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Everything posted by merlin

  1. merlin

    Now it's our turn

    Getting excited about comments from such self-humiliating wasters as Greaves is not worth the bother - Was a great player in his time, but any talent he had was in his boots ; clearly at the back of the queue when brains were handed out...
  2. Lucky ba*tard. I'm in SA and the game started at 12.30 - not good if you have to work the next day. I hope your mining boom continues - I might have to move over there. The Boom is forecast to go on for at least 20 years(although there may be a short hiccup in it because the Chinese may be making less if the US is in recession for long) - truck drivers in the mining areas are earning over $120,000 p.a. - not bad eh..? Many people earning big bucks ..
  3. Thanks to the end of Daylight Saving here in WA, was able to watch the whole game before midnight - and what a pleasure it was. The best display I can remember from a Newcastle side for some years ; every player did his bit(not before time) and Butt was immense - he and Geremi had possibly their best games for the club and whilst these players are not going to be part of the club's long-term future, they have probably helped to ensure Premiership football by their part in last night's performance. Martins also had an excellent match, using his pace to best effect and the combination with Owen and Viduka up front at last showed signs of working well. I cannot understand why some on here criticize Enrique so much - until later in the game, he was at least decent at LB, and although some long balls were wasteful, his passing on the ground was generally accurate.This is a young foreign player in his first Prem season in a struggling side, and I think the boy shows every sign of making it. Likewise, those Owen knockers should surely now be eating humble pie - 3 goals in 3 games, all of them crucial(the third in this game effectively killed Spurs off) have made a critical difference to where NUFC will finish this season.He is NOT the speedy striker he was, but he still has a devastating ability to get into goalscoring positions, and the finish in this game was superb, after a great link between Martins, Viduka(what a great dummy to give Owen the chance),lifted over the keeper brilliantly. Although he is not my favourite player, Barton also was excellent - his most effective game in a Newcastle shirt, and his pass to Martins, after breaking up a Spurs attack, helped to put the Icing on the cake . Spurs looked relatively uninterested, but I don't think they would have wanted to lose so heavily at WHL, so all in all, a great performance. We need a win over Reading now and the game against the Mackems could become much less fraught. This match was just a significant to the club's future as David Kelly's late late winner against Pompey 16 years ago - a win against Reading will probably be as significant as the last-day win at Leicester was in the same season.... Very well done to all concerned, and I am delighted for KK and Ashley ; both have provided great input to this club in their own ways.
  4. I reckon he will leave, either for Everton or Man C - and will do well for either of them, regardless of what some on this site think. He is NOT the player he was even 7 years ago, but still has enough in his locker to be an attribute to either of these sides. He has never felt at home at SJP and the move has not been a lucky one for him, apart from the fact that he has picked up big money without playing as much as he should have done - also, many fans have never taken to him because he doesn't fit in with their picture of a Newcastle hero. He is too calculating and , dare I say, 'professional' for many NUFC fans ; they prefer the uncomplicated, seemingly open attitude of people like Martins, even though he will NEVER be as effective a striker as Owen has been no matter how some keep going on about his supposed 'potential' which should have been apparent by now - Owen was a World star at 19.... He was honest enough to let it be known that he wanted to return to Liverpool after Madrid, and NUFC needed him at that time just as much as he needed them, so it was a 'marriage of convenience'. His goals may yet be a major factor in saving the club from relegation, and if that does turn out to be the case, he will have been worth every penny, despite his long absences in the past - NONE of which he wanted to happen. As to his replacement, I haven't a clue - I DO know that there has to be one, because if anyone is relying on Martins to score enough goals to keep the club in a prominent position, they will be disappointed. KK, you can be sure, will NOT make that mistake, but he will have a hell of a job getting a top striker to SJP, and not only do we need one of Owen's type, we also need a replacement Target man as Viduka is clearly getting past top flight football now.
  5. Disagree - the boy has ability ; he is a good passer of the ball and looks as if he has the temperament to develop into a good defender as well as possessing enough skill to support the attack. These qualities make him a 'KK full-back' as well as being a potential Spanish full International.
  6. Don't think thats ever been a problem really. We attracted the likes of Martins from Inter Milan and Owen from Real Madrid when we were s*** mid-table teams. Money talks these days really tbh. Neither of these are valid comparisons - Owen was unwanted by his No 1 choice of club(they, like everyone else, were not prepared to pay over the top for himand he also wanted to get enough football to enable him to get into the England squad for the WC. Martins is hardly a world star, and we paid at least 3m more for him than we should have done... It WILL be difficult to get the TOP players to join NUFC now.
  7. Seriously? Its complete twaddle. Gazza and Waddle only played for us for a fraction of the time Shearer did. Gazza & Waddle were better footballers(Gazza ine of the most talented ever), but Shearer had no peer as an all-round striker and gave the club 10 years service. Best value for money buy is between Lee and Kilcline - the former gave us 9 good years and was a great all-round midfielder, whilst the latter was the rock that stopped us giving away the goals that would have taken us down in 1992.
  8. In other words, whatever happens, appointing him was the right thing to do. If he succeeds, he's a genius, if he fails, it's someone else's fault. Well, it was certainly Shepherd, Hall Jnr and Fletcher who were responsible for appointing him the first time round. Shame that the majority shareholder Sir John decided to float the club on the Stock exchange which resulted in losing him. Being a PLC hasn't resulted in Man U losing Ferguson - also, I personally believe that it can be unhealthy for one family to own a club ; you yourself have rightly blamed Westwood, Seymour et al for the club's mediocrity before, and even though NUFC WAS a Plc, it didn't stop Shepherd and Hall Jnr from running it like a personal fiefdom when SJH retired, did it ? They were major shareholders, so if KK had had any faith in their ability, surely he would have stayed after Sir John left...
  9. A very interesting and well thought-out topic, Brummie.. My own views were mixed - remembered his first spell as manager with great fondness but felt that perhaps the hard-line tactical shrewdness and cold-hearted steely determination demonstrated by the likes of Fergie and Wenger was missing - possibly because he is basically an honest guy, which is a sad indictment on Football and life itself. This is possibly even a more difficult challenge than he faced in 1992 because he DID have some decent players(by then-First Division standards)to work with ; the likes of Kelly, Peacock etc plus very promising youngsters like Watson & Elliott..this time, he has a much less promising basis on which to survive and build a new side, plus the fact that he is 15 years older and has suffered some bad setbacks in his managerial career. I hope & pray(for the club's sake, esp the fans) that he succeeds in keeping us up, but there are no guarantees ; the next few games are critical - if we stay up, I reckon he WILL improve the side, but not as successfully as he did from 93-97..those days are gone as there is now too much competition. If we stay up, I reckon he will serve out his 3 years then leave as he will then be 60 - if he leaves us in a healthy spot with European football, his second spell as manager will have been a success in today's game. It would be sad for the memory of his first period in charge to be sullied by failure or relegation but football is an unforgiving game. I definitely want a younger ambitious manager next time, as we will not be able to get the top liners.
  10. Basically, the problem is a sort of reverse snobbery - 'You can't be a PROPER fan unless you were born on Tyneside' etc etc...it just makes these people feel exclusive - and they are NOT. All they are is small-minded - the sort who think we've had a good season if we finish above the Mackems... Then there are those who think you can't be a proper fan unless you have x No of pints before a game and a big curry before it... All this stuff is just SO pass'e - if we want to be a REALLY big club, we need to welcome as many overseas fans as possible, wherever they are from.
  11. merlin

