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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Cacapa actually looks a better midfielder than Butt.


    How tragic is that  :lol:


    Not sure why Cacapa is getting stick for being played there. It's not like he's played there before for us that often, meaning we can judge him as being a s*** anchor midfielder.


    In fact, his spell as centreback for us showed that his reading of the game is good, his touch is good, his composure is good, his positioning is good - he's just not very good at the aerial/physical battle that you occassionally get in the Premiership. On paper, he'd make a pretty decent backup central midfielder, with the only real downside being that he doesn't have the legs to match those of other central midfielders littered about in the Premiership.


    I've actually been impressed with Cacapa. I wasn't taking the mickey.


    He looks nice and tidy in there. i would seriously play him there ahead of Butt.

  2. Milner was in no way AWFUL for us! He wasn't great but more than an adequate squad player.


    In the time he was with us he outperformed a lot of arguably technically better players we've had.


    He couldn't outperform Geremi, and that was enough of a reason for him to be moved on.


    Who are these more technical players he has outperformed anyway?


    Bollocks. Geremi can cross a ball, but apart from that he doesn't contribute nearly as much to the game as Milner used to do. Has Milner ever been as poor for us as Geremi was against Hull? When the team is struggling, Geremi doesn't contribute anything. Milner at least had an OK work rate, and much better pace (which is kind of ironic, when you think about it).


    Lets get down to basics here.  As far as I am concerned, anyone who says Milner is crap doesn't have a clue about what constitutes an even average EPL footballer.  Most base their opinions on one or two poor displays and completely ignore the good displays.  Milner is 22 years of age and will mature into one of the best midfielders this country has ever produced period, no point arguing on this point because only time will tell, but the f*****g pillocks that think they know a quality football have, in their ignorance, influenced his decision to go.


    Lord have mercy ...


    You truly know nothing about football mate. You clearly have never played the game.




    Milner will be lucky if he's still in the premiership in 3 years. He will never play for England. He will never consistently start every game for Villa.


    You want to know what a promising young player looks like? Have a look at the likes of Ashley Young and Theo Walcott.

  3. Emre, Dyer, Duff, Geremi, Smith, Luque, Viana, Butt, Carr, Kluivert have all been at the club during Milners time with us who are all arguably technically better players (or were based on their reputations at their previous clubs), and I would say over a long period of time Milner has been more consistent.


    I'm not saying he's a brilliant player, just that he would be a more than adequate squad player for us, especially now.


    He really wouldn't.


    Milner is the kind of squad player you want when your team is fully healthy and full of good players.


    Then you could bring him in when you choose to and he would be surrounded by so many other good players that his crapness wouldn't adversely affect the team to a great degree.


    Now would be the absolute worst time to have James Milner, as we would be foeced to play him week in and week out.


    Forced to watch him continuously hit the first man with his corners and still have the arrogance/audacity to continue to take them, forced to watch him do his silly stepovers at the most inopportune times, forced to watch him fail to beat his man on the wing, forced to watch him try to beat his man, and fail, on the rare occassions he doesn't actually have to as he could have delivered the ball first time, forced to watch him miraculously have every shot he takes blocked, forced to watch him fail to pick out the simple pass when his teammates are in space and instead blast it from 30 yards etc etc etc ...

  4. Mark Cuban is a legend. Except doesn't he get into a lot of bother court side in America? Banned and fined for being outspoken?


    Yeah, but that's what is kind of great about him. He's very aware of everything and constantly questions why certain things are done the way they are by the NBA. He's great.

  5. We don't miss Milner, we miss Milner's replacement.


    A player good as Milner will never play for this f***ing club.


    Geremi, Jonas and N'Zogbia all play for this club and are all infinitely better than Milner.


    Duh ...

  6. I really didnt expect this to happen in a night, but its soon gone three weeks, and there is only a nigerian consormption who has unvieled their interest!


    Think the word your looking for is consumption.


    "A Nigerian consumption ... " is what you're after.



  7. Milner was in no way AWFUL for us! He wasn't great but more than an adequate squad player.


    In the time he was with us he outperformed a lot of arguably technically better players we've had.


    He couldn't outperform Geremi, and that was enough of a reason for him to be moved on.


    Who are these more technical players he has outperformed anyway?

  8. Milner was in no way AWFUL for us! He wasn't great but more than an adequate squad player.


    Well he was an adequate squad player I would much rather do without.


    The issue was our failure to get in a replacement. There is no point whining about still having him here, as he would in no way be a half decent fill in for Jonas.




    What a daft thing to say.


    What we need is a decent player for cover, not a player with no pace, no crossing ability and no brain.


    If Kevin and the board weren't squabbling over their Shweinstigers and Skjelbreds then I'm sure this injury wouldn't be as much of a problem.


    That is the point. Milner was awful for us and indirectly cost us a lot of points by failing to capitalise when he was in decent positions.


    Seriously shut up about James Milner. He was rubbish.

  10. I believe Fashsanu works in the Nigerian media nowadays.


    So if there is talk of Nigerian media moguls beign involved I wouldn't be surprised if he has a hand in this too.


    It actually wouldn't be far fetched to see him installed as chairman, due to his prem experience.



  11. One Nigerian buying the club would be somewhat scary but a lot easier to deal with.


    A bunch of Nigerian business men though? All with their differrent agedas etc.


    I'm very scared. The simple fact they are prepared to pay the £400 million is enough of a red flag. Have they even looked into what the club should actually cost?


    If it does happen, Ijust hope they have their stuff together and realise exactly what it is they are doing.

  12. How depressing is it that the new Man City owners first choice for a club to buy was Newcastle? Thanks for turning them down Mike.  :weep:


    It's more depressing that apart from Robinho they haven't bought anybody we couldn't have got, and that we could have got Mark Hughes in January.



  13. Spurs groupies where art though now???


    Tottenham are flat out shocking. Hated it how people kept going on about how we ought to be buying the players they were all summer.


    They are embarrassing.


    Just a shame they have the fortune to be playing us in our current state this Wednesday.

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