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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The majority of our players are pretty much bastards.


    They're just reminding us how bad they really are both in terms of ability and character. They will pretty much take any excuse they can to not to do their jobs. They're taking advantage of the situation at the club as an excuse not to deliver on the pitch. Bastards.


    At the end of the day they are getting paid a hell of a lot of money to play for Newcastle United and not Kevin Keegan. They're is noe excuse for this poor of a performance. Ever.


    This is the squad Keegan said only needed a few changes to at the end of last season? Bunch of bollox. I despise the majority of them immensely.


    It's part of the reason I wished Ashley had managed to clear them all out when he wanted to and bring in younger hungrier players. They have all gone so stale.


    They are pathetic.

  2. The guy has basically confirmed that the club is definitely set to be sold early next week and the takeover should go on till around the end of October.


    Therefore, the fans have what they want. Joe is basically just stepping in till this whole process is completed, as Houghton is struggling mightily.


    I'm not disgusted at all, well I am, but only by Daves coming out party.


    Good luck to Joe. He's a good guy, and I admire him a whole lot for doing this.


    It would be hilarious if he won all his games and had us playing like Brazil. Wonder whta would happen then ...



  3. Well at least he is brave enough to get himself involved in this mess.


    Personally, I appreciate the fact he's willing to come in and try to help us out, considering the number of other managers who are unwilling to do so.


    Cheers Joe and all the best.




    Keep Taylor and Butt on the bench and my heart is yours.

  4. What makes me sick to my stomach is that as long as we continue to employ British managers they will continue to put Taylor in the first team when he clearly isn't good enough. We all make so much fun of Dawson but Taylor is essentially the same level of player. It's embarrassing.


    But hey! He's a Geordie so he understands the club and should be in the first team. He's an England under 21 international so therefore he must be good enough right? He has prem experience and therefore he will surely do better than the foreignersright?


    Whatever happened to just using your freakin' eyes to recognise he is a bloody mess out on that pitch and instills no confidence in anyone.


    It was so bloody easy. All we had to do was keep Faye and pair him with Coloccini to form what would have been a respected centre back pairing. How we messed it up I will never know. Faye was a cheap purchase who couldn't have been on major wages. Why sell him? Just so we could have the young Geordie in the team. Well he sucks and he will not be gettign any better. Still looks exactly the same as he did when he first came into the team, if not slightly worse.

  5. people are forgetting that Bassong is younger and already better than Taylor


    Brilliant point.


    Not to mention that this is his first season in the prem and he has hardly made any starts AND he was out of position at left back, where he clearly isn't as comfortable, although he clearly did a better job there than N'Zogbia has been doing.


    His flaws where in his attacking play and distribution, but right now it is more important that we are solid defensively and he was very good defensively.

  6. What's confusing me about SSN latest story on this is that they just said the Nigerians could take over in the next 48 hours in a deal expected to be around £200 million.  How can they say that when the bloke brokering the deal for them has been continually talking about £400 million?


    £200 million transfer kitty obviously.

  7. I loved what the commentator said tonight like. "In Steven Taylor, they have someone who really cares about this club..."


    I f***ing care about this club, but it doesn't make me a decent centre half. As soon as there's someone to come in for him, he needs a spell off the pitch.


    He gets a ridiculously easy ride off the media. Every time he plays they sing his praises which, when you see him regularly, is laughable.  Did they make any excuses for him on Sky tonight?


    Yup, they did.


    His performance was down to him being a Geordie and therefore being especially affected by the current situation at the club.



  8. I can take losing but not to them c***s. I'm absolutely f***ing sick.


    A few of our mob actually played quite well but some of them, Jesus Christ. Geremi was totally inept, Taylor is a total joke of a defender and Butt was finished three year ago.


    As for the pick of the bunch, tonight was the angriest I've ever been with Damien Duff. I can't believe we had the whole summer and we didn't flog him, give him away, tear his contract up or simply kick the fucker down a flight of stairs. A disgusting shambolic weed of a player who should never ever pull that shirt on again.


    I honestly believe if we had brought in a young foreign manager willing to be more of a coach, we would have seen Smith, Barton, Duff, Taylor and Milner go.


    I just keep laughing at everything now. I've gotten so angry I can no longer feel that emotion naymore. I'm just in fits of laughter at the utter patheticness of us.

  9. After watchin Bassong for 5 mins in the pre season I knew he was a better defender than Taylor. I was given a bit of stick for it, but I was confident of it then.


    Taylor is just a stupid defender. I am never confident in what he is doing out there. Diabolical player.

  10. N'Zogbia tonight reminded me of when I used to play football up to under 18 level and there was one player in every team who had more technical ability than any of his team mates.


    Unfortunately this player spent ninety minutes running with the ball with no attacking penetration, just wanting the ball stuck to his feet so he could look good.


    We've now made 3 very poor teams look at worst competant. Thats not good enough.


    We need a manager in now. The takeover can wait if it means we can get some direction again.


    I just can't think of anyone who would take it right now


    Zoggy is talented but is a head down player. Put the right players around him and he is useful. However, relying on him to do anymore than put his head down run at people and try to make somethign happen and he will never deliver.

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