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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We shouldn't punish the players for what has happened.


    I think more than ever we need to fill that stadium up and get behind them, it must be worse for them than it is for us at the moment, as they lose yet another manager and have to build up a working relationship with a new man all over again.


    We've also landed some top players, who chose to come and join our club this summer, and they deserve to see the best of us, their supporters.


    Pack the stadium, pay tribute to Keegan, which will let ownership know things weren't handled the best way, and once the whistle goes, give it all we've got for those players.


    After the game, we can then pay tribute to Keegan again outside the ground, and the ownership will get the message.


    It's time to move on, and not let too much negativity destroy this season.


    If we can get this right, I think we, the fans, will come out of this with a lot of credit. Ultimately, it is our club and we are what matters the most. It's a tough time right now but if we stick together and back the team it will truly show that we are the best supporters around.


    Newcastle are ready to fight Keegan all the way, however, with a source close to the board pouring scorn on his managerial ability, especially his lack of knowledge of emerging players and the transfer market. It was claimed that Keegan was only interested in signing world-class players, presenting the board with a wish list of signings valued at more than £200 million, including Ronaldinho, Thierry Henry and Frank Lampard.




    So, if this is true. What the hell should the owner and board have done then?


    Everyone has so far assumed that Keegan wasn't making unrealistic demands as far as targets go, well it turns out this might not have been the case, which is what I suspected to be honest.


    The owner clearly wanted a team of younger emerging players, and said this from the outset. What options did he have if Keegan then came in and started asking for these types?




    This must have been going on for ages it look slike, as we all remember the Henry quotes! I am shocked they didn't part ways much earlier as they clearly should have. It's no wonder we had been linked with Marcelino so far back then, as the club was probably already making contingency plans.


    Absolute madness from both sides.

  3. Newcastle are ready to fight Keegan all the way, however, with a source close to the board pouring scorn on his managerial ability, especially his lack of knowledge of emerging players and the transfer market. It was claimed that Keegan was only interested in signing world-class players, presenting the board with a wish list of signings valued at more than £200 million, including Ronaldinho, Thierry Henry and Frank Lampard.






    Guys I really think we are going to have to come to terms with the fact Keegan was trying desperately to convince the owner to spend the type of money he didn't want to and was ultimately unsuccesful.


    He wasn't aware of enough emerging talent, which was the type of squad we wanted to build, and therefore players were brought in for him.


    He was simply the wrong man to hire. He got caught up in a billionaire taking over as most did, and wanted a ton of big players, but this was never Ashley's plan.

  4. How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


    The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


    He's managed to persuade the club to pay him all his wages despite resigning has he? :rolleyes:  Do me a favour, go and take a walk on the highway with your eye's closed.


    It's been well documented that he'd have to pay the club compensation if he walked out, you can bet he's been negotiating his way out of it.


    Anyway, I've seen your post about not supporting the club anymore so it was nice knowing you, people like yourself won't be missed. :wave:


    Still think your DOF bollocks works ?




    Yes, just not with bottlers like Keegan.


    we'd better get David Gill or someone at ManU buying players above Alex Fergusons head then . See what he does.




    Mourinho and Jol left for similar reasons.


    Jol and Arnesen?


    Look, the system works if you hire a manager identified by the director of football.


    However Ashley's mistake was bringing in Keegan beforehand. Keegan did aparently let it be known he was interested and Ashley knew the fans would love it. However it was a huge mistake. He should have takne his time and hired a mangager after he had put the setup in place.

  5. Keegan didn't give it enough of a chance for me. At least he could have waited to see if thes players were bad or if it was too difficult to work with them, or if the team was faltering badly because of them.


    Don't talk s***. Who the f*** do you think gets the blame if they're s****?


    How often do we say of a new manager "he needs time to get his own team together" and you reckon that he shouldn't get the opportunity at all? Give your head a f***ing shake.


    Who's to stay the club didn't bust their balls to get the players Keegan wanted but couldn't for whatever reason?


    Did Keegan then offer up alternatives? Or did he not have any?


    If he didn't have any alternatives, should the club then do what? Are they then wrong to offer up alternatives and try to bring these in as long as they are good players, which they have been?


