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Posts posted by KaKa


    Mourinho gone ...


    Avran Grant gone ...


    Sven gone ...


    Curbishley gone ...


    Mark Hughes has been told to get a top four finish this season? What happens if he doesn't?


    For all those praying for the Indian takeover, to save Keegan and make his world perfect, it is worth thinking about. What happens if Keegan doesn't deliver quickly enough?


    The only somewhat sensible new owners I see are Lerner and Ashley.


    We need to be careful what we wish for.




    Yeah Ashley gets through 2 managers a year, he's much better than that lot of slackers.


    He didn't hire Allardyce.


    He hasn't sacked Keegan.


    Mourinho gone ...


    Avran Grant gone ...


    Sven gone ...


    Curbishley gone ...


    Mark Hughes has been told to get a top four finish this season? What happens if he doesn't?


    For all those praying for the Indian takeover, to save Keegan and make his world perfect, it is worth thinking about. What happens if Keegan doesn't deliver quickly enough?


    The only somewhat sensible new owners I see are Lerner and Ashley.


    We need to be careful what we wish for.



  3. Anyone would have thought Mourinho would be ecstatic to have the Shevchenko at the time right Teasy?


    He was the best striker in the world at that moment in time pretty much.


    Mourinho hadn't asked for him though. So what happened there then? Mourinho didn't look ecstatic to me.

  4. I imagine he'd be f***ing ecstatic about it if Smith and Barton were then replaced by Villa and Kaka :lol:


    Then you clearly don't understand Keegan or the situation at all.


    He wants things done his way and his decisions to be the ones that matter. He doesn't want other people making decisions above his head.

  5. May I also remind you lot that these billionaires will be even more difficult when it comes to making decisions regarding the playing staff.


    Hguhes doesn't have a say in half of the people being bought by Man City right now. It was the same at Chelsea, which is why Mourinho left, despite being the most succesful manager in their history!


    If this guy comes in with all that money, what makes you think he would want Brawling Barton or Stinky Smith in the team? How would keegan feel if he demanded they were sold? Hell, he might even want a more flashy, big name manager at the helm? What if this manager doesn't play football the way we like it?


    Come on now! It's not the quick easy fix you guys think it is.

  6. The money would be great, its sad but its the way football is going, and seeing as there is only one Wenger who seems to be able to do it without blowing massive money we may have no option but to be one of the massive spenders.

    Ashley seems that he does not want to be a massive spender so maybe a takeover is needed if we want to compete with top clubs.

    Its the foreign ownership bit that puts me off, so keep Ashley for now and look for investors not buyers..


    The myth of all myths to kill all myths that were ever mythed for goodness sake!


    He is a man like any other man. He has a passion for doing things the way he does and invests the time and effort necessary to do so. He has also surrounded himself with a large group of like minded people all pullingin the same direction.


    We can either do the same which is very possible, and by the looks of the types we have started bringing in just this summer, quite acheivable, or we could go the lazy route and become solely reliant on the whims and fancies of one billionaire.

  7. We can get all moral about it but this is modern football. From now on clubs are going to be bought and sold by rich businessmen around the globe and used as playthings.


    If it's a straight choice of being left behind and falling away from the pack or jumping on the bandwagon and winning stuff then I want to be on the bandwagon.


    Ashley is a rich businessman is he not?


    It is possible to build a succesful club which can stand on it's own feet and sustain itself. It's not like we are buying league 1 players for goodness sake.


    I don't think it is a good idea to have the future of the club totally reliant on one man and whatever his whims might be.


    If Roman leaves Chelsea then what? Just look at the state of their books. It's crazy. They would go straight down. No one would want to touch a club in such a financial mess.

  8. I have to admit that I would feel slightly cheated, after all these years of not winning anything, if we finally did it by splashing £300m on players.


    I know that sounds silly.


    How else are we going to win anything in modern football?


    How did Arsenal achieve it these past years?


    How did Portsmouth achieve it last season?


