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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. As the title says really. We've protested and forced Ashley to try and sell but now it seems he won't be selling any time in the next month or so atleast, no decent manager will come here with the instability and Ashley not funding us anymore likely means no major recruits in January.


    Have we massively overplayed our hand and put ourselves in a situation where we really are in deep, deep trouble.



    Do you think many decent mangers would have come and accepted Dennis Wise telling them which players they are getting?


    No different to last January then.


    Zico and Terim have shown interest.

  2. I love the irony of Hughton getting stick for a poor performance, when he didn't compile the squad of players he's working with*. What would be the difference if Keegan was still here?


    *Hilariously he probably had some input, of course.


    The fact is there are players on the bench who should be on the field.


    Hughton cannot be blamed because he didn't apply for the manager job, but he has done a bad job of putting out the right teams.


    Edgar? When bassong is on the bench?


    Cacapa in midfield?


    Crazy stuff.

  3. No matter what happened I find it so hard to accept that Keegan was happy to let this happen.


    He knew the players would crumble like this surely.


    How could someone who loves the club allow this? Surely he could have waited till the summer having started the season? Or he should have just left earlier in the summer.


    This is heartbraking. So so disgusted and dissapointed.


    Think I'll just ignore everything Newcastle till we have a new owner and/or manager. We are in big trouble here guys.


    still blaming keegan  :lol: :weep:


    this state of limbo will continue until the club has been sold, sadly. ashley needs to hurry the f*** up.


    I'm past the blame games. I just wonder why Keegan would leave at such an awkward time. If things were so bad he should have left ages ago. His timing has screwed us over very very very badly.


    I'm not even sure Ashley is in a hurry to sell the club tbh. I'm a bit worried about it, as he is only going to be looking out for his own interests. Getting the club relegated won't be in his best interests but what is to stop him waiting until at least January to get what he wants?


    We could be in this state for a long while yet, which is just so demoralising.

  4. No matter what happened I find it so hard to accept that Keegan was happy to let this happen.


    He knew the players would crumble like this surely.


    How could someone who loves the club allow this? Surely he could have waited till the summer having started the season? Or he should have just left earlier in the summer.


    This is heartbraking. So so disgusted and dissapointed.


    Think I'll just ignore everything Newcastle till we have a new owner and/or manager. We are in big trouble here guys.

  5. Put on Bassong move Geremi to RB  Zoggy and Duff on the wings and get Nacho on.


    Geremi   Tayls   Colo   Bassong


    Duff   Nacho   Butt   Zoggy


             Xisco    Owen  




    We are obviously in a mess right now, and so what we need is to have the best defenders we can muster in defence so at least we don't concede goals too easily.


    We need Geremi at right back right now, and Bassong at left back.


    Besides we need Zoggy's pace in a mire forward role.


    It's such a joke.

  6. f***ing hell.


    Don't get me started on that self obssessed pug nosed w*****.


    I'd not realized how grim things are up there if any of you think o'dreary is a good move.


    I'm speechless




    O'Leary disgusts me.


    Jokes aside i would rather have Souness.


    I would rather have Denns Wise take over temporarily.


    O'Leary is repulsive.

  7. Spurs are just bad.


    Everyone going gaga over their signings but here we are again. They are rock bottom of the league, except now they don't have Keane and Berbatov to bail them out. Should be interesting.


    Modric is looking like a monumental bust. Still hasn't done anything since he has joined. He's the kind of player that would have gone to Arsenal and looked outstanding, but you surround him with the likes of Jenas and Zokora and he looks awful.


    Ridiculous stuff.

  8. I would much prefer an American owner like Lerner rather than these mid east people.


    Bill Gates would be awesome. At least he's someone who we all know.


    These random names out of Dubai etc all fill me with uncertainty.


    How much did you know about Lerner before he bought Villa?


    He owns the Cleveland Browns, just as the Glazers own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


    I follow a lot of American sports, as I went to school over there for a number of years, so I knew of them already.


    Americans just have such a strong sporting culture that I am a lot more comfortable with them.


    So what sports did Bill Gates play at college? Which "franchises" is he involved with these days?


    It's a cultural thing. I think your missing the point.



  9. I would much prefer an American owner like Lerner rather than these mid east people.


    Bill Gates would be awesome. At least he's someone who we all know.


    These random names out of Dubai etc all fill me with uncertainty.


    How much did you know about Lerner before he bought Villa?


    He owns the Cleveland Browns, just as the Glazers own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


    I follow a lot of American sports, as I went to school over there for a number of years, so I knew of them already.


    Americans just have such a strong sporting culture that I am a lot more comfortable with them.

  10. Keegan wallked away once before to get his way.


    I'm pretty sure he thought he could do it again but this time they called his bluff and now the club is in ruins.