    My head doesn't need a shake. I'm thinking about this very clearly and rationally, without getting emotional.


    A lot of you guys need to calm down. Bailing out on the club now will acheive what exactly then?


    Keegan is a great man, but he is not God. I'm sure he has some faults as well, and maybe they let him down in this instance.


    Everyone is just assuming the club was hell bent on making his life hell. I am yet to see good evidence of this.


    We are now hearing Keegan was not even willing to take their offers of changes into account ... why?


    This is just an infortunate situation and we have to move forward, and continue to support the club.

    Keegan didn't give it enough of a chance for me. At least he could have waited to see if thes players were bad or if it was too difficult to work with them, or if the team was faltering badly because of them.


    Don't talk s***. Who the f*** do you think gets the blame if they're s****?


    How often do we say of a new manager "he needs time to get his own team together" and you reckon that he shouldn't get the opportunity at all? Give your head a f***ing shake.


    Who's to stay the club didn't bust their balls to get the players Keegan wanted but couldn't for whatever reason?


    Did Keegan then offer up alternatives? Or did he not have any?


    If he didn't have any alternatives, should the club then do what? Are they then wrong to offer up alternatives and try to bring these in as long as they are good players, which they have been?


    My head doesn't need a shake. I'm thinking about this very clearly and rationally, without getting emotional.


    A lot of you guys need to calm down. Bailing out on the club now will acheive what exactly then?


    Keegan is a great man, but he is not God. I'm sure he has some faults as well, and maybe they let him down in this instance.


    Everyone is just assuming the club was hell bent on making his life hell. I am yet to see good evidence of this.


    We are now hearing Keegan was not even willing to take their offers of changes into account ... why?


    This is just an infortunate situation and we have to move forward, and continue to support the club.


    Yes Kaka we know.


    You're an Ashleyite.


    Very cute Parky.


    I don't think I'm being unreasonable in what I am saying.


    It's very unfortunate people talking about sabotaging their own club. Turning on players who have just joined your club? It's not right.


    At the very wost the board has made a huge mistake, which unfortunately they were unable to correct by convincing Keegan to stay.


    Let's give them an opportunity to get it right then. I think they deserve that much at least, afterall they did bring in Keegan in the first place and initially it was great.



  6. Keegan didn't give it enough of a chance for me. At least he could have waited to see if thes players were bad or if it was too difficult to work with them, or if the team was faltering badly because of them.


    Don't talk s***. Who the f*** do you think gets the blame if they're s****?


    How often do we say of a new manager "he needs time to get his own team together" and you reckon that he shouldn't get the opportunity at all? Give your head a f***ing shake.


    Who's to stay the club didn't bust their balls to get the players Keegan wanted but couldn't for whatever reason?


    Did Keegan then offer up alternatives? Or did he not have any?


    If he didn't have any alternatives, should the club then do what? Are they then wrong to offer up alternatives and try to bring these in as long as they are good players, which they have been?


    My head doesn't need a shake. I'm thinking about this very clearly and rationally, without getting emotional.


    A lot of you guys need to calm down. Bailing out on the club now will acheive what exactly then?


    Keegan is a great man, but he is not God. I'm sure he has some faults as well, and maybe they let him down in this instance.


    Everyone is just assuming the club was hell bent on making his life hell. I am yet to see good evidence of this.


    We are now hearing Keegan was not even willing to take their offers of changes into account ... why?


    This is just an infortunate situation and we have to move forward, and continue to support the club.

  7. This setup we tried to install is for the most part, very succesful on the continent, where teams are so much better at identifying talent and bringing this talent through, before selling this talent to the premier league mugs for outrageous prices.


    All day I've heard Englishmen saying it never works. Way too stuck in their own ways, and not open minded to change or evolving.


    Manager and manager only.


    4-4-2 and 4-4-2 only.


    Gerrard in centre midfield. Players in one position and one position only.


    etc etc etc.


    Very frustrating.


  8. If the club's bigger than any player, then it's bigger than any manager too, so please let's not talk of turning our backs on NUFC. To be sure this is a shocking and tragic episode, but if KK's tenure was going to have a bad ending (as has seemed almost inevitable over the past few days), then it's better that it's happened now than a couple of tumultuous weeks or months down the track.


