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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Well ... I've taken in everything all through today now, and now I'm left here feeling like I honestly prefer what Ashley and his team want to do.


    Nothing has pleased me more this season than the performances of the new players we have brought in, particularly those who appear to have been recruited by Ashley's recruitment team. Sunday saw us add two more individuals who further seemed to be brought in by Jimenez et al. and both of whom seemed to be highly rated by their former teams, one of whose leaving practically had his former teams fans in tears. What has made this even more immensely satisfying is the fact that these signings were pretty unheralded and not overly costly or over the top, it felt good to finally unearth some gems of our own for once.


    If Ashley and his lot really wanted to get rid of more of our older players, who other teams wanted can we really blame him? How many times did we all lament their performances early last season when they were alll absolutely useless? Many a time we all wanted them all out and Ashley was sitting right amongst us, while we were all displaying our disgust at their performances. I'm sure he would have been more than happy to replace them with more of the sort he already brought in, who were already proving to be very succesful buys. Can we balme him for this?


    Why the hell is Keegan allegedly holding on to the likes of Smith, Barton and Milner anyway? I mean honestly! Owen I can at least understand to some extent, and even then, I would probably still prefer to see what kind of player could be brought in by this team to replace Owen, given the chance to do so.  Milner is an average player who we were offered beautiful money for and it was a no brainer. If Keegan had a problem with this then he's being silly. Smith is just awful and we should have accepted any payment for him straightaway. As for Barton ... I'm sure it took a hell of a lot of convincing for Ashley to bring him here in the first place and it was a huge show of faith for him to do so, and look at what Barton did in return. I think it was harsh of Keegan to demand for Barton to be supported, and the owner should have been allowed to let him move on if he wanted.


    All in all I really am beginning to struggle to see what exactly I should be mad at Ashley for. I actually like what he was doing and I would have loved to see as many as possible of the old faces move on in return for some younger, fresher and hungrier players in all honesty.


    Ashley has made one mistake in all of this, and it was in getting the wrong manager in. Not because Keegan is bad or difficult in any way, because I do admire him a whole lot, but because he just wasn't the right person for Ashley's job specifications.

  2. Why now though?! That's what I don't get. If KK wasn't happy with the way things are run, he's had all summer to walk out. If Ashley doesn't like KK's stance on Barton etc he's had weeks to sack him.


    This basically ruins yet another season and probably another summer's worth of business.


    This is waht I don't get. Should have sorted this all out ages ago.


    It's a real shame because I like Ashleys plans, but at the same time I respect Keegan as a manager.


    They just wanted different things, and they should have known it wouldn't work much earlier.


    I'm sticking with the club though. I don't think Ashley is a bad guy, Keegan just wasn't the best fit for what he wants to do.


    But what benefit is there in getting rid now, unless there's someone better lined up?


    Keegan probably started handing out ultimatums and threatening to quit. I doubt Ashley would have taken kindly to that.

  3. Why now though?! That's what I don't get. If KK wasn't happy with the way things are run, he's had all summer to walk out. If Ashley doesn't like KK's stance on Barton etc he's had weeks to sack him.


    This basically ruins yet another season and probably another summer's worth of business.


    This is waht I don't get. Should have sorted this all out ages ago.


    It's a real shame because I like Ashleys plans, but at the same time I respect Keegan as a manager.


    They just wanted different things, and they should have known it wouldn't work much earlier.


    I'm sticking with the club though. I don't think Ashley is a bad guy, Keegan just wasn't the best fit for what he wants to do.

  4. If this is down to Barton then is just so tragic. Are you kidding me?


    Anyway, if down to Barton then the media will likely make Ashley a hero, and Ashley will then sack Barton shortly, as he apprently hasn't been sold has he.


    Come on. Keegan is having a laugh if he's walked over Joey Barton. Sorry, but can't really defend that.


    God knows, maybe someone we were after refused to come here because Barton was here. Especially after his appearance on Saturday.

  5. I think this will be down to the Owen contract.


    The one thing that Keegan said he wouldn't be happy about was Owen leaving.


    I believe when we released that news about Owen being offered a new deal, it was our final offer, which was likely turned down.


    We then tried to sellhim most probably, and Keegan decided to walk with his captain. We then probably started accepting offers for Barton and Smith but couldn't get any of these deals completed on time.


    Micahel Owen's final kick in the balls basically.

  6. What I don't understand is why it took so long. If he wasn't happy with the recruitment setup then he should have just left earlier.


    I reckon we had guys the club wanted, but Keegan wasn't impressed. I think he rolled with Colo and Jonas because they were at least full internationals, but he's probably not happy with the likes of Xisco and Nacho.


    Who knows?


    If there's truth in this then the timing certainly doesn't make sense.


    Yeah, I mean why would it all come to a head on the very last day of the window?


    Especially considering Keegan said just a few days ago that there were no problems, and that if there were he would tell the Newcastle fans.


    This is all so weird.

  7. This club is just unbelievable. This would just be mental, as far as the drama that would come with it goes. We would get murdered in the press if true.


    However, I'll still stick with the club. The new owner obviously has a vision, but it needed a young manager who was willing to roll with the director of football setup, rather than an old school guy like Keegan.


    Aaaaaaah well. Here we go again folks!

  8. Let's wait till tomorrow.


    SSN never even reported this fellow for Everton.




    That's coz we're not sure if it has infact gone through, but there seems a good chance. £15m, what a joke. But my word, seems we actually have a pot to piss in?


    In response to a few comments I've read on this forum regarding transfers, and since I don't know who the mongs are (every forum has them), I apologise if I generalise.


    But f***ing hell, have some of you heard yourselves? Get a quality player like Coloccini, claim he might not settle, get 2 relatively unknown players today, write them off before they're given a chance. I mean seriously, you're lowering yourselves to the standards of people on some Everton forums.


    From the outside, you've had a constructive summer. No, not that star player, but a star player isn't going to make you develop any quicker than a few decent players, which is what you've got. Coloccini and Gutierrez look quality, and frankly you are pretty much on a par with Everton at the moment, due to the shower of s**** that's running our club at the moment.


    Chin up Geordies, a fairly canny season awaits, imo.


    That £15 million is a snip. I don't know if you've seen him play, but that boy is bloody impressive for a 20 year old.


    He has a massive presence and is great with the ball. He is only 20 but can go straight into your first team and serve you well for the next 10 years!


    Excellent purchase. Will be worth much more in a few years.



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