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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Just posted this in the other thread ...


    Sooner rather than later Zico could bring his attacking style to a major club in one of the traditional centres. If he does, there will be no compromise in style. 'I will never give up on football that is played well,' says Zico. 'There are too many defensive teams around, with players passing the ball sideways instead of going for it. I like my players to have fun and attack.'


    For Zico, coaching consists of two unconventional axes: number one, dialogue; number two, teaching through repetitions. 'I will never do as a coach the things I hated people doing to me when I was a player. For me dialogue is as essential in football as in life. I like to talk to my players and I never impose anything, I always give them the chance to make their own choices.


    'Obviously football also consists of tactical work, but for me the main thing is to show my players their potential and show them they are important for the team. I don't want them to listen to me and follow strictly what I say. I want them to have absolute freedom, take decisions and sort things out inside the four lines. That is my philosophy.'





    Good article and some insight into the type of manager Zico is  :thup:



  2. Sooner rather than later Zico could bring his attacking style to a major club in one of the traditional centres. If he does, there will be no compromise in style. 'I will never give up on football that is played well,' says Zico. 'There are too many defensive teams around, with players passing the ball sideways instead of going for it. I like my players to have fun and attack.'


    For Zico, coaching consists of two unconventional axes: number one, dialogue; number two, teaching through repetitions. 'I will never do as a coach the things I hated people doing to me when I was a player. For me dialogue is as essential in football as in life. I like to talk to my players and I never impose anything, I always give them the chance to make their own choices.


    'Obviously football also consists of tactical work, but for me the main thing is to show my players their potential and show them they are important for the team. I don't want them to listen to me and follow strictly what I say. I want them to have absolute freedom, take decisions and sort things out inside the four lines. That is my philosophy.'





    Good article and some insight into the type of manager Zico is  :thup:



  3. what concerns me about that statement is that there seems to be no forward planning whatsoever. its all very well to boycott the merchendise, but what will that achieve unless you boycott it for a reason other than revenge for keegan, its f***ing stupid.


    Ashley may not find a buyer for newcastle united, he may not even want too. also any buyer he finds may well be even worse than ashley. selling the club in this state makes that a distinct possibility.


    They need to come out and say what we expect ashley and co to do to end the boycott. otherwise we'll just look like a bunch of spoilt kids. if we don't give ashley and co a way out of the boycott then whats the point of doing it in the first place? dont say "to force ashley out of the club" because what if he cant sell or refuses too? then we're f***ed, because a sustained boycott for a long period of time will be very very bad for the club.



    If they came out and said something like "we feel that our confidence in them is severely damaged, we request measures to be undertaken immediately to give the club's running structure more transparency, we would like regular meetings with fanzones, the structure within the club to be changed... etc... then it might have some effect. (those we're just random requests we could make, i'm not sure whether i'd agree to all of them but i was just thinking of examples).


    there needs to be meeting with fans and club officials though imo, to straighten this out and get a better idea of what actually happened. in a dream world keegan could be convinced to come along, that would be ideal, but its not going to happen.






    I would probably support a boycott if they actually said what we were aiming to achieve by boycotting the club other than chasing ashley out with pitchforks.


    There are a lot of dodgy people out there who wouldn't mind getting into football and taking advantage of a club of ours standing.


    The fans could soon have something very real to cry about, and that would be a huge shame.

  4. At the very worst this is Mike Ashley's only major mistake since taking over the football club, and I think this is a massive over reaction and is quite frankly out of order, especially as the new owner is new to all of this.


    You are all just taking years of frustration with Newcastle out on the current owner, who has hardly had anything to do with it all.


    You are allowing a dislike of one individual in the whole setup i.e. Dennis Wise, as well as some weird dislike of Londoners/southerners to convince yourselves that they must all be evil and bad and seeking to destroy Newcastle United.


    This is all extremely silly, especially when no one knows exactly what has gone on and has caused the current predicament. It is all rather astonishing.


    Keegan resigned as manager. This is the only 100% cast iron fact we have.


    If the new regime bring someone else in and the same thing comes about and  there is still unrest within the club then I will feel there is a real problem. At the moment though, I am willing to give them a chance to move things forward, and it is a shame so many have given up on them so easily, seemingly because of this dislike for Wise and distrust of Londoners. Crazy.

  5. You'd have a job buying some of those with a £12m budget. I've got a gut instinct that Skjelbred fell through because of KK though.