    God only knows who will take over the manager's role (surely Ashley wouldn't / couldn't give it to Wise?), but imo there's some wisdom in the saying that "the graveyards are full of indispensable men", and I feel that we now need to throw whatever support we can muster behind whoever is foolish, brave, or desperate enough to pick up the poison chalice.


    As hard as it might be in the heat of this awful moment, I think it's also worth remembering that many of us (myself included) weren't convinced that KK's return was such a great idea in the first place, partly because we feared it might again end in tears (even if nobody could have foreseen this specific disaster), and partly because we felt that there might be more suitable (albeit less romantic) candidates to choose from. Ashley and co now have to start on the long road to redeeming themselves by finding just such a candidate.


    Top post my friend.


    People have to be rational here.


    This reaction is embarrassing.


    The media are loving it.


    To think Ashley was the one that brought the man back in the first place. I am pretty sure he did his best to make things work.


    Keegan is out of order.


    God knows what clubs wanted for the players Keegan wanted? Should Ashley have brought them in regardless? Just because Keegan demanded it?


    I'm sure they tried, but if not possible then surely they had to look at other options making use of a quality scouting network?


    He was given good players, who he was getting the best out of and things had started out brilliantly and he still wasn't happy.


    It's not an ideal world, things aren't always perfect, sometimes you have to show a little faith and be out of your comfort zone a little bit.


    Keegan didn't give it enough of a chance for me. At least he could have waited to see if thes players were bad or if it was too difficult to work with them, or if the team was faltering badly because of them.


    Keegan bailed out way too quickly for me. I honestly don't think the board had any bad intentions whatsoever.



  9. I'm dissapointed in Kevin Keegan.


    I honestly believe everything was laid out in front of him and he signed up for it.


    Players were imposed on him because the ones he wanted did not fit the profile of what he himself agreed to, and so he was given alternatives which our scouts had identified.


    Every player brought in so far has been very promising, so it's not as though he wasn't being provided with quality alternatives.


    Not impressed by Keegan's choice to resign at all. Shouldn't have agreed to things in the first place.








    Hey pal, he was told how it would be from the outset.


    I seriously doubt that Ashley then did anything differently.


    They met after Keegan's rant and Ashley intervened to try and make things better for Keegan, and Keegan claimed he was happy with things.


    Yet here we are. Keegan has left because he just wanted things differently to what he agreed to.


    People talking about boycotting the club are being ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.



  10. I'm dissapointed in Kevin Keegan.


    I honestly believe everything was laid out in front of him and he signed up for it.


    Players were imposed on him because the ones he wanted did not fit the profile of what he himself agreed to, and so he was given alternatives which our scouts had identified.


    Every player brought in so far has been very promising, so it's not as though he wasn't being provided with quality alternatives.


    Not impressed by Keegan's choice to resign at all. Shouldn't have agreed to things in the first place.

  11. I want the club back.


    I'm at the point now where I'm not hung up on this Keegan stuff anymore.


    I don't think Ashley's ideas are so outrageous or wrong that it justifies breaking up all that has been put together just for the sake of one man, not this soon into proceedings anyway.


    Quite frankly it would just be a lot easier right now if Keegan left. That is the plain and simple truth.


    It's bloody unfortunate, and it definitely sucks on a lot of levels, but hey, this is what it is.



  12. This is basically what the new regimes gripe is.


    I think Ashley and his team took a look at them all through last season and thought to themselves, hang on a minute these lot are on how much? And for doing what exactly?


    They were all a bloddy disgrace performance wise last year, and I am in no doubt the new regime felt like they could replace them all with better players who would cost less and would be on smaller wages.


    Jonas has proved this, Coloccini is already proving this, guthrie is already proving this, bassong certainly looks like he could also.


    Unfortunately for them, I think they wrongly assumed that they could easily convince Keegan of this strategy. However I think Keegan strongly believes in having some players who are premiership experienced, but this is very hard to achieve for the kind of price range and salary range the new regime wanted.


    Hence the big issues. An absolute mess.