    Keegan has been incredibly irresponsible, immature and selfish


    People say the squad is weaker and the owner etc didn't do enough to fix this.


    Yeah, probably because everytime they suggested a player who fit the criteria of what they wanted Keegan threatened to quit, till they finally had enough and told him to get the hell out.


    Keegan was familiar with the likes of Modric and Nasri who he admits we went for, but these guys are already well known and so were always going to be tougher to get. I'm sure there were others, who the recruitment team suggested who would have been easier to get but not as well known to Keegan, and he didn't want them.


    Holding on to the likes of Smith and Barton also was ridiculous, as it could have freed up a lot of money to be invested int he squad, especially as these players have contributed so little. Keegan I'm sure is just as much to blame for the state of our current squad.


    Keegan is a diva and a drama queen, who cannot see anyone elses point of view if it doesn't agree with his. His answer to any difference of opinion is to threaten to quit. Keegan is like a little kid.


    If we had appointed, for example, Deschamps or Toral, back when Allardyce was sacked, we would have all been a lot happier with everythign right now.


    Keegan is a disgrace.


    Kaka, there's a fuckload of conjecture in there mate, you're jumping to conclusions about what happened in the same way 'the other side' are about what the 'cockney mafia' did to KK


    i think KK couldn't have predicted this reaction and result myself so you're being very harsh on the man...although i agree that he should have stuck it out for a while and took care of the day to day stuff and left at a more opportune moment


    doesn't really help now does it though?


    That's the whole point. I'm sick of the claims of what the cockney mafia did, and so I'm showing how easy it is to do it the other way too.


    The scenario I described is just as plausible as the other nonsense regarding Ashley etc

  11. Keegan wallked away once before to get his way.


    I'm pretty sure he thought he could do it again but this time they called his bluff and now the club is in ruins.


    Keegan has been incredibly irresponsible, immature and selfish


    People say the squad is weaker and the owner etc didn't do enough to fix this.


    Yeah, probably because everytime they suggested a player who fit the criteria of what they wanted Keegan threatened to quit, till they finally had enough and told him to get the hell out.


    Keegan was familiar with the likes of Modric and Nasri who he admits we went for, but these guys are already well known and so were always going to be tougher to get. I'm sure there were others, who the recruitment team suggested who would have been easier to get but not as well known to Keegan, and he didn't want them.


    Holding on to the likes of Smith and Barton also was ridiculous, as it could have freed up a lot of money to be invested int he squad, especially as these players have contributed so little. Keegan I'm sure is just as much to blame for the state of our current squad.


    Keegan is a diva and a drama queen, who cannot see anyone elses point of view if it doesn't agree with his. His answer to any difference of opinion is to threaten to quit. Keegan is like a little kid.


    If we had appointed, for example, Deschamps or Toral, back when Allardyce was sacked, we would have all been a lot happier with everythign right now.


    Keegan is a disgrace.

  12. With all that has gone on today, and with it being over soon, definitely NOT!


    I couldn't bear this crap happening again, and with Keegan it is always a possibility. The man just isn't stable.


    We can't have everyone else at the club constantly walking on eggshells so as not to upset Keegan, because he could quit and turn the whole city upside down. Sometimes it is okay to have a diufference of opinion and to thrash things out, the best progress is made this way sometimes.


    Hopefully thngs can start to calm down now and we can get a calmer head in. Hope we don't make the same mistake twice.

  13. Nice one Luca.


    Very happy to hear that about Nacho. Hope he turns out to be an awesome addition for us. I already know Xisco will be.


    Really hope Ashley stays strong and sticks with the current recruitment setup, despite the initial problems with the ex-manager.


    Just need someone to come in and calm things down now. We nned a manager desperately. Now that today is over and out of the way, in no way should we bring keegan back either. It just isn't worth the hassle.



  14. Thanks a lot Keegan!


    Thanks for ruining everything. If you are going to make it known you are interested in the Newcastle job, then make sure you have all the details first and don't quit after 3 games.


    I hope today's result made you feel really good about yourself.


    I hope it gave you that ego boost you were after.


    f***ing embarrassment.


    You really are.


    What part of the job description does it say 'work with players you don't want, no final say. shut up and get on with it'.



    To be fair, for all we know, it might have said that.


    Keegan's been a prick as well in all of this.


    If he is willing to still discuss coming back then he should have remained as manager and continued to discuss resolving the situation once Ashley had returned.


    Keegan is a freakin' drama queen. He sought out the job and should therefore not be so quick to call it quits. He's getting paid a hell of a lot of money for the job too let's not forget.


    Biggest mistake bringin him in. We could have just been moving along nicely now with a NORMAL manager.


    This is crazy. Could have been 4th right now.

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