    Skjelbred is s****.


    So how come all of football Europe rates him as one of the brightest young midfield prospects?


    Who bought him in the end?


    Who bought Arshavin?


    And to answer your next question of him being priced out of a move ...


    How come no one bought Arshavin when he was quoted as £6 million last summer?

  6. Wait ... so how come none of the anti Ashley and anti board stuff isn't "rank" specualtion?


    That's easy: The club's latest statements contradict their statements before the closing of the transfer window. Now we know that they lied.


    And we've all seen the interview with Keegan where he said the final decision to sell Milner was his.  More lies?


    i honestly dont think the major falling out was over milner. i think it was more likely over the barton/ owen/ xisco/ gonzalez end day antics of the board


    We might never know for sure, but if people are accusing the board of telling lies about transfer policy then they also need to look at Keegan's part in keeping the pretense going.


    If the populist view is to be believed then Keegan had little or no say in transfers for 8 months, but chose to go along with it.  We all know what Keegan is like and there is no way IMO that he would have stayed or stayed quiet for that length of time if he wasn't ok with the situation, and he certainly wouldn't have lied to the fans to cover for Ashley and co. if it was as bad as is being made out and he was genuinely unhappy.


    exactly edd - it all either points to something that wasn't cynical by the club but merely a breakdown over time between the parties involved




    keegan, as you say, was unhappy and had no say the whole time yet lied to the thousands of fans buying season tickets and let them pay 3 years in advance only to up ship and run at the last minute when it was all too late


    if you believe he was lied to from day one then he's equally culpable in this respect, no?


    Very well put.

  7. You rubbish what I say then in return exclaim that it was due to the fact the board were too stingy. Well can you offer any proof of that? No you can't can you.


    Apart from everything they've done since they got here?


    Like investing a ton of money in the academy? In revamping our scouting network? Clearing all of our debt?


    How much have we spent on our academy and why does it mean we can't afford to spend £6m on a premiership class left back when two different managers think the current one isn't up to it?


    Probably because that premiership class left-back is average, and is not worth £6 million.


    Also, we could have landed Atouba for £2 million with his contract running out. His club stated he was set to arrive at Newcastle on Saturday for a medical. The club had probably agreed a deal as an alternative, who was also prem experienced. All fo a sudden he doesn't show up and nothing else happened.


    Did KK stop that move also? Very, very likely in my opinion.



  8. Gomis, Arda, Derdiyok, Sahin, Gomez, Pandev, Garay, Veloso, Digard, Chamakh, Skjelbred and many more.


    There seemed to be quite a good number of promisingyoungsters who we were very strongly linked with this summer, and who it seems fit the criteria of the type of player the club wanted to see brought in.


    You have to wonder if this squabbling between KK and the board effectively meant we couldn't seal deals for a number of them, as I doubt KK would have been familiar with them at all, especially as it now appears this squabbling has been going on from pretty early on.


    I also imagine bringing some of these players in would have to have meant the sale of the higher earners who weren't really performing for us anymore i.e. Duff, Barton, Smith and maybe even Owen. However, these were also players KK apparently refused to let go.


    Only God knows what kind of squad we might have assembled this summer, had we not had KK in charge. You really do have to wonder.


    I'm pretty sure it was never a case of Ashley not wanting to invest more in the team this summer, but wanting to do so only after more of the high earners who weren't really contributing much, had been moved on.


    Tbh I think KK screwed us royally from that standpoint. Very frustrating.


    If that was true, why did he not also turn down Bassong then?


    The club managed to bring in Bassong in on trial first, and so Keegan was able to take a good long look at him. Unfortunately, this is not always possible for every player that is identified.



    Tbh I think


    I really doubt that you can


    We'll see soon enough won't we.


    If this board stays in place, I'm sure they won't make a mistake with the next guy they bring in. Then we'll see soon enough how the playing staff evolves.


    I'm just bringin up a point of discussion which is very, very plausible, bt because it isn't in line with the KK lovefest, you're getting frustrated.  Sucks for you.


    You rubbish what I say then in return exclaim that it was due to the fact the board were too stingy. Well can you offer any proof of that? No you can't can you.




    How much did we actually spend in the last transfer window? nothing! infact we made a profit. 15 teams in the PL spent a lot more than us, so yes I would say that was stingy.

    Now can you actually prove any of that drivel you spouted in the opening post.