  13. I was also just thinking back to the Keegan rant after the Chelsea game today ... what was that about back then?


    It seemed as though he was already resisting the agreed upon direction back then. It's as though he just couldn't accept having to slowly build up to the top fours level.


    He was complaining about never speaking to the owner, despite Ashley already stating that he didn't really want to be involved with the running of the club and would therefore hire people to do that for him, whcih quite honestly, is fair enough.


    Lets also remember that a meeting was already held last week Wednesday, where I am pretty sure serious discussions took place. Then again on Sunday, Monday and up till now?!


    Embarrassingly enough, it seems as though this mess has been ongoing all along, just as the papers kept saying.


    Has this pretty much been a stare down all along to see if the club would sack Keegan first, or if he would quit first?


    Bloody insane!


  14. The longer this silence, especially Keegan's, goes on the more I'm inclined to agree with those who say Keegan and his lawyers are now playing hardball as to his "pay-off." They'll be up to their eyeballs discussing legalities and  points of view semantics about "We didn't sack you mate.." along with "Well, I sure as hell didn't resign." then "But you walked out!" replied by "But I never went anywhere!" If this whole episode was about rules of responsability within the new structure of the club it would have been sorted within the first few hours of the dispute arising. Keegan may have reasoned that by playing the same game twice - walking out - the Board would go into instant panic mode and beg him to come back like last time. Maybe this time there's a bulllet in the chamber with his name on it.


    If Keegan stays I'm sure Ashley will not forget or forgive this slight.




    I'm beginning to lean this way too.


    I think Keegan threatened to quit over something and they called his bluff.


    I'm also beginning to think this might have happened late Saturday or very early Sunday, after which the board decided to sell off the players they would have prefered to this summer, but who they had kept because Keegan requested it. The likes of Owen, Smith and Barton.


    It was just so weird the way they were all suddenly rumoured to be available on Sunday I thought. It was as though Keegan had already gone by then.




    The issue is not will/won't Keegan return as Newcastle manager but the situation the club will face if/when he does. There will be a fracture along management lines within the operating structure of the club. The Board will basically have a "maverick" in charge of the most important aspect of the business. There is no way Ashley will find this acceptable. Instructions will be issued to undermine and get rid of Keegan asap. If Keegan thinks the last transfer window was a pain in the arse wait until January.


    I agree. I think Keegan is done.


    If this is the case, we'll just have to wait and see what happens next.


    I'll still be supporting the club and the team though. I love Keegan, but I'm pretty sure he isn't totally blameless in all this. I just find that very hard to believe. I won't be boycotting just because he's left that's for sure.


    I'm really just sick of all this.


    If Keegan is toast, get a manager in who the Jimenez, Wise and Vetere identify, who is happy with the setup, and lets move forward quickly.


    This is just bloody boring now.

  15. The longer this silence, especially Keegan's, goes on the more I'm inclined to agree with those who say Keegan and his lawyers are now playing hardball as to his "pay-off." They'll be up to their eyeballs discussing legalities and  points of view semantics about "We didn't sack you mate.." along with "Well, I sure as hell didn't resign." then "But you walked out!" replied by "But I never went anywhere!" If this whole episode was about rules of responsability within the new structure of the club it would have been sorted within the first few hours of the dispute arising. Keegan may have reasoned that by playing the same game twice - walking out - the Board would go into instant panic mode and beg him to come back like last time. Maybe this time there's a bulllet in the chamber with his name on it.


    If Keegan stays I'm sure Ashley will not forget or forgive this slight.




    I'm beginning to lean this way too.


    I think Keegan threatened to quit over something and they called his bluff.


    I'm also beginning to think this might have happened late Saturday or very early Sunday, after which the board decided to sell off the players they would have prefered to this summer, but who they had kept because Keegan requested it. The likes of Owen, Smith and Barton.


    It was just so weird the way they were all suddenly rumoured to be available on Sunday I thought. It was as though Keegan had already gone by then.



  16. From way back in May ... it really does make you wonder now.


    Marcelino in, King Kev out?


    May 25 2008 by Neil Farrington, Sunday Sun


    NEWCASTLE are again considering replacing Kevin Keegan with top Spanish coach Marcelino, according to sources in Spain.