    Newcastle Jets

    Your first assumption is the correct one, and there are more joining us every week...!
  12. Great STRIKER but not in Gazza's(or Pedro's)class as a footballer - he would probably tell you that himself. Milburn was also a better footballing CF than Shearer. The question is "greatest player" not "greatest footballing-skiller" Anyway, since when is hammering in goals like a madman not a "fooball skill." It's not just about fancy dribbles and passes. Since when did strikers score goals that they had ALL created by themselves..?? Ask Andy Cole how many goals Pedro made for him... If you had to pay to watch a goal-less game, whoi would you rather be watching - Gazza or Shearer ? Thankfully, I don't pay to watch goal-less games. ...but you do see plenty where NUFC don't score, don't you..!!
  13. Great STRIKER but not in Gazza's(or Pedro's)class as a footballer - he would probably tell you that himself. Milburn was also a better footballing CF than Shearer. The question is "greatest player" not "greatest footballing-skiller" Anyway, since when is hammering in goals like a madman not a "fooball skill." It's not just about fancy dribbles and passes. Since when did strikers score goals that they had ALL created by themselves..?? Ask Andy Cole how many goals Pedro made for him... If you had to pay to watch a goal-less game, whoi would you rather be watching - Gazza or Shearer ?
  14. Not a patch on Alan kennedy...
  15. Great STRIKER but not in Gazza's(or Pedro's)class as a footballer - he would probably tell you that himself. Milburn was also a better footballing CF than Shearer.
  16. You mean we are going to concede even MORE soft goals from distance because his successor is yet another second-rate buy? One day, we might get a team without most of the plodders we currently have, and THEN people will see how stupid they've been to think these players are any good.. Given has had his day - some players start going downhill faster than others and there is NO room for sentiment at NUFC..however I do think that there is a shortage of really good goalkeepers.
  17. We couldn't play that way to save our lives - these players are basically second-raters and when it comes to defending, THIRD raters.. Better to have a go than try to defend at SJP - can you imagine the field day the media would have about NUFC 'locked in their own half all game - terrified of Man U etc etc'.... Almost certain defeat - better to lose by going down fighting than playing chicken all game.
  18. The hardest job(apart from saving the club from relegation)is restoring any real credibility to Newcastle United F.C,- we are viewed as a joke club and it will take a long time to alter this. It also means that we will find it very difficult to sign good players.....
  19. There isn't a single party in the UK worth voting for - they have ALL sold the country down the river and the s--t is about to really hit the fan...hard times on the way.....
  20. End of the road for Gordon Brown, hopefully. f****** hell...nationalising a bank. What a complete bollocks he is...and as for that human-badger-hybrid Alistair Darling, what a total jockey. Dismayed, I really am. still rather them than cameron and osbourne. Aye, not much of a choice really is it? Like choosing between amoebic or bacilliary dysentry. Totally agree.
  21. Now THAT is one thing that might just make me give up on the club...!
  22. merlin

