shoulders and of those mentioned only Given and Owen have come through for us. Butt and Duff really need to uderstand that they have a huge responsibility to do better out on the pitch.


    Even giving Taylor that extra responsibility is a clever little ploy to boost his confidence and self belief at a time when he has been woeful. At the very least it should help him stay switched on and more focused during our upcoming games.


    I'm ever so slightly encouraged by what i'm hearing. Here's hoping it works.

  8. Amuses me that Captain Goldfish (Jenas) is getting stick from the Spuds fans


    It's so hard to be taken seriously because everyone thinks it's only said because he left Newcastle, but he is a very average to poor footballer. He also has no character or leadership qualities. To actually make him captain was an unbelievable decision.


  9. Bramble is going to be chasing his tail all day long ... Robinho will have him in fits.


    Surely Scharner should be at centre back ahead of Bramble?!


    Other then Bramble and maybe Cattermole, Wigans lineup is quite impressive.


    Kapo and Valencia out wide with Heskey and Zaki upfront is pretty impressive. Palacios through the middle as well. Very well put together in those areas.

  10. Jenas has to be the worst captain in the premier league.


    How can he possibly captain the side ahead of Woodgate.


    Jenas is quiet and he hides the majority of games.


    Terrible decision.


    Spurs best player right now is Jamie O'Hara.

  11. Baggio assures me this squad is top 10 material so don't worry njs. Wise has improved the squad, no doubt.


    Come on!


    Every player brought in has pretty much shown a good amount of promise.


    Whose to say more of the same wouldn't have come in if Keegan wasn't fighting to hold onto Barton, Alan Smith and Milner?


    Wasn't someone also saying that Keegan was the one who wanted to sell Faye because of a disagreement between the two last season? Mental if true.

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