    Talk of United’s interest in Marcelino began in March but died down amid their late-season mini-revival under Keegan.


    However, the Magpies are said to be one of a handful of clubs to have contacted Marcelino’s agents this week following his resignation as Racing Santander coach.


    And the Sunday Sun understands that United have been in regular communication with the 42-year-old’s representatives via a member of their new scouting network in Spain.


    Marcelino — full name Marcelino Garcia Toral — stunned Spanish football by securing a sixth-place finish for relative minnows Santander in his first season at the club.


    But he walked out on Wednesday, insisting Racing do not have the resources to fulfil his managerial ambitions.


    He has since confirmed that Valencia and “other teams” have spoken to his agents.


    But with Valencia having only just unveiled Unai Emery as their new coach, it seems unlikely Marcelino will start next season there.


    And he and Newcastle are directly linked through scout Pablo Longoria.


    Having identified several new signings for Marcelino at Racing last summer and during his time at previous club Recreativo de Huelva, the Sunday Sun can reveal that Longoria — thought to be just 21 — is now talent-spotting in Europe on behalf of Newcastle.


    And with the two men remaining close, it is little wonder that talk is rife in Spain of a United approach for Marcelino.


    Longoria is liaising with Newcastle’s technical co-ordinator Jeff Vetere in scouring Europe for bright young talent.


    But the young Spaniard has no professional background in football, with his apparently encyclopaedic knowledge of players across the Continent said to be gained from the Internet.





  17. Back to 4-3-1-2 for me.




    Beye - Colo - Taylor - Enrique/Zoggy (depending on the opposition)


    Jonas - Guthrie/Barton - Gonzales




    X.I.S.C.O - Martins


    (was it Mick Martin who was known as Zico Martin btw?)


    Exactly how I feel we will ultimately lineup.


    I love it.



  18. No way it would take this long if it was just about compensation.


    I think Keegan is looking to stay, but isn't happy about Jimenez and Wises efforts.


    Jimenez with Wises help are both responsible for tieng up deals after a player has been dientified i.e. Negotiating a fee with the club, and then agreeing on a contract with the player.


    I think too many times this summer they both failed to land Keegan's targets and have instead offered him alternatives, who he is not as familiar with.


    These alternative players have not necessarily been poor players, but you can only continue offer up alternatives so many times, while continuing to fail to land the managers targets.


    I think only Guthrie has been a Keegan target that was succesfully brought in.


    Keegan therefore isn't sure whether both Jimenez and Wise are making enough of an effort to land the players he wants, or whether they are essentially deciding on which players come into the club and pretty much just ignoring those he identifies.


    I think Vetere and the scouts will likely stay, which is key I think, as I believe the players Jimenez and Wise have opted for have come from Vetere essentially.


    However, I thin if Keegan is to stay then Jimenez and Wise will leave, with Keegan then being more in charge of negotiating player fees and contracts.


    Mourinho gone ...


    Avran Grant gone ...


    Sven gone ...


    Curbishley gone ...


    Mark Hughes has been told to get a top four finish this season? What happens if he doesn't?


    For all those praying for the Indian takeover, to save Keegan and make his world perfect, it is worth thinking about. What happens if Keegan doesn't deliver quickly enough?


    The only somewhat sensible new owners I see are Lerner and Ashley.


    We need to be careful what we wish for.




    Billy Davies, Chris Hutchings, Little Sam, Big Sam, Steve Bruce all went last season.


    The Premier League is a pirhana tank regardless...


    The difference being your list of managers went, with the possible exception of Bruce, for poor performance on the pitch, whereas Kaka's list of managers IIRC went for none football related matters such as interference over signings and player sales.


    Which is exactly what this whole mess with Keegan is about. Yes, I know he hasn't walked/been sacked yet but his position looks pretty much untenable now, he looks to have been undermined by the system that Mike Ashley put in place after hiring him.


    Which would surely put Ashley in with the same owners that Kaka is criticising.


    I find his post bizzare really. He put 2 and 2 together and got 5.


    My point was that if people felt Keegan was being undermined by Ashley, then getting in a new owner wouldn't necessarily change things at all, and might even make things worse.

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