    No you can't can you.



    How much money, how much money, how much moeny ...


    First of all, a succesful window is not judged by how much money was spent, but the number of quality players that were broguht in. I have been extremely happy with every single player brought in this summer. Don't hold it against the club, because they were able to identify good players who hardly cost us anything.


    Secondly, I would argue that we would probably have been able to bring in more of these types of players i.e. younger, more promising types who don't cost the Earth, if there wasn't this squabbling all summer.



  10. You rubbish what I say then in return exclaim that it was due to the fact the board were too stingy. Well can you offer any proof of that? No you can't can you.


    Apart from everything they've done since they got here?


    Like investing a ton of money in the academy? In revamping our scouting network? Clearing all of our debt?

  11. Wait ... so how come none of the anti Ashley and anti board stuff isn't "rank" specualtion?


    Have you all been down to Keegans for some tea and a chat?


    Get real. This is just as plausible as all the other stuff being discussed at the moment regarding the current state of affairs.


    If they have been squabbling about signings all summer, I'm pretty sure it caused us to miss out on a number of players, who fit the criteria of what the board wanted, because KK wasn't familiar with them, but then also wasn't able to identify alternatives who he knew of, that fit the criteria. When he identified Guthrie, the club brought him in.


    He identified Warnock and we had months to sign him but they didn't. What aload of bollocks.


    How the hell do you know that?


    Do we know how much Blackburn were asking for Warnock? People on here all claimed he was average, so if it's true Blackburn were asking for £6 million, then the board probably thought, forget that! And rightly so.


    Maybe, like many of us, they though Enrique, who they spent £6 million on, was just as good as Warnock! Ever consider that?Maybe they thought it would be better to just get a youngster in to give him competition? Maybe Insua? Maybe Pocgnoli?


    See I can make assumptions too.



    Tbh I think


    I really doubt that you can


    We'll see soon enough won't we.


    If this board stays in place, I'm sure they won't make a mistake with the next guy they bring in. Then we'll see soon enough how the playing staff evolves.


    I'm just bringin up a point of discussion which is very, very plausible, bt because it isn't in line with the KK lovefest, you're getting frustrated.  Sucks for you.


    You rubbish what I say then in return exclaim that it was due to the fact the board were too stingy. Well can you offer any proof of that? No you can't can you.



  13. Wait ... so how come none of the anti Ashley and anti board stuff isn't "rank" specualtion?


    Have you all been down to Keegans for some tea and a chat?


    Get real. This is just as plausible as all the other stuff being discussed at the moment regarding the current state of affairs.


    If they have been squabbling about signings all summer, I'm pretty sure it caused us to miss out on a number of players, who fit the criteria of what the board wanted, because KK wasn't familiar with them, but then also wasn't able to identify alternatives who he knew of, that fit the criteria. When he identified Guthrie, the club brought him in.

  14. You'd have a job buying some of those with a £12m budget. I've got a gut instinct that Skjelbred fell through because of KK though.


    I seriously doubt there was a £12 million budget per se. This was probably quoted to Keegan to emphaisze that we weren't looking to bring in big money signings.


    I also think had the board been allowed to shift the likes of Barton, Smith, Duff and even Milner earlier in the window, then we could have brought in an additional number of up and coming players in return.

  15. I'm not saying he turned all of them down, but I'm pretty confident his stance would have prevented us from moving for some of these players.


    The board would have been fighting all summer to try to get him to change his mind or give it a chance, up until the end of the window, when they just decided to do it anyway, as we were woefully short on numbers and it was crucial we brought at least a few more in.


    Once they did, Keegan legged it.

  16. Dennis Wise works mostly with Jimenez does he not? I don't think he is solely responsible for the buying of the players at all.


    Vetere is the man that oversees the scouting and he is very experienced, and then Wise assists jimenez in negotiating and purchasing of players. Jimenez is also very experienced.


    It's hardly a case of the club having just hired people who do not know what they are doing is it.


    If Wise and all were so clueless they wouldn't have landed the players they managed to this summer, all of whom look really good.


    They are doing a good job of identifying players, the issue was with beingin agreement with the manager on who exactly should be bought.


    People need to stop acting as though they have done a bad job, or as though they are clueless. It's stupid.


    never mind that, they are cockney wankers/poisoned dwarves (etc, etc...ad infinitum)


    It's so dissapointing to see such a simplistic view being taken.