    Newcastle Jets

    Hmmm not really they had OK debut seasons but none have produced in any big games yet. All have been easily knocked off their games by early bruising challenges. Tahj Minniecon is another youngun that hasn't produced yet but may make it in the end simply because he has so much raw pace. The only on field player in the A-League currently who has shown signs of being good enough to make it in Europe is Joel Griffiths (Newcastle Jets). Natural striker, good finisher, golden boot of the league, bit of pace, consistent performer, good amount of arrogance about him. Carried the entire team for half the season. I think he's about 21? You'll probably see him kicking about the Eredivisie or Bundesliga or something similar next year. Vastly superior to Alan Smith... but lets not go there. Only other player who has shown enough talent to definately make it in Europe is Mark Milligan (CB Sydney FC), but he's had an awful few months and if he doesn't sort his head out is well on the way to being another Titus Bramble. Would be a shame though... No - Griffiths is 28, nearly 29(born 1979) .. has already been to UK with Leeds in 2006 and it didn't work out. The younger players I mentioned need building up physically(weight training would make a huge difference to Kruse' upper body in my opinion) but they have both pace & skill as well as being almost 10 years younger than Griffiths. Look at what happened to KK - when he was a young player at Scunthorpe he was small and lightweight ; he took up body-building and weights and the rest is history..I saw KK play at Darlo when he was with Scunthorpe and he looked nothing special(this was 1969/70)..two years later Bill Shankly signed him... Pedro was also ruled out because of his size when young, as was Bryan Robson....! Agree with you about Milligan though - needs proper defensive coaching in my view but has the potential to be a good defender.
  23. merlin

    Newcastle Jets

    Yes, I watched the whole game live and although they did play well today, the Newcastle United Jets are not the best team in the A League ; the team they beat(Queensland Roar) have been the most attractive side - Kruse and Zullo(who played well today, although I reckon Kruse is the more effective winger)are two of the best prospects in Aussie Football ; both 19 and with plenty of skill. Watch out also for Nathan Burns at Adelaide - another talented 19 year old forward.. The Jets are a good possession side on their day though, and today was their day - did anyone hear the commentator say that the ground is being redeveloped into a 45,000 all-seater stadium!?? I said on another thread that Aussie football is on the up...Newcastle are a decent club but they don't have the potential crowds that Sydney or Melbourne Victory have ; when those 2 met up in the first A-League final a couple of years ago, there were 52,000 at the game in Melbourne... Did anyone notice the sign being held up among the Jets fans saying 'NUFC' with a Star motif!?? Obviously some expat Geordies in the crowd(there are many former N/Easterners in Newcastle - even some of the suburbs have names like Jesmond and Wallsend...!). This is the club FS tried to buy back in 2002, but Con Konstantine, the club President, wouldn't sell although they were keen on keeping links with us...obviously that fell by the wayside..!
  24. Stubbins is a good shout Mick - great player and a big lad too ; saw him at SJP in 1992 when he was presented to the crowd as the week's former start player during our promotion season. However, for sheer natural ability, it has to be Gazza - never seen a kid of 17 with so much talent when he made his debut against Spurs & forced their keeper(was it Clemence?)into a brilliant save from a free kick. Could have been the bedrock of the England side for years if he had anything like a sensible brain - even in Euro 96(on the downward path then), he scored that great goal against the Scots, and what about the one at Wembley against the Czechs some years earlier...he had almost everything except common sense!! Beardsley was very close behind but he didn't quite have Gazza's outrageous talent - made up for it with his stability. If you think of players like these, I find it ludicrous that on another thread, some people are saying English players are rubbish & over-rated - they may be now, but who is to blame for that ? I give you a generation of teachers and politicians who have made a career out of running down everything about the UK and making it their business to ensure the place has no discipline or tough laws....there are no demands on kids to have high standards and PLEASE don't try to give me all the c--p about 'excellent A level passes' etc etc...the standards today are pathetic and modern A Level students couldn't even attempt the old O Level GCEs - 20% come out of school illiterate and that also applies to their physical standards, hence poor young footballers.. Is anyone trying to tell me that they wouldn't want the likes of Gazza, Beardsley, the Charltons, Bobby Moore, Colin Bell etc etc etc in ANY English club side , because if so - COBBLERS. Some on here, too young to remember, should be told that it took until 1968 before W.Germany, WC holders in 1954, managed a 1-0 win over England....results since have not been great have they, so why do people think that is ? A German super race, or something!? No, its because of the crap system both in schools and coaching of youngsters together with a culture of non-expectation.
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