    I love what Villa are doing right now too. They seem to have the right balance, and are on their way.


    We have to be patient and let our owner figure this out. His heart is in the right place, and with a few tweaks we could really make things work in the best possible way.



  9. As for the story, i hope so, were never going to see CL football again at this rate. Citeh are nailed on 5th for the foreseeable, and a strong challenge for those 4 CL spots.


    Only way we will get there is to have the same kind of financial input.


    Just imaging this place if we had been taken over on the last day of the window and brought in Robinho and put a £50m bid in for Torres with a promise of 18 players just like him.


    Sorry but i want that more than loans from Valencia and unheard of players from Europe.




    Personally, I would be physically sick.


    Okay, maybe the current owner could do with a tad more splurging, but for us to go the Chelsea/Man City route? No thanks.


    It would be completely meaningless. A computer game world. No integrity. A continuous stream of overpaid and over inflated egos coming into the club. No chance for the youth. Sickening.





  10. This is kind of crazy.


    Keegan wants total control over all transfers? Then how come he took the job in the first place? I'm pretty sure that he was told about the setup and he was never promised total control.


    So he agreed to the conditions but is now trying to force a change?


    So now people are hoping for another takeover?


    How can we be sure these takeovers are for the best in the long run?


    Deep down I can't help but feel it might be best to get a manager in who can work with the structure in place.


    This is just all so insane ...







  11. Has Guillem had anything to say about the other fella yet? Gonzalez.

    He said something on Revista but I'm sure he didn't describe the player just revealed the details, he was bumming Jonas though saying he's great and said our scouts have done very well to secure Jonas,Colo and Xisco.


    I'll tell you what, I know a lot of people believe that if keegan goes , no one will want anything to do with us, but I disagree.


    I think a lot of managers would be very impressed with some of the players we have been able to bring in, particularly in Spain.


    Colo and Jonas in particular would have turned some heads. 2 youngish Argentine internationals with a good amount of time ahead of them.

  12. gullem ballaugue (sp?) was just on ssn, he seemed to suggest this lad was a right winger, said something along the lines of valencia signed him because jouqain threatened to leave, but when he decided to stay they 'had 2 players for the right wing position so let him go'


    I would rather go with the comments made by the Uruguayan fans than the comments of a Spanish UK based reporter who I doubt watches much Uruguayan footie. I posted the replies of several Uruguayan fans regarding Gonzalez in the thread earlier and they all said his main position is as a "attacking centre midfielder or can play on the left side of midfield if needed".




    fair enough, he certainly looked like an attacking mid to me on the comp


    I think he is an attacking midfielder who can either play through the middle or from out wide, similar to the likes of some of the Arsenal attacking midfilders like Nasri, Rosicky, Hleb etc.

  13. He doesn't want to go the Man City and Chelsea route, but instead wants to go the Arsenal route. It is his club and his decision. Unfortunately, the manager he has chosen has an opinion which differs in certain areas it appears.


    The Arsenal route, a manager who oversees the whole football side. I don't think we had that. Also if you had read some of Wegner interviews he says every player he signs is ready for first team football that is the one thing all signings must be able to do. Not all of ours fall into the category.


    My reference to the Arsenal way, was in regard to younger, hungrier players being recruited, for reasonable fees.


    Funnily enough, I think all of our recruitments have looked like they ought to slot straight into the first team for me.


    Under Bobby we had players who went on to become Young Player Of The Year, which of these younger hungrier players if any do you think could win that award.


    Spears (did he sign)? Ranger? The Italian?




    Those are academy players you are referring to.


    I'm talking about the likes of Bassong, Guthrie and Xisco.



  14. This whole day has been ridiculously depressing. Why the f*** does this always have to happen at our club. Is a little stability too much to ask? :undecided:


    I feel you.


    While everyone was tlaking about challenging the top 6 straight away, I was just looking most forward to watching Keegan type footie, some new exciting signings and no more threat of relegation or speculation and drama regarding the club.