    As far as i'm concerned, the only issue was in their differences with KK, which I am sure he was equally guilty for.


    Other than that, they have shown they are certainly good at what they are doing. Calling them all the names under the sun will not change that.

  17. Gomis, Arda, Derdiyok, Sahin, Gomez, Pandev, Garay, Veloso, Digard, Chamakh, Skjelbred and many more.


    There seemed to be quite a good number of promisingyoungsters who we were very strongly linked with this summer, and who it seems fit the criteria of the type of player the club wanted to see brought in.


    You have to wonder if this squabbling between KK and the board effectively meant we couldn't seal deals for a number of them, as I doubt KK would have been familiar with them at all, especially as it now appears this squabbling has been going on from pretty early on.


    I also imagine bringing some of these players in would have to have meant the sale of the higher earners who weren't really performing for us anymore i.e. Duff, Barton, Smith and maybe even Owen. However, these were also players KK apparently refused to let go.


    Only God knows what kind of squad we might have assembled this summer, had we not had KK in charge. You really do have to wonder.


    I'm pretty sure it was never a case of Ashley not wanting to invest more in the team this summer, but wanting to do so only after more of the high earners who weren't really contributing much, had been moved on.


    Tbh I think KK screwed us royally from that standpoint. Very frustrating.

  18. Dennis Wise works mostly with Jimenez does he not? I don't think he is solely responsible for the buying of the players at all.


    Vetere is the man that oversees the scouting and he is very experienced, and then Wise assists jimenez in negotiating and purchasing of players. Jimenez is also very experienced.


    It's hardly a case of the club having just hired people who do not know what they are doing is it.


    If Wise and all were so clueless they wouldn't have landed the players they managed to this summer, all of whom look really good.


    They are doing a good job of identifying players, the issue was with beingin agreement with the manager on who exactly should be bought.


    People need to stop acting as though they have done a bad job, or as though they are clueless. It's stupid.

  19. :lol:


    How could I forget!


    The trewatment of Martin Jol was so much worse.


    They were openly courtinfg his successor while the guy was still in a job.


    Didn't you also claim they weren't giving him the players he wanted, but also buying ones he didn't want?


    The nerve of you, honestly  :lol:

  20. Oh ... well that doesn't sound great re. Laudrup.


    Where's Jol? How legitimate are these Fatih Terim rumours? And what is the rumour exactly?


    Is he the one interested? Is he under consideration? Or is he already set to take over? Whats the deal?


    He'd bring Arda in with him as a pressie so that would please some folks  :razz:


    How legit?  No idea tbh.  I've been told by someone who's a mate of Paul Kemsley that Newcastle are seriously interested in appointing Fatih Terim.  And that is about it.  Don't know if he is your #1 choice or whether he is at all interested in taking over, but if he says that Newcastle are interested, then I believe that, hence my £20.


    FWIW, I don't think Newcastle under the current regime deserve a good manager.  How they treated KK is about as shabby as it gets.


    Cheers for the info.


    Regarding your last point, Newcastle always deserve a good manager because the fans deserve one, thank you very much.


    We can't exacltly help who is in charge of our club, so why should we suffer for it? Besides I am of the opinion that KK wasn't totally blameless in all of this, but we've moved on from that anyway.


    In a way I could see why they might want someone like Terim. He has a ridiculously strong presence and personality, and would be able to deal with the current climate. He would also be able to pull the players together and get them re-focused quite quickly.


    We shall see I suppose.

  21. Laudrup almost got Getafe relagated and basically told his players to f*** off after Bayern, no thanks.


    judging by reports I`ve read regarding Laudrup he did pretty damn well at Getafe and likes to play attacking football. He did sign Ruben De La Red and Esteban Granero too who were massive successes . Finishing 14th aint bad for a small team with a limited budget like Getafe


    here`s a snippet


    Laudrup took over Getafe following Bernd Schuster's move to champions Real Madrid and, after a difficult start, the former Denmark international led the club to one of their best-ever seasons.


    In the club's first season into Europe, Getafe reached the UEFA Cup quarter-finals before losing in heart-breaking circumstances to Bayern Munich, while they also reached their second successive Copa del Rey final before losing to Valencia.


    Nice ...


    I'm liking Laudrup as the number one option.


    I guess one of the good things about the next hire is that it will be someone familiar with exactly how everything works, as there can be nothing left to chance after this disaster.

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