    Oh well ...

  15. He doesn't want to go the Man City and Chelsea route, but instead wants to go the Arsenal route. It is his club and his decision. Unfortunately, the manager he has chosen has an opinion which differs in certain areas it appears.


    The Arsenal route, a manager who oversees the whole football side. I don't think we had that. Also if you had read some of Wegner interviews he says every player he signs is ready for first team football that is the one thing all signings must be able to do. Not all of ours fall into the category.


    My reference to the Arsenal way, was in regard to younger, hungrier players being recruited, for reasonable fees.


    Funnily enough, I think all of our recruitments have looked like they ought to slot straight into the first team for me.

  16. Good post, Kaka.


    I think Keegan bought into Ashley's vision just to get his feet under the table and was hoping that once in he could work it to how he wanted, Gullem Balague was on Sky earlier talking about how he is the wrong man for what the club are looking for and that they should move for one of the top young Spanish coaches (he did name them but I can't remember) who are not only tactically superior but are happy bringing through younger players.


    Every public tantrum Keegan throws and makes us look like a pantomime makes me think he's not the right man for the job this time around.


    I'd agree. Ashley was faced with a difficult decision after getting rid of Allardyce, because the fans were unlikely to take to a little known manager, and the pressure might have been too much. Keegan was the acceptable candidate, even though he didn't have the reputation of being a team player at all. As Kaka said, it's turned out to be the wrong call.


    Yes, another problem was the fact that the team was looking so poor and we needed someone who would hit the floor running and lift the team immediately, as we were beginning to look like real relegation candidates.

  17. Good post, Kaka.


    I think Keegan bought into Ashley's vision just to get his feet under the table and was hoping that once in he could work it to how he wanted, Gullem Balague was on Sky earlier talking about how he is the wrong man for what the club are looking for and that they should move for one of the top young Spanish coaches (he did name them but I can't remember) who are not only tactically superior but are happy bringing through younger players.


    Every public tantrum Keegan throws and makes us look like a pantomime makes me think he's not the right man for the job this time around.


    Very, very big point you made there.


    I have felt very strongly about this also, but didn't even want to dare to bring it up because I wasn't sure it could be discussed properly without being acused of disrespecting Keegan.


    I do think Keegan did believe he could get the owner and board to look at things more his way, once he got his feet under the tabl, as you say. I think he underestimated how strong their convictions were. I think he was fully briefed on the direction, agreed to it in all of the excitement, but now is not so hot on the idea, and wants faster progress rather than the longer term approach.

  18. I've hated him since day one. When I saw we spent barely any money during transfer markets I knew he wasn't putting much into the team.


    Damn!  :lol:


    Since day on huh? Okay.


    Well as far as the rest of your post goes, I think it is unfair to say he hasn't put much into the team. He just has a different idea of what "putting much into the team" entails.


    He doesn't want to go the Man City and Chelsea route, but instead wants to go the Arsenal route. It is his club and his decision. Unfortunately, the manager he has chosen has an opinion which differs in certain areas it appears.

  19. If I had to choose between Ashley or Keegan I'd pick keegan anyday and I'm sure everyone else would


    Not asking you to choose at all.


    I just think that it's an unfortunate difference of opinion between both of them.


    I'm definitely don't think the abuse towards Ashley is warranted that's for sure, as I feel his direction could be very fruitful too.



  20. you better have invested in a f***ing big tin hat man.






    imo if either keegan or ashley are here in 5 years time there's a very good chance we'll be in the CL, possibly sooner. i like what both are trying to do, but they may not be compatable.


    or they may still be able to work together. i hope thats the case, because both sides of the setups have the right idea imo, i just with each were a bit better at comprimising.


    People can say what they want to be honest.


    I am just speaking hoenstly, and I have enjoyed the direction we have been going in, and have loved all of the new players so far, and I think it is a huge shame that it could potentially be ruined, because of an argument over the likes of Smith and Barton being kept at